Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 804: February 2 (to book friends "Jin Yiwei: Rong Rong"

  Chapter 804 February 2

  The Tang county magistrate finished writing the letter and sent it out, and then he went to the data room to check the data with Jiang Qi, "Look for a chance, we have to go to Qili Village."

Jiang Qi thought for a while and said: "In four days, the dragon will raise its head. There is a Taoist temple in Dali Village next to Qili Village. There is a temple fair on February 2 each year. It's very lively for a while, adults can go there if they don't want to be eye-catching."

   So he said that Jiang Qi was suitable for mixing his criminal names with him. He didn't say anything, he knew that he didn't want to make matters worse, and wanted to investigate it quietly. County magistrate Tang looked at him with a meaningful smile, nodded and said, "This is a good idea, then we will go on February 2nd."

  The sky was getting dark, and neither of them found anything, but the county magistrate Tang was not discouraged. He twisted his neck and got up and went back to the backyard to rest. He planned to go to bed early tonight.

  At this time, Man Bao, who was squatting at the gate looking at the sky, was sure that the fourth brother would not come back today, so he turned around and went home.

  Bai Shan saw that she couldn’t even eat the food, so he said, “The school is closed on February 2nd. Should we go home on the first day of February?”

  Man Baodao: "I only took three days off even after taking a break, so I can stay one day when I go home. It's too rushing."

Mr. Zhuang looked up at Man Bao and saw that she was depressed. He thought for a while. It's a child. If everything is like him, it will be bad. So he smiled and said: "Then learn. Lido will take a two-day vacation. I will go back with you. The temple fair in Dali Village will be held for two days, and we will also go back to join in the fun."

  The eyes of the three of them all lit up, and even Zhou Lijun on the side could not help but cheer in a low voice.

Mr. Zhuang stretched out his hand and patted Man Bao's head, and said with comfort: "When people walk in this world, they will always encounter many hurdles. At that time, you felt that you were too high to pass, but you were patient and persisted. No matter if you take a detour, look back in a few years and you will find that the level is nothing. Because there are always more difficult things waiting for you, and the hardships you have suffered before are the most difficult. One of the precious memories."

  Man Bao asked, "Isn't the memory of having a happy heart bad?"

"It's good, but if you have more happy memories, you can't remember it," Mr. Zhuang laughed: "The memory with humps is the deepest. It is not only bitter and sour, but also sweet, but also because of bitterness and sourness. , That sweetness is especially sweet."

  The four people on the table were all stunned, and obviously they couldn't understand it.

  The cook girl thought for a while, recalled her past, nodded and said: "Mr. said so well, I think about it this way now, the first thing that comes to mind is really painful."

  Bai Shandao: "The first thing I thought of was being beaten by Man Bao."

  Man Bao: "I also thought of being beaten by you first."

  The two looked at Bai Erlang together. Bai Erlang glanced at Mr. Zhuang with a guilty conscience, and whispered: "The first thing I thought of was the matter of being punished by my husband for the endorsement."

  Mr. Zhuang:……

Zhou Lijun said: "The first thing I thought of was that my eldest mother cooked the dishes later, and my mother poured the dishes she cooked in the bowl of the second brother into my bowl for me to eat, and then grandma took my bowl and dialed the dishes. I'm leaving, I have a lot of dishes made by my aunt."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded slightly, "So you see, you have a lot of happy things on weekdays, but how many things can you think of the fastest at this moment?"

  Man Bao is meditating.

  Bai Shan followed her after eating, and said: "Mr. is right, no matter how we are, your parents also love you. Why can't you get through?"

  Man Baodao: "I didn't think I couldn't make it, I just wasn't happy."

   "It will be fine when I get home."

  Man Bao nodded, she asked the fourth brother, the fourth brother may not say, but she can ask parents. "I don't know if my mother will tell me."

   "I will help you then."

  Man Bao felt quite relieved, and smiled slightly at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan can barely be regarded as a good student in the eyes of the Fuxue gentlemen, so it is not difficult to ask for leave. After two days of grinding, the student finally allowed him to take a two-day leave, so he could go back to class on the sixth day of the year.

  They have a ten-year holiday on the first day of the new year.

  The rise of the two dragons in February is the beginning of the recovery of everything. There are temple fairs everywhere, and activities are held in the more lively counties. Naturally, the county magistrate will have to take care of things even if they don’t attend.

  Luojiang County did not do it in previous years. This year, the magistrate of Yang County is absent, let alone do it.

  Because Huayang County is the Guo County of Yizhou City, there are some activities. Although it is not grand, the gentry and powerful people who cherish reputation will give up something.

  This year, the county magistrate of Tang is not in Yizhou City, and the county lieutenant and the chief book are in charge of the affairs, but these are all regulations and it is not difficult.

   However, Ming Jushi couldn’t help asking, “Zhihe hasn’t come back yet? Is he addicted to staying in Luojiang County?”

   Master Qi smiled and said: "He and County Majesty Yang are best friends. I heard that Majesty Yang is not good at criminal names. Maybe I want to take this opportunity to help Majesty Yang manage county affairs."

  Ming Jishi smiled and said: "He hasn't cleared up his own county affairs, how can he have that skill? Moreover, Yang Heshu is from the Yang family and has always been arrogant. How could he be allowed to intervene in county affairs?"

   Hearing the governor's response to the Tang county magistrate, Master Qi smiled and did not discuss the topic anymore.

  But it is not only the Ming governor, but even the king of Yizhou asked, “If you don’t see the magistrate of Tang this year, he is not in the city?”

The envoy Zhang Jiedu was taken aback for a while and then smiled: "He's going on business. The prince also knows that things in the county government are trivial and it takes a lot of effort. Now it's almost spring planting. It’s much more busy."

King Yizhou said: "Yes, I only knew the criminal name of Tang County's Ling Ai, and didn't know how to supervise civil affairs. After coming to Huayang County for the two years, the civil affairs were always handed over to Master Ding, but I didn't expect to suddenly take over civil affairs last year. To be able to do so well, obviously I don’t do less homework."

  Zhang Jedu made an embarrassing smile. Last year, he was in a position to calculate the resettlement of refugees in the fields in the hands of various families in Yizhou.

  King Yizhou obviously thought of this too, and looked at Zhang Jiedu with a smile and said, "It is also the Tang Dynasty's distinguished family and family history, and also the **** of Zhang and Ming Cishi. This is what I did so well."

   "These are all Tang county magistrates who have outstanding abilities, and Ming governor also loves talents. I am older, how can I manage these trivial matters?" So there is nothing to do with him. If you want to hold grudges, you can remember both of them.

  Yizhou Wang smiled, he was just a curious question, and he didn't take the whereabouts of the county magistrate Tang in mind.

  He raised his glass and looked at Zhang Jiedu, “This time the king is holding a spring banquet to entertain friends who come to Shu, and I invite Master Zhang to also attend a glass of water and wine. Wouldn’t it be pleasant for everyone to talk about poetry?”

   Zhang Jidu naturally has no opinions at all.

  Spring, it’s not this feast or that feast, he has long been used to it.

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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