Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 805: Accident

  Chapter 805 Accident

  The people in the old Zhou family didn't expect Manbao and the others to come back at this time. After all, they had only been out for 13 or 4 days, and the family was in panic at this time, and the atmosphere was very bad.

  As soon as Manbao and Zhou Lijun jumped in from the gate, the adults in the entire yard were silent.

  The children were very happy, especially the five-headed and six-headed ones. They ran towards my sister-in-law with their short legs, and plunged into her arms to eat candy.

  Man Bao took a handful of sugar stuffed from his pocket and gave them, and ran towards her father...

  Lao Zhou looked at her with a headache, "Why are you back now?"

  Man Bao was upset: "Father, you don't want me to go home?"

  Lao Zhoutou quickly said: "No, no, even you didn't say a word, dad was a little frightened."

  Man Bao looked at her mother.

  Although Qian was also surprised, she didn't show it on her face. She nodded and said, "Go wash, I'll let Da Ya clean up the room for you."

   "Hey, is Da Ya at home?" After Man Bao finished speaking, he saw that his sister-in-law was also at home, and asked in surprise, "Sister-in-law, isn't the shop open?"

  Xiao Qian looked at her mother-in-law, and smiled: "I will go home on February 2nd, so the shop will be closed for a few days. Are you hungry? I'll cook for you. What do you want to eat?"

   "Whatever, I love it as long as it is made by my sister-in-law."

  Lao Zhou’s family had eaten early and late. It was dark at this time. Everyone was about to wash their hands and feet and go to sleep. As soon as Man Bao and Zhou Lijun came back, they sat in the hall and watched them eat.

  Qian asked: "Why are you back?"

   Zhou Lijun looked at his sister-in-law, Bao Bao said: "On February 2, we are going back to catch the temple fair, and the school and the academy are also on holiday."

   "How many days are you coming back?"

  Man Baodao: "Go back on the fifth day."

  Lao Zhoutou couldn't help but exclaimed, "So long?"

  Man Bao turned to look at her father, more and more sure that something was going on at home.

  She glanced at the brothers and sisters who were sitting in a circle, did not ask immediately, but waited until the noodles were eaten, and then went to wash and change clothes, and then ran to the compound.

  At this moment, everyone went back to their houses. The courtyard was quiet, and the lights in the parents’ room were on for an unprecedented time.

  Even if the life of Lao Zhou’s house is better than before, Lao Zhou’s head and Qian’s still save a lot. They will never light the lights when they can’t.

  Man Bao walked outside the house of his eldest brother and sister-in-law. After hesitating, he still didn't knock on the door, but went straight to the main house.

  She knows that nowadays the family is still in charge of the father and mother. If she and Bai Shan are right, she is really not the child of the father and mother. The sister-in-law knows that she will not tell her no matter how much she hurts, so she still has to ask her father and mother.

  Man Bao knocked on the door.

  The couple who were whispering in the room had a meal, and Lao Zhou got out of bed to open the door, and when he saw Man Bao outside the door, he curiously asked, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

   "Father, I have something to tell you?"

   "Is there anything I can't say tomorrow?" Old Zhoutou said: "You are a big girl now, but you can't sleep with your parents anymore."

   "I don't want to sleep with you," Man Bao squeezed into the room, stunned to break through her father's stalwart body and get into the room, "Mother, I have something."

  Qian smiled and said, "Come here."

  Man Bao ran over immediately, and turned his head to raise a triumphant look at her father.

  Man Bao sat beside her mother and hugged her arm, Qian reached out his hand and touched her head and asked, "What's the matter, let's talk about it."

  Man Bao hesitated for a while, with countless questions in his mind, but he didn't know where to ask and where to start.

   Seeing Man Bao lowered his head and said nothing, Old Zhou couldn’t help asking: “Did you cause trouble outside? Did you hit someone or...”

   "No," Man Bao raised his head in denial, glanced at her father and took out the longevity lock that she had been wearing from his collar. "Father, mother, where did this longevity lock come from?"

  Lao Zhoutou and Qian were stunned. They didn’t understand how she asked about this, and they said, “It’s your parents who called you. What's wrong?”

  Man Bao lowered his eyes and asked, "How much did it cost?"

  Lao Zhou thought for a while, and said carefully: "It's not expensive, it's just twos and threes. Why do you think of asking this?"

Man Bao felt sore in her heart, and her eyes were a little red. She couldn't help it, and the tears went down with crackling. Lao Zhou was shocked, and quickly wiped her tears with distress, "What's wrong with you, you Was bullied outside?"

   Rubbing her rough hands on Man Bao’s tender face, she could feel the pain, but Man Bao felt more aggrieved, and tears fell even more fiercely.

  Old Zhou became anxious, and quickly looked at his old wife.

   Qian's heart moved, his mouth moved, and finally he just reached out and hugged Man Bao.

Man Bao threw herself into her mother’s arms and cried. After crying for a while, the depression in her heart dissipated a lot. As soon as she looked up and saw her parents looking at her with concern, she puffed her mouth and said aggrieved: "You all lied to me. , I know all about it."

  Lao Zhou asked: "What did we lie to you, what do you know?"

  Man Bao wiped away the remaining tears on his face, and said with a cry: "Father, do you know how much this longevity lock is worth?"

  Old Zhou head was stunned, "How much is it worth?"

  Man Bao originally wanted to say it was worth a hundred taels, but when she looked at her father, she said: "It's worth a thousand dollars!"

  Lao Zhou's head and feet weakened, and he held her shoulders to stand firm, "This, so much?"

  Qian also opened his mouth wide in surprise, and quickly asked, "Who said this?"

Man Bao said, "Master Tang said, he said that this longevity lock is not affordable for ordinary people. I also took it and asked the shopkeeper of Yinlou. This silver lock was made by a particularly famous silversmith, so it is very expensive. ."

   "No matter how expensive it is, it's only a piece of silver, how could it be worth so much?" Old Zhou murmured, "They don't have so much money either..."

  Man Bao heard it sharply, and asked: "Who are they? Yes, yes..."

  Man Bao’s tears filled his eyelashes again, and he asked, "Is it them?"

  Qian saw that she knew she knew, panicked in her heart, half hugged her and asked, "Does the Tang county magistrate also know?"

  Man Bao looked at his mother without speaking.

  Qian sighed.

  Man Bao tugged at her sleeve and cried, "Mother, just tell me."

  Qian looked at Lao Zhoutou.

  Lao Zhou sat down on a chair beside him, and was silent.

  The room fell silent for a while.

  At this time, Bai Shan finished his supper, bid farewell to his grandmother and mother, and returned to his room.

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and escorted him away. When he was gone, the smile fell on his face.

  The Zheng on the side was confused, and asked cautiously, "Mother, what's the matter?"

   "It's nothing, but I didn't expect them to come back this time. You should go back and rest first, and I will sit alone for a while."

  Zheng clan saluted and retired.

  Wait for the Zheng family to leave, Mrs. Liu then helped Grandma Liu’s hand and said, "Let’s go, let Da Ji come to see me."


Bai Shan came back suddenly, which was also out of Mrs. Liu’s expectations, and the child seemed to keep his promise, and he didn’t tell Mrs. Liu anything, so Mrs. Liu talked to him for a long time and didn’t understand him. Why ran back at this time.

    The next update will be around 2pm



  (End of this chapter)

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