Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 806: life experience

  Chapter 806 Life Experience

  Good luck waiting for the old lady to call, so he came over soon. He whispered what the young master had scared Chu Lang, and also reported the speculation that the two children were hiding in the room.

  Lao Mrs. Liu did not expect that the two children could guess Man Bao’s life experience. After a moment of silence, she waved her hand and said, "I see. Go down."

  Daji bowed and retired.

Mrs. Liu couldn't help but sighed.

  Grandma Liu asked: "Old lady, will the Zhou family tell Miss Man?"

Mrs. Liu pondered for a moment, and said, "Whether they say it or not, we'll have to say it. The Zhou family has been very frightened recently. The Tang county magistrate will find out here as soon as he sees it, so let's say everything that needs to be said. . As for whether they tell Man Bao, it’s up to them to decide."

  Qian and Lao Zhoutou are now considering, they are now looking at each other in the air, and they are communicating with each other with their eyes.

  Man Bao raised her little head, looked at her father, and then at her mother. Seeing them look around her face like this unscrupulously, he slapped the bed with anger.

  The couple looked down at her.

Man Bao was a little guilty. It would be very rude to lose her temper to her parents. She retracted her hand and pursed her mouth and said, "Father, mother, just tell me, or I will ask my brothers and sisters. , And the people in the village, don't they know it too?"

  Qian sighed and asked: "Can't the longevity lock be given to you by your parents from elsewhere?"

"Where did you get it?" Man Bao asked after breaking the casserole, "Mother, now the county magistrate Tang is investigating our house, I don't know what he is investigating, but I also think such a good longevity lock, our house I can't afford it."

  Qian was silent for a while and said: "This long-life lock was played by your uncle..."

  Man Bao looked at Qian quietly.

  Qian closed his eyes and looked at Lao Zhou's head.

Lao Zhoutou sat on the chair and sighed: "Let's talk, the kids know it, what's the point of keeping it? The officials are almost looking for it. We still don't know what to do by that time, and we have to make it full. Bao went to put incense sticks on the couple."

  Qian touched Man Bao’s head and said, “Man Bao, you are indeed not born to a mother, you are the child of your uncle and aunt.”

Man Bao's tears came down, and he wiped it off and said, "I know, I, Shanbao and I have guessed it. Mother, tell me everything about them, why don't you raise me as a niece, but How about being a daughter?"

Qian took Man Bao's hand and told Zhou Yin carefully about the matter of returning after selling him, "...You were only more than six months old, and you didn't recognize your child. When your mother hugged you, you giggled. At that time, the season was changing, the weather was uncertain, and you came back again. I don’t know if the water and soil are unacceptable. The next day, you feel a little embarrassed. On the third day, I’m going into the city to get my luggage and buy some things that are in short supply. I think you’re too young and it’s not good to run around like this, so I kept you."

  When she dreamed back in the middle of the night, Qian was thankful for her persuasion more than once, but she regretted it. At that time, they should also stay with the couple. As long as they enter the city one day later, it might be different.

"Your father and mother," Qian said with a choked sob and said with red eyes: "They were killed by someone. In the big tiger mountain that entered the city, your father and mother's face was scratched with a knife. After several times, when your fourth brother carried them back, we wanted to go to the county to report the case, but before we had time to go, an official came to the village with a portrait of your father and said that your father is a robber..."

  Man Bao opened his mouth in surprise.

Qian squeezed her hand and said, "How could your father be a robber? He was kind-hearted since he was a child. This time he returned to his hometown just to settle down in the village. He has a wife and a son, so how could he do this? Decapitating? He was wronged, but the officials took his portrait and vowed, I, we did not dare to recognize..."

  Man Bao asked: "My father sold his body, then how did he redeem his body and how did he make so much money? By the way, who is my mother?"

Qian wiped the tears from his face and said, "Your father said, when he sold his body to the caravan, he followed the caravan to do business all the way north, but halfway through, maybe it was because of the water and the soil. Maybe it was because of the rain. The fever keeps going and I can't walk anymore."

"The steward of the caravan asked the doctor to show him. It costs a lot of money to cure the illness, and he can't go anymore, so the caravan left him," Qian said, "The caravan will leave it to your father. I took a few doses of medicine, but the medicine was not good after the medicine was finished. Your father wanted to live and eat, and he spent all his savings in a few days. At that time, the people at the inn carried him outside. It was you outside. Zu looked at him pitifully, so he let him live in the concierge and asked the doctor to treat him."

   "Your father was only fourteen years old at the time. After he got better, he stayed at your maternal grandfather's house to help, and occasionally went out to run errands to earn some money, and wanted to return the money for medical treatment to your maternal grandfather."

Old Zhou nodded his head repeatedly, "Your father never accepts the benefits of others in vain. I guess it is because of this. Your maternal grandfather fell in love with your father, and then he hired your father to be his son-in-law. Then I brought you and your mother back to the village."

  The tears on Manbao’s face also dried up. It's not sad at the moment. He just asked curiously, "Then my mother doesn't have any brothers or sisters?"

  In her cognition, it seems that every household has brothers and sisters.

  Old Zhoutou said: "No, so your grandfather's money belongs to your parents. I heard that the long life lock on your neck was also asked by your grandfather to beat you."

  Man Bao thoughtfully, "Then my father is not the son-in-law?"

  Lao Zhou nodded, "It's the son-in-law."

  Man Bao: "Then why is my surname Zhou?"

  Lao Zhoutou and Qian's:...

  Man Bao looked at her mother and then at her father.

  Lao Zhoutou patted her head with a guilty conscience and said: "What a silly girl, you can't tell the truth about your father's return, you have to pretend to be my girl, can you not have the surname Zhou?"

  Man Bao grabbed his head and asked, "Then, do I have to change my surname in the future?"

  Lao Zhoutou reluctantly said: "No, no need it?"

Qian thought: "If it can be changed, it is better to change it back. Your maternal grandfather gave you a name, but unfortunately it was a boy's name, so your parents are useless. I think about using it for your brother in the future. ,who knows……"

  Qian Shi paused and said, "Your father is a man of promise. He said that he is the son-in-law of the door-to-door son-in-law."

  Lao Zhou moved his legs reluctantly, and whispered: "Then I want to hire Man Bao a son-in-law..."

Man Bao felt that this was too far away from her, she finally remembered the most important thing at the moment, "So County Magistrate Tang was investigating the robbers back then? Since I said my uncle...My father is a robber, so there is always The bitter owner of theft or robbery, right? Who is the bitter owner?"

Qian and Lao Zhoutou shook their heads together and said: "We have also inquired about the yamen, but those officials who are not the county government, we dare not inquire very carefully, for fear that people will suspect it, we still ask your uncles to abduct it. Wan'er's and the county government's relatives inquired about it, but they didn't find out anything."

    The next update will be around 6pm

     Ha ha ha ha ha, I thought I had timed it, but I forgot



  (End of this chapter)

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