Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 812: Confession One (Happy birthday to book friend "Mo Yan"

  Chapter 812 Confession One (Happy birthday to book friend "Mo Yan")

  Everyone looked at the magistrate of Tang, Mrs. Liu also sat up straight, and looked at the magistrate of Tang and said, "Don’t Tang Master come to the temple fair this time because you have something to ask us?"

  The Tang county magistrate raised his eyebrows, his eyes swept back and forth between her and Zhou's couple.

  And Lao Zhoutou and Qian also looked confused.

  Lao Liu asked: "Is your lord looking for Zhou Yin?"

  Lao Zhou and Qian immediately turned their heads to look at Mrs. Liu, and then couldn't help looking at Mrs. Bai, suspecting that he had told Mrs. Liu.

  Master Bai sighed and said nothing.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at a loss. They didn't understand how Mrs. Liu became Mrs. Liu at home. In other words, how could this matter have nothing to do with her, right?

  The county magistrate of Tang had a full view of the expressions of the people in the room, and then gave up Lao Zhoutou and Qian's family, and focused on Mrs. Liu Lao. "Does the old lady recognize Zhou Yin?"

   "Although I have never seen it before, I have heard of it for a long time. Every year Qingming and the eighth day of May, I have to pay a private memorial service."

  Bai Shan was surprised and couldn’t help but said, “Grandma, isn’t the eighth day of May the eighth day of his father’s death?”

  Qian couldn’t help but grasped Man Bao’s hand tightly. Man Bao didn’t feel it. Instead, he looked at Bai Shan and said, “On the eighth day of May every year, I also go to the cemetery to incense my grandparents.”

  Of course, the lonely grave next to him will also be incense, and then the uncle will be incense.

  Man Bao turned to look at his parents, and then at Mrs. Liu.

The county magistrate Tang glanced at the crowd, retracted his gaze, and said to Mrs. Liu: "Yes, this county was looking for Zhou Yin. At first, he was suspected of committing a crime. Then I learned that he was dead, and he died of violent death. Homicide case, so this county is investigating. Listening to the old lady, do you know the inside story?"

"Yes," Mrs. Liu said, sitting in a chair: "The only person who understands this inside story in this world is the only one who knows this inside story. Apart from me, there is only Master Wei in Beijing. "

  The county magistrate of Tang groaned, and asked, "The old lady said that Mr. Wei, is it Mr. Wei Zhi, the secretary and supervisor?"

   "It is Wei Jianzheng."

Tang County's heart tightened, and he clenched his fists. He looked at Mrs. Liu without speaking for a long time. For a long time, he couldn't help but chuckled softly: "That's it, it seems that the old lady was waiting here long ago. It's me."

  Lao Liu immediately got up and saluted him, “Since Mr. Tang didn’t turn around and left, he obviously accepted the case. He also asks Mrs. to clear our grievances for us, and to give the deceased justice.”

   Kneel down after talking.

  Qian got up and pulled Man Bao to his knees. Although Lao Zhou was confused, he knelt down after seeing his wife.

  Bai Shan also knelt on the ground with a snap, with a face like Man Bao, various thoughts flashed in his mind, and finally calmed down slowly. He raised his head and glanced at his grandmother and mother who were kneeling in front of him, and he bowed his head.

  Tang county magistrate sighed, stretched out his hand to help Mrs. Liu up, and smiled bitterly: "What can this county do that even Master Wei can't do?"

  Lao Liu was about to speak, the county magistrate Tang reached out and held her down and said, "Although it is difficult, since this county knows it, I will try my best."

  And he really wanted to know, and wanted to investigate this case that had been concealed by so many people for more than ten years from the beginning.

  The county magistrate of Tang helped Mrs. Liu to sit on a chair, and said, “Say the old lady, I think everyone would like to know.”

   After talking, motioned her to look at Zhou's couple.

  Lao Liu took two steps and solemnly saluted the Zhou family. Lao Zhou hurriedly avoided. Qian helped Lao Liu, his mouth trembled, "Lao Madam, what are you doing?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu held down her hand and said: "I should have done this ceremony. Zhou Yin died because of my son. These years have made you scared. It is also because of this incident. I, I am ashamed."

  Qian shook her lips and said nothing, because she really didn't know what to say.

  It’s been almost twelve years since Zhou Yin died. In the past twelve years, they racked their brains to wonder why he was killed and who killed him. As a result, the insider has been by their side?

  Lao Mrs. Liu patted her hand, and then turned her head and said to the county magistrate: "Master Tang, this matter has to start in the second year of Dazhen."

  Tang county magistrate made a good hearing.

   "My son, Bai Qi, was a scholar in the first year of Dazhen. In the second year of Dazhen, he took over from the Imperial Academy and sent him to the county magistrate of Shu County, Yizhou."

   "Shu County?" The Tang county magistrate couldn't help but said, "Isn't that Huayang County?"

  Yizhou Chengguo County used to be called Shu County, but in the eighth year of Dazhen, the emperor changed Shu County to Huayang County and narrowed the jurisdiction of Huayang County and allocated some areas to nearby counties.

  The county magistrate of Tang touched his chin, this is still his predecessor.

  "Not bad, but Shu County used to control the area around Qianwei Weir, and its jurisdiction is much larger."

  The county magistrate of Tang numbs his scalp when he hears about the Qianwei Weir, and faintly guessed something.

"When my son took office, my daughter-in-law was just giving birth and it was difficult to follow the boats and cars. Therefore, we stayed in the capital and planned to wait for the child to be older. He also established a firm foothold there before raising the family, but it is approaching the end of the year. He only sent back a letter, saying that Shu County’s affairs are busy, various forces are intertwined, and it is difficult to straighten out. When we go, he will also find it difficult to settle us. Let’s go back to our home in Longzhou and wait for him. We will be sent to pick us up after the Shu County affairs are started." Mrs. Liu said: "After receiving the letter, our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law returned to Longzhou from the capital."

"The adults also know that officials need their family members to take care of the backyard when they are away, and they also need family members to communicate with each other. Therefore, I have been urging him to send someone to pick up my daughter-in-law. Suddenly a letter came, saying that Yizhou is dangerous, and he is also dangerous, so I dare not put my family in Shu County. I just hope that I can take care of the family. After he handles the county affairs, he asks for leave to pick us up in person. ."

Mrs. Liu was sad every time she thought of it. She wiped her tears and said: "But within two months of receiving the letter, the news of his death came. The county government said that he took the county leader out of the city to suppress the bandit and died at the hands of the bandit. Half of the people in Shuxian County are gone."

  The county magistrate of Tang couldn't help but opened his mouth wide, and asked, "Has Dazhen been three years old?"


  The county magistrate of Tang couldn't help but got up and walked around, saying: "I have looked through the cases in the Yamen, and I have read the cases until the fifteenth year of Dade, and there is no such case."

Mrs. Liu wiped her tears and continued: "In the beginning, I had no doubts. I endured the grief and went to Yizhou City to treat him at the funeral, but found that Erji who had been serving him close to him had disappeared, so I asked the official handling the case. , They only shied away saying that people followed to fight against the bandits, and no one was seen. Most of them were dead and dead and could not be found. They..."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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