Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 813: Confession 2 (Add to book friend "Mo Yan"'s birthday

  Chapter 813 Confession II (addition to book friend "Mo Yan"'s birthday)

Mrs. Liu paused and said, "Can adults understand that feeling? They are weird. They don't want me to ask too much. They don't even allow me to stay in my child's study for a long time. After I stayed for a long time, someone came to investigate. , So I faintly realized that my son was not killed by the bandit until I sent someone to find Erji."

  The county magistrate Tang sat up straight.

"Erji is alive, it's just him..." Mrs. Liu paused and said: "He was seriously injured. He told me that my son was found to have been greedy for Mo Qianwei Weir together with the Yizhou king and the upper and lower officials of Yizhou. The money for repairs will be wiped out."

"They chased them all the way, and my son fled to Luojiang County, and unfortunately met Zhou Yin and his wife on the road," Mrs. Liu said after having a meal, and looked at the Zhou couple and Man Bao and said, "Er Ji said. At that time, they had been wounded on their bodies, and they were chasing soldiers from behind. They had evidence on them, and I was afraid they could not escape. They happened to ran into a couple who drove home in a car."

"My son turned to them for help. The couple was very enthusiastic, so they wanted to take my son and leave. My son refused, and then gave the things to them and asked them to take the things away. Later, they thought of a way to hand it over to a patrolling Tang master. ."

  Lao Mrs. Liu looked at the magistrate of Tang after she finished speaking.

  The county magistrate of Tang frowned and asked, "My father?"

  He counted the time, Dazhen was three years old, and his father seemed to be patrolling outside.

   "Yes, it's Lord Tang." In order to reverse the case for her son, Mrs. Liu was very familiar with the ministers in the DPRK, but she was most familiar with them, especially the people her son mentioned back then. She paid close attention to them all.

  This is also the reason why she can trust the Tang county magistrate so quickly and decide to drag him into the water, because she is very familiar with the Tang county magistrate’s father, and naturally paid attention to the Tang county magistrate.

"Because time is urgent, the couple only told my son that they are from Luojiang County. The man's name is Zhou Yin and his wife Xia's. Erji said that he was particularly hearty at the time and said that he was a celebrity in this movie, and they will come later. As long as you mention Zhou Yin's name, you can tell that it is him."

Mrs. Liu glanced at Man Bao again, "After that, they separated. My son and Er Ji led the chasers away, but unfortunately they were caught up shortly before they escaped. The two of them decided to escape separately. It was when he was chased and killed that he rolled down the hillside and fell into a big hole to escape, but he had broken hands and feet, especially his legs, and he would spend his entire life lying on the bed."

   "As for my son, County Magistrate Tang also knows," Mrs. Liu said: "After that, I have been waiting for someone to show evidence, but no."

Mrs. Liu's tears fell, "After that, it was calm. Except for occasional people to check our house, no one mentioned it again. Mrs. Tang didn't talk about the Yizhou Mansion. He seemed to be too. Without receiving anything special, the couple just disappeared."

"So I couldn't help asking people to come to Luojiang County for investigation. After a long time of careful investigation, I found out that in the third and fifth year of Dazhen, an official posted a portrait at the gate of the city to want a gangster, but the official's people secretly kept quiet. In fact, the gangster was actually dead. He was just looking for his accomplices. The one who died with him was a lady. They seemed to be husband and wife. I..." Mrs. Liu apologized looking at the money that was crying into tears. Clan Tao: "I guessed vaguely at the time, I'm afraid they too..."

After a pause, Mrs. Liu said, "After that, although I sent people to inquire in Luojiang County from time to time, I couldn't find out anything. It wasn't until the Qianwei Weir broke the **** four years ago, and the former Governor Yan from Yizhou found it. After I came here, I learned about Zhou Yin from Lizhi. It turns out that Zhou's family also has Zhou Yin..."

   "Four years ago..." Qian was slightly startled, thinking of the three people who said they were liars, she looked at Mrs. Liu in surprise.

  Lao Mrs. Liu nodded slightly, “They came for Zhou Yin. I think they didn’t get those things from Zhou Yin back then. That’s why the Qianwei Weir broke the bank and they were so anxious to find those things.”

  The county magistrate of Tang asked, "Where are those people?"

   "Taken away by Master Wei."

   Tang county magistrate asked: "They said they were sent by Yan Cishi?"


  The county magistrate of Tang said: "But Yan Cishi was beheaded and his family was exiled. Why did he make such a fuss to find evidence from years ago? If he can't find it, he won't have to be beheaded?"

  The county magistrate Tang shook his head and asked, "Apart from the letter from the county magistrate and the confession of the subordinate, what evidence does the old lady have?"

Mrs. Liu was silent for a long time, and then said: "I still have a book of accounts."

  After talking, look at Madam Liu.

  Grandma Liu quickly took out the well-wrapped account book from her arms. Man Bao and the others knew at a glance that they had found it at Yan Cishi’s mansion, and they were immediately stunned.

  The county magistrate of Tang turned over and shook his head and said: "This is not what Bai County magistrates have recorded."

   "Yes, this is from Yan Cishi's mansion."

  Tang county magistrate raised his eyebrows, “The old lady is so capable, she can get such important things from Yan Cishi’s mansion?”

  Lao Liu did not explain that this was found by Man Bao and the others.

  The county magistrate of Tang pondered for a moment and then shook his head: "This thing is useless for this case."

   "How could it be useless..." Mrs. Liu was a little anxious.

  The county magistrate of Tang put the account book on the table and said: "To turn over this case, you must have evidence left by the county magistrate. This is the record of Yan Cishi after the magistrate has left. It's useless."

  Lao Liu was silent for a while and said: "But the king of Yizhou is corrupt..."

"Only based on the contents of this account book, King Yizhou was demoted at most, cutting off part of the fief. Before the Qianwei Weir broke the bank, Master Wei found so many evidences, and the impeachment of the impeachment of the impeachment, he was not also reprimanded and cut off. Is it just a feudal land?"

   Seeing that the people in the house were silent, County Magistrate Tang smiled and said, “You don’t need to be so pessimistic. Maybe County Magistrate Bai has left behind anything vital to make things lighter?”

  After talking, she looked at Mrs. Liu.

  Obviously, he did not believe that Mrs. Liu had said all the cards.

  Lao Mrs. Liu looked down and said nothing.

Old Zhou could not help but get anxious, "Old lady, if you know anything, just tell the county magistrate Tang. Your son’s grievances will be avenged, and my second brother’s grievances must be redressed. I, I still want to Man Bao remembered my second brother's name and asked her to hire a son-in-law to inherit the family."

  Qian couldn't help but gave him a secret glance.

  Bai Shan couldn’t help but look at Man Bao, and whispered, “Your father is thinking too long, right?”

  Lao Liu sighed: "There are only some letters, and there are some things written in the letters..."

  Ms. Liu didn't want to give those things to Master Wei, and of course she didn't dare to hand them over to the Tang county magistrate, so she looked at Tang county magistrates suspiciously.

  The county magistrate of Tang said with a smile: "If the old lady can't believe in this county, she won't wait for the county here. The so-called suspicious people don't need to hire people. Since the old lady has made a decision, why bother to hesitate?"

    Happy birthday to Mo Yan

     The next update is around ten o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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