Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 836: White peony

  Chapter 836 White Peony

  Man Bao searched for peony in the mall, and a lot of pictures came out. Man Bao looked very beautiful, and then he wanted to place an order if he was interested, but it didn’t seem right.

  Why is it said that it is the "closest to ancient species" variety in the introduction?

  And the size of this flower is too abnormal, right?

  Man Bao looked closer and asked the seller, "How much are you spending?"

  The seller replied in seconds, “It’s huge, it’s as big as a fist when it comes out completely. Don’t worry, this is the newest variety on our farm, the one closest to the ancient one.”

  Man Bao remembered the peony from someone else's house that she had only seen. The biggest one was about the same size as her head, and the smaller one would have her face as big as it turned out...

  Man Bao was angrily, "Then why is your picture so big?"

   "Zoom in, so that buyers can see the lines on the petals more clearly and appreciate its colors."

  Man Baodao: "Too small."

  This time the seller was surprised, "You are too small? This is the closest to the ancient species of peony. You want the larger one to buy a hybrid."

  After talking, he threw a dozen pictures in a row for Man Bao to see, and Man Bao was stunned by the picture that filled the conversation window.

  The seller said: "Is there any hybrid peonies? They are found everywhere in the park. If you cut one to stun people, you want this? You buy our ancient peonies and I will give you a bag of seeds."

  Man Bao thought for a while, and said, “Isn’t there that kind of peony flower that is as big as a human head?”

"Hey, aren't you from our planet? Still just start planting flowers? Forget it, if you want ancient peonies, that's not available for the time being, but if you want hybrids, there will be more. The flowers are as small as a thumb. It’s as big as a trampoline, and it has everything."

  Man Bao doesn’t know how big the trampoline is, but the bed is big as it sounds.

  She was very curious, "The flowers are good-looking, why do they have to be ancient ones? I think the pictures you throw out are also good-looking. They come in various colors, and there are also colorful ones."

"Because they are genetically unstable, the second generation will basically mutate, most of them will grow ugly, and then become bigger or smaller. After our research, it is still the most stable of the ancient species. To grow flowers, you have to buy them first, so that you can develop good skills. Otherwise, if you don’t have a good foundation, you will not be able to grow any flowers in the future..."

Man Bao thought for a while and asked, "You show me the hybrid flowers first. If I have already grown into blooming or blooming peony, it needs to be as big as a human face, preferably pure white. "

The seller was disappointed. Fortunately, the flowers Manbao needed were not very cheap, so he greeted her enthusiastically and threw several pictures to her, saying: "The real shots, hybrids, and flowers are almost the same. Big, our farm took a lot of effort to cultivate it. After all, the current peony species have mutated. They are either too big to be able to stand, or too small to be seen.”

  “However, the mutation genes of these potted flowers are still very strong. The flowering of this generation is okay, and the second generation should be stable, but it is not certain until the third generation and the fourth generation. It is okay to plant and play."

  Man Bao was very interested in this flower. While placing an order and buying two pots, he asked, “Are all the plants in your place mutated? Are they all very different from the ancient ones?”

"Star Wars, don’t the plants in your area have mutated?" Man Baocai saw a line of words appearing, they turned into asterisks in an instant, and then a line of red words popped out in the conversation window, "Sensitive vocabulary detected, please follow by yourself law."

  Man Bao looked dazed, and the seller on the opposite side was even more demented. He repeatedly thought about the word he had just typed twice, and became angry. Which word is a sensitive word?

He was so angry that he took his light brain and ran directly to the Star Web page of the Alliance, and ran the sentence "Star Wars, don’t your plants have mutated?" ten times, and found that it was still not banned. People from Shaozheng visiting were attracted and left messages, "Look, there is a lunatic!"

  The seller looked at it silently, ignored the person who was crazy under his post, turned back to find Man Bao, and asked: "What do you call my dear? I just saw your order. How about I give you some fertilizer?"

  Man Bao knew that their fertilizer was different from what they used here, so he nodded and said: "Okay, okay, my name is Manbao."

   "Man Bao? Very interesting name. Is it suitable for growing peony? Although it is a hybrid and easy to feed, it is also a bit particular."

"Suitable." Man Bao also wanted to chat with him. Since the other party grows peonies, she must know how to grow better, and even know how to cultivate. She went to the flower market and asked. They were not very willing to tell her, so Man Bao made it easy. Chatting with people.

Speaking of why I want to buy a pot of white peonies, Bao Bao said: "I saw a pot of white peonies on the street today. It is very expensive. I found that the pure flowers seem to be very expensive. The pot I sold last time Bailan is also very expensive."

  "White orchid? What kind?"

   "Mao Su."

  The seller was silent for a while and then said: "Man Bao is it? Do you have Mao Su? Why not sell me a pot?"

  Man Bao directly refused: "No."


  "One is because I don’t have any, and now there is a rhizome left, which is for my husband; the other is, I can’t sell you things."

  The seller is almost crying. Because of his special occupation, he knows some things. After all, he has to contact the major botanical research institutes, especially the research institutes that research flowers.

But he never thought that such a good thing would make him run into it, because so many people on StarCraft, so many people who use StarNet, and so many people who buy flowers from him, he goes online occasionally. Encountered a single person in time and space?

   And there are peonies in that time and space. Listen to her, that's the real ancient species.

   is that the "ancient species" they obtained through experimentation are completely different.

  The seller asked: “Can’t sell, can you send me something? I can get some more potted flowers for you.”

  Manbao refused, "No, I can't send you anything except points."

   "Points? Oh, you say money, do you call it points?" The seller was so excited, so now he didn't have the time to be disappointed. He asked, "Then can you tell me how you grow peonies?"

  Man Baodao: "I don't know how to grow peonies, but I know how to grow bluegrass."

  The seller asked, “Then how do you grow your bluegrass?”

  Manbao exited the chat mode, went to Keke to find the entry, and then copied and pasted it to him.

  The seller looked at the familiar layout and felt something was wrong, and asked: "Why do I look at this so much like the introduction in the encyclopedia?"

  Man Bao surprised: "This is the entry in the encyclopedia, ah, I forgot, you can also check the information in the encyclopedia."


  (End of this chapter)

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