Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 837: Lie to you

  Chapter 837 Lie to you

  Speaking, Man Bao saw that the peony she wanted was not yet available, so he couldn’t help asking, “have you not shipped it yet?”

  The seller hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, the robot is not here, I will post it later."

   Keke directly said to Man Bao: "He is lying, I have searched the transaction records of his shop. With such a large transaction volume, the robot is always on standby."

The seller naturally couldn’t hear their conversation. He was still talking on the other side, but Man Bao was not happy to listen anymore, saying: "You hurry up and send me things, or I have to refund the order for another one. NS."

The seller felt the change of Man Bao’s attitude, and said quickly: "Man Bao, I will give you some peony seeds. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me and remember to find me if you need it in the future. Okay, the robot will come. Yes, I'll ship it to you."

  Manbao waited for a long time, and Keke reminded her that she had received the package. Until now, Manbao was very curious about how they could receive it as soon as they shipped it.

  Keko naturally wouldn't tell her.

  Man Bao took the things out of the system, and then began to disassemble the package. Two pots of white peonies only half-opened appeared, and a large bag and a small bag were placed next to them.

  Man Bao first took a look at the big bag, and found that the fertilizer was received in the system, and the two pots of peonies were also taken in by her.

She picked up the small bag and looked at it and found that there was a large handful of seeds inside. She sniffed it very strangely, feeling that the seeds of peony in the future would look a little bigger than theirs, and they seemed to be no different. .

  Man Bao collected everything, then opened the door and went out.

Daji was about to go out to pick up the two young masters from school, and when Man Bao came out, he asked, "Miss Man, are you going to school?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "I won't go, you go."

  If Manbao did not go to the school, Bai Shan would no longer read books in the library. He borrowed two books from the library and came out and went home with Bai Erlang.

  Bai Shan gave Man Bao a book he had borrowed, saying, “Is there any book you are looking for for planting peonies and bluegrass.”

   "How many bookshelves have you found?"

  "I have looked for the bookshelves on the first floor, and there is no one, so I asked Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu said that there is no such book in the library, and he has never even heard of such a book."

"The planting of peonies and bluegrass is beautiful, but no one has written them in a book, but there are articles about tasting bluegrass peonies, but there are few. Would you like to read it?" Bai Shan said, "If you want to see it, I'll go and invite it. Mr. Wu helped find it."

  There are still too many books in the library, and he still reads too few, so he can only ask Mr. Wu for help to find this kind of eccentric article.

  Man Bao also wants to see how people appreciate bluegrass and peonies at the time. If she wants to make money from this, she has to see what kind of flowers and plants people like and what kind of flowers and plants they want to get.

  No gain can be obtained without effort.

  Bai Shan took note of the incident and asked: "Mr. went out to socialize today. What book did you read at home this afternoon?"

  Man Baodao: "I haven't read a book."

  Bai Shan didn’t believe it, "What did you do without reading?"

  Man Baodao: "I'm studying peony."

  Bai Shan couldn't help being speechless, "Are you really planning to go on the bar with flowers?"

  Man Baodao: "I think it’s the best way I can find and do it so far."

  Bai Shan still doesn’t quite understand, “Aren’t we supposed to focus more on investigating the case at this time and use the remaining energy to learn?”

  Man Bao seriously said: "I am doing these two things. By the way, has Erji delivered it?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, also a little worried, "It hasn't been delivered yet."

  The two looked at Daji together, Daji lowered his eyes and said nothing.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were worried, but the Tang magistrate in the county office remained silent. They didn't dare to look for him too frequently, let alone mention the matter outside.

  After all, this is on the territory of King Yizhou.

  However, in order to upgrade Keke and expand the scope of scanning, Manbao is studying and researching hard every day.

For example, the next day she took the money and went to the flower market to buy the unlisted flowers scanned by Keke, then went into the space, carefully took these flowers out of the pot, and handed them to Keke to separate them. Included.

  Family collected plants, clods, etc., while asking, “Why does the host take the flowers and plants out of the pot so hard?”

  It felt that it would be convenient for it to include the entire collection.

  Man Baodao: "Because the flowerpot is useful for me."

After choosing two flower pots with the right size but the most suitable size, the white peony she bought from the mall yesterday was taken out of the old-fashioned flower pot, and then slowly put it into her flower pot. Put mud in the crevices and pour a little water on it.

  Keke did not expect that his host could be like this, completely inheriting the attributes of the old Zhou family.

  Man Bao worked hard while muttering: "It's so expensive. The potted flower you are looking for is twelve taels. If my father knew that I bought a potted flower with four cows, he would definitely be angry."

  Koke was silent.

  Man Bao continued to mutter: "But if my father knew that someone bought two pots of flowers with me with sixty-six cows, he would be happy to die."

"But people buy flowers because they know the fun, but I can't realize the fun, so I'm still more willing to spend money to buy raw medicinal materials. Why don't you use less than twelve taels of three raw medicinal materials?" Baoxu planted the peony arrogantly, and sighed: "It's a pity that the farmer hasn't responded yet, and it should take some time for them to find medicinal materials."

  While talking, Man Bao went out of the room and went to the study to have class. When she had all the lessons for today, she refused Da Ji’s invitation again and sneaked out of the house.

  Mr. Zhuang was sitting at the window and saw it, and couldn't help frowning.

  He asked the cook who came in to serve tea, “Does Man Bao often run outside when I’m not at home these past two days?”

"Yes, I have seen Miss Man at the flower market several times. She is looking at people selling flowers." The cook smiled: "Miss Man has always liked flowers and plants since she was a child, and it remains the same when she is so big. But Miss Man is very good. I can keep the house and I just don’t want to buy it."

  Mr. Zhuang sounded a little distressed.

  Who knows that the cook had just praised this, less than half an hour after Man Bao had brought two flower pots back.

  Having been home for a long time, Bai Shan, who was about to go out to find Man Bao, saw the big white peony he had brought in and opened his mouth wide.

  Bai Shan asked: "Have you made a fortune?"

  Can afford two pots of such good peonies?

  Man Bao read another meaning, pointing to two pots of flowers and said: "One pot is eight hundred taels, and two pots is 1,600 taels. It is a fortune."

  Bai Shan calmed down a bit, reached out and touched her forehead and said, "You don't have a fever, right?"

  Man Bao avoided his hand, "No."

   "Then why are you dreaming in broad daylight, this is not Yao Huang Wei Zi, how could it be worth so much money?"

   "This is how a flower shop in the flower market priced."

   Baijiro was speechless, "Really, fake?"

  Man Bao: "Really!"

  Bai Shan: "Fake!"

    See you tomorrow, hahahaha, good night, we’re playing bad, let’s use it instead



  (End of this chapter)

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