Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 838: To whom

   Chapter 838

  Man Bao looked at Bai Shan in confusion.

Bai Shan looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and said, "Don't be stupid, the high prices are just those shops hanging. If he can really sell 800 taels, he won't just leave them there and not sell them. NS."

  Man Bao just remembered this, and said annoyed: "Oh, it's dazzled by the money."

  , Shirajiro was very happy and asked: "How much did you spend on these two pots? Don't lose money."

  Zhou Lijun also looked at Man Bao very worried.

  Man Baodao: "It didn't cost much, but you reminded me that even if it is not worth 800 taels, the price will not be very cheap, otherwise the store dare to make a price of 800 taels?"

Bai Shan had a different point of view, "Didn’t Brother Thursday say that? The price is skyrocketing, the money is paid on the spot, and things are rare and expensive, especially for things like flowers and plants. Originally, Quanyizhou City may only have one pot. White peony, as a result, you took out two more pots at once. With three pots, the originally rare white peony has become not rare."

  Man Bao heard it, thought about it, put one of the pots in their study room, and said, "We will keep this pot for ourselves, and sell this pot."

  They don’t take it out. Who knows that there are three pots of white peonies in Yizhou City?

  Up to two pots.

  Bai Shan asked: "What about the pricing?"

  Man Bao hesitated and said: "Six hundred taels?"

  Bai Shan was not familiar with the prices of flowers and plants, and said, "You give it a try."

  Then Manbao did not sell it. There were quite a few people asking for the price, but when they heard the price, everyone looked at the flower and left. There were no people who paid the money on the spot.

Man Bao finally took the flowers back. Chu Lang couldn't help but feel sad, "I won't be unable to sell it, Man Bao, how much did you spend on this flower? You told the fourth brother that it was a big loss. Brother won't scold you either."

  Man Bao glanced at him and said, "I'm not afraid of you scolding me."

  She said: "I'm thinking about how this thing can be sold quickly and high."

  Thursday Lang said: "I'm afraid it's very difficult. If this is not suitable for eating or drinking, who will buy it?"

  Yes, who will buy it?

  Man Bao thought about it, and he really thought that someone would buy it, "Princess Yizhou should."

   was so scared that Chu Lang looked around, and then whispered: "You are crazy, that's our enemy."

  Man Bao nodded solemnly, and said with a bit of viciousness in his eyes: "Yes, so you have to earn their money, and then use it to deal with them."

  Thursday Lang: "What does it have to do with dealing with them when you buy raw medicinal materials?"

   "Of course it does matter. The stronger I am, the weaker they appear to be, and the easier it is to deal with them."

  Bai Erlang asked from the side, "When did you become enemies with Yizhou Palace?"

  Bai Shan said: "No matter how powerful you are, you are a royal doctor. No matter how weak he is, he is also a prince. You can't think about not treating him in the future and letting him die?"

   Baijiro: "Or is it because of Ji Hao?"

  Man Bao turned his head aside, and said: "In short, it is very relevant. You will know after a long, long time."

  Tuesday Lang: "Why is it so long, long after?"

   Baijiro: "You guys answer me a little bit."

  Man Bao: "I plan to write an autobiography, to write down my whole life, and you will know when I die."

  Bai Shan laughed and said, "You are thinking about writing an autobiography when you are only twelve years old. Are you ashamed or ashamed?"

  Can anyone write an autobiography at will?

  No way, Bai Shan asked, "Who do you want to write for you?"

   "I said it was an autobiography, of course I wrote it myself."

  White Erlang couldn’t help but said, “I’ve always left the biography to be left by the historian. You, you actually want to write by yourself, are you ashamed and not ashamed?”

  Since childhood, Man Bao, who has read the autobiography of various characters in the encyclopedia, took it for granted: "You are not ashamed, others can write autobiography, why can't I do it?"

  Bai Shan asked with a look of surprise, "Who have you ever seen to write a biography to yourself? Isn't it all about writing and poems?"

  Man Bao was stunned for a moment and then reacted, only then did she remember that she had mixed up the book.

  She scratched her head and said: "Well, I have a bad memory, then I'll start."

  Hakujiro: "Mr. will not be happy that you have made such a precedent."

  Bai Shan thought for a while and wanted to ask: “You write your own autobiography, don’t you praise yourself how you want to praise yourself?”

  Man Bao hesitated and said: "It must be praised, but it must be fair. For example, some of my bad thoughts should also be written down, so that later generations can know what I think."

  Hakujiro: "Why do posterity need to know what you think, and you are not famous?"

  Bai Shan asked, “If you write badly, aren’t you afraid that future generations will scold you?”

   "Don't be afraid, there is no one in the world. If I model myself too well, I will appear hypocritical," Man Bao said, "And I was dead at that time, and I couldn't hear them calling me."

  Bai Shan nodded thoughtfully. He glanced at the study carefully. Seeing that he hadn’t alarmed her husband, he approached Man Bao and asked in a low voice, “How do you plan to write an autobiography?”

"I have a notebook and I have recorded many, many things. I dare not say one note per day, but on average there should be one note every three days. When I am old, I will sort out these notes and it will naturally become an autobiography. NS."

  Bai Shan thinks this method is good, and he plans to try it at night.

  Bai Shan: "But what if someone sees such a private book?"

  The pensive Shirajiro nodded quickly and asked: "Yes, yes, the good and the bad inside have memorized a lot of our secrets."

Man Bao scratched his head and said, "Anyway, the things I hide will not be found. If you... do you try to invent a word that only you can understand? Some are very important, and you must never let it be. Let those words memorize what people know."

  Bai Erlang glanced at her and said, "The saint Cangjie spent his entire life to create characters. You want to make characters yourself? Are you ashamed?"

  Bai Shan already had an idea, and shook his head with Man Bao and said, "Not ashamed, not ashamed."

  Bai Shandao: “Of course we can’t compare with Cangjie, but it’s okay for the second time. Can we delete some words or use them in combination?”

  Man Bao nodded, "I thought so too."

  The two looked at each other, reached a consensus, and decided to find time to discuss together.

  Thursday Lang couldn’t keep up with this topic. He could only listen in silence, and when they finished discussing, he asked, "So we really want to sell the flowers to Yizhou Prince's Mansion?"

  Man Bao nodded.

Bai Shan didn't care and waved his hand and said, "Sell it, sell it, it's not a big deal. They just buy and sell. It's better to make their money than to make other people's money. By the way, how much did you spend on it? ?"

  Man Baodao: "It's cheap."

Bai Shan: "Then it will be more expensive. On Thursday, you will take the flowers and wait outside the side gate of the Yizhou Palace early tomorrow morning. Generally speaking, the purchasers in the palace will go out to purchase things at that time. Since the Princess of Zhou likes peony flowers, her servants will definitely choose what she likes."

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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