Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 846: Have destiny with you

   Chapter 846

  Ms. Tang is only a madam of the county magistrate, but her husband’s family is not simple, so she sent a post to Mrs. Ming and Ji Du, Mrs. Huang, who agreed to go as soon as they received it.

  Second Mrs. Ji and Mrs. Wei will certainly not refuse.

  Xunxiu, the day was beautiful and sunny, Man Bao and Bai Shan Bai Erlang mentioned that they transported all the flowers to Ganxianglou and put them in the private room under Mrs. Tang's bag.

  In order to highlight the wealth and grace of Yao Huang and Wei Zi, she also placed two potted flowers in the middle of two piles of white peonies.

   not only shows Yao Huang and Wei Zi in the middle, but also makes the white peony more delicate.

The four ladies arrived on time, and unfortunately they met at the entrance of the restaurant. Madame Tang, who came one step ahead of time, stood at the door with three smiles, Man Bao, and said: "It's just that it was too early to come by coincidence, why is it so? Coincidentally, it happens to be able to welcome the ladies upstairs."

  The governor of Ming had a good relationship with the county magistrate of Tang, even with Mrs. Ming and Mrs. Tang. She smiled and said, "I was so happy. I thought you were here to meet me. It was a coincidence."

  The two talked and laughed, and Mrs. Tang asked the four ladies to go upstairs. As soon as they entered the box, everyone's eyes were attracted by the flowers on the left and right.

  There are five pots of white peonies surrounding a pot of Yaohuang on one side, and five pots of white peonies surrounding a pot of Weizi on the other. Whether it is Yaohuang, Weizi, or white peony, they all look particularly beautiful.

  Ms. Huang, who loves peony, couldn't help taking two steps forward, looking at the pot of Yao Huang intently.

  Second Mrs. Ji had already learned from the mother who returned home yesterday that Wei Zi in Man Bao's hands was really well raised, but she didn't expect it to be so well, and she was a little stunned for a while.

  Man Bao watched the changes in their expressions in his eyes, and couldn't help but pursed his lips, becoming complacent.

Mrs. Tang introduced Man Bao to everyone after ordering tea, "This is a child of mine who grows orchids very well. I didn't expect that she recognizes some people, and she still has peony flowers in her hand. I look so beautiful. Thinking that the ladies like peonies, I invite you to come and enjoy the flowers."

Madam Huang had already regained consciousness, looked at the three people standing next to Madam Tang, and saw that the three young girls were dressed in ordinary but good temperaments, and asked with a faint smile, "What does your family do? Why are they so big? Don’t worry if you come out to talk about your business?"

  Bai Shan stopped Man Bao and replied first: "Our family is not in business. It just finds it interesting, and it happens to happen to have a good flower. That's why we are buying and selling. The students are from the school."

  Ms. Huang was slightly surprised, she glanced at the calm Mrs. Tang and smiled: "It turns out to be like this. You are willing to sell such a good flower?"

  The attitude is two points more solemn than before.

  Man Bao smiled and said: "A good flower naturally needs to be raised by people who appreciate it. We just met by chance, but we couldn't keep them forever, so we wanted to sell it."

Mrs. Huang suspected that they wanted to borrow flowers to please them, so even though she still liked it, she was two more cautious and easily refused to speak again.

  Second Mrs. Ji and Mrs. Huang have different thoughts. She really thinks that these three children are selling flowers, really to please them, not to mention others, she doesn’t need it here.

  The family hosted a banquet last time and invited them to go. The old lady deliberately wanted to introduce Bai Shan and Zhou Man into their circle, but the two of them didn't even go.

  In addition to the vague mention of the Zhou family after the mother went back last night that the people in the Zhou family seemed to dislike the low price they offered, Mrs. Ji Er understood that the three of them were purely looking at money.

  So she just wants to know how they want to sell this flower.

Mrs. Ji Er asked directly.

  Man Baodao: "The white peony is not good enough, there are enough, people will not fight if they want to come to the wife, but Yao Huang and Wei Zi only have one pot, so I think the higher price will be fine."

Mrs. Huang then looked up, looked at Man Bao, and then at the two teenagers standing aside. Seeing that they had no objection, she sat up straight, smiled and asked, "The higher the price?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Ms. Huang touched her palms and smiled: "This is good, let's just open the bidding?"

Man Bao said: "It's not that the ladies are familiar with each other, so bidding will inevitably hurt the harmony. It is better to write the flowers you want to buy and the price you want to set on a piece of paper, and we will open it on the spot, whose price? High, who owns it."

  Ms. Huang understood after a little thought, she turned her head and smiled with Mrs. Ji Er, ""This method is not bad. "

  Shiijiro took out the pen and paper from the book basket on the side, and studied ink for them.

  The four ladies looked at each other, and all smiled slightly and lifted the pen to meditate.

  I really have to bid in person. Mrs. Wei is not good at competing with Mrs. Ji Er, and Mrs. Ming is not good at competing with Mrs. Huang. This is just the right way to write the price quietly. Even if they get the photo, they are lucky, not deliberately competing.

  All those who are willing to come are those who love flowers, and when they are romantic in spring, they must hold a flower viewing banquet. If the family can come up with a pot of beautiful flowers, it is a thing worth showing off.

  Ms. Huang and Mrs. Ji Er obviously know this too.

  So they pondered for a while, and added a little bit to the price in their minds, and then they wrote it down on the paper.

  Man Bao took all the paper up, opened it directly in front of everyone, and then spread it out for everyone to see.

  It is straightforward and there is absolutely no possibility of cheating.

  Everyone leaned forward and took a look, Madam Huang couldn't help but the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, and Madam Ji Er was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Madam Wei.

  Mrs. Wei couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “I didn’t expect

  I am so lucky today. "

  Ms. Huang also smiled and nodded, “It’s very good. Seeing that the price of me and Mrs. Ming is only a small difference, I didn’t expect to win.”

It’s just such a coincidence that Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Ming love Yao Huang, so they only ordered Yao Huang. Although Mrs. Ji Er liked Wei Zi more, she wrote the price for both pots, but luck was so bad. The price is not as good as that of Mrs. Huang, and Mrs. Wei can't compete.

  Man Bao took the paper and looked at them with a smile on his face, very happy.

  The four ladies didn’t react for a while, and Mrs. Tang smiled and said, “Then we’re making a decision like this?”

  Mrs. Huang smiled and nodded.

  Man Bao took the opportunity to say: "Ms. Huang doesn't buy two pots of white peonies?"

  Mrs. Huang hesitated a bit, her price was not low just now, so she will buy white peony...

  Man Bao smiled and said, "White peony is very cheap, only 16 taels."

Mrs. Huang was surprised, "So cheap?"

   "Yes, I sell it to other friends at the same price."

Mrs. Huang smiled and said: "I bought such a pot of Yao Huang, and you didn't want to give me a pot of white?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "I have a relationship with Sixteen Liang."

  She looked up at the four ladies and smiled, "I think some ladies have a good relationship with White Peony."

  (End of this chapter)

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