Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 847: smoothly

   Chapter 847

Mrs. Huang likes Man Bao’s smile very much. This white peony is excellent in appearance and not expensive. She bought Yao Huang of 1,250 taels. Naturally, she didn’t mind buying two more pots of white peony, so she nodded with a smile. Said: "Okay, then I will buy two pots."

  Weifu's talent has beaten the second wife of Ji and got Wei Zi. He was also very happy and said that he would also buy two pots.

Although Mrs. Ming did not buy flowers, she was not very sad. Mrs. Huang was the wife of her husband’s immediate boss after all. She really won, and she has to struggle a bit afterwards. Although she lost her flowers, she missed one. An annoying thing.

  Therefore, he also took a leisurely look at the white peonies. Upon seeing it, he found that its appearance was indeed excellent, and he smiled: "Then I will take two pots, too. Would you like Mrs. Ji Er to buy it?"

  Ms. Ji Er's face is not so good, she forced a smile: "Then I will buy two pots."

  In this way, there are still two pots left.

Mrs. Ming said with a smile: “Then I will just buy the rest. Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Qi also like peonies. When the time comes, one person will give them a pot.”

  So all the flowers Manbao brought were sold.

  Ms. Wei knows about Man Bao and Bai Shan. After all, her son went home for this reason and was beaten the night before, so she asked with a smile, “Is the money sent directly to your house or?”

  Man Baodao: "Send it to our home."

  Ms. Huang is now sure that the three of them are not here to please her, so she relaxes and smiles: "When I look back, I will have a flower viewing banquet, and I will also invite the three little friends to go shopping."

  Man Bao expressed his gratitude, but he didn't really want to go.

Princess Yizhou will definitely go to the flower viewing banquet hosted by the wife of Jiedu. She is still so young, so she shouldn't run into it at this time.

  Everyone went back to their homes after they had finished speaking. Before the afternoon, the Huang and Wei families came to give them money.

  The money was carried in a box. When Lang opened it on Tuesday and saw the silver ingots, his feet were soft.

  He looked up at Man Bao, swallowed and asked, "Man Bao, where do you put so much money?"

  Man Baodao: "Put it under the bed, I will buy medicinal materials to use when I look back."

  Thursday Lang: "How many medicinal materials do you want to buy? Can you use it up?"


  Thursday Lang said: "Let's take some home. I always feel that it is not safe to put so much money here. It is better to be at home. No one can steal it."

  Bai Shan said: "Brother Thursday, I'm afraid you will be robbed on the road."

  Thursday Lang, who had been robbed once, fell silent and did not dare to talk about it again.

  Because he is also afraid.

  In the end, the whole box of money was placed under Man Bao’s bed. Because Lang Jue was on Thursday, it was indeed one of the safest places.

  The flowers were all sold out, and the breath accumulated in Man Bao's chest finally disappeared, and then he went to the drugstore all day to pester Lao Zheng's shopkeeper to find a medicine farmer.

  The shopkeeper Zheng almost didn't dare to go to the pharmacy again, but even when he went to the pharmacy, he took a detour when he saw Man Bao. He couldn't help but said to Doctor Ji: "Why didn't you know that this girl had such a twisted temper before?"

  Doctor Ji faintly said: "Only the person who is screwed can learn medicine well. Didn't you praise her that this child can endure hardship and is stubborn?"

  The shopkeeper Zheng turned around and left. When he got out of the backyard, he came across Man Bao, who had drilled over to look for him from the front. The shopkeeper Zheng:...

  Man Bao smiled and greeted Lao Zheng's shopkeeper, and asked: "Old Zheng's shopkeeper, is there still no news from the medicine farmers?"

  The shopkeeper Zheng shook his head painfully, "No."

  Man Bao was disappointed.

  Just as he was about to turn around and walk, Xiao Gu ran over from the front and said loudly: "Man Bao, Yao Nong is here!"

  After shouting, he found that the shopkeeper was there, and immediately added, “The shopkeeper, Mr. Xiao is here, you can go out and have a look.”

  Man Bao turned around and ran forward first. He was so excited that even the shopkeeper Zheng was a little bit happy.

  The two ran to the front yard with Xiao Gu, shocked the youngest son of the Xiao family, and couldn't help but back three steps with the back basket on their backs.

  Man Bao recognizes him. I saw him last year when their family came to hand in medicinal materials, but they didn’t speak much.

  Man Bao ran forward and asked, "Did you bring medicinal materials?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Man Bao, don't scare people, wait for me to ask." The shopkeeper Lao Zheng caught up from behind, pulled Man Bao back a little, and asked Xiao Xiaosan after breathing well. ,"Your father asked you to come?"

Xiao Xiaosan nodded, then glanced at Man Bao and said: "My father said that he received a message from the drug store that the little doctor in the shop wanted to recognize the raw medicinal materials, so he was willing to count the money for every three raw medicinal plants. So let me bring some here, I don’t know if it’s true."

   "It's true!" Man Bao answered eagerly, without giving Old Zheng the shopkeeper a chance to speak.

  The shopkeeper Zheng gave her a sideways glance and waved: "Go go, don't join in the fun at the children's house."

   drove Man Bao away a bit, and then said to Xiao Xiaosan: "We don't have to look at all raw medicinal materials, I remember I asked someone to pass you a list."

   "Yes, the medicine we sent is on the list." Xiao Xiaosan put down the basket and took out something wrapped in leaves, "This is Cuscuta, this is Puhuang, this is Eucommia..."

  Keke screamed in Man Bao’s mind, "It hasn't been included, hasn't been included, or hasn't been included..."

  Although it is still an electronic sound, Man Bao can hear the joy in it.

  Looking at the things Xiao Xiaosan kept taking out, Man Bao was also very happy, squatting down happily, it was too late to look at the face of Old Zheng's shopkeeper, and he kept waving his hand and said: "Buy, buy, buy..."

  She has money, so she made a lot of money.

  It looks as if there are stars in this eye, and people who don’t know think she is the one who sells things.

  The shopkeeper Zheng didn't even look at it. For the first time, he felt that Man Bao was quite stupid.

Xiao Xiaosan couldn't help laughing, and took out the things one by one, and said: "When my father received the letter, he guessed that Dr. Zhou was going to buy these new medicinal materials, so I deliberately asked me to bring a little more of everything. So that Doctor Xiao Zhou will recognize it a few more times."

  Man Bao opened the leaves and looked at the things inside. After scanning, Keke said: "All are active, and they can be cultivated and researched."

Man Bao was overjoyed and said to Xiao Xiaosan: "I have never seen many of the freshness of medicinal materials, so I want to recognize them. If your family finds rare medicinal materials in the future, please don't concoct them. Bring them to me. I will give you the price of a pound that I have prepared."

  Xiao Xiaosan responded.

  The conditions for Man Baokai are too tempting. They only picked a little stuff and came into the city overnight. Otherwise, they would have to walk for a day or two after entering the city. Who wants to come from time to time?

  The shopkeeper Zheng sighed and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, now that you have all negotiated, then I won't say anything."

Man Bao happily glanced at Xiao Xiaosan, turned around and took out a piece of paper from his back basket. It was densely written with a lot of medicinal materials, "This is the name of the medicinal materials I listed these days. I haven’t seen the raw medicinal materials, you see if you have them there, and I’ll tell you if there are any."

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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