Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 848: Spend points

   Chapter 848 Flower Points

Xiao Xiaosan recognized some characters, but he was also shocked by the densely packed drug names on Manbao's paper. He didn't recognize many of the characters. He had a numb scalp and asked, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, do you want these drugs? "

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, as long as it is raw."

  Xiao Xiaosan folded the list and decided to take it home and show it to his father.

  Man Bao took back the broken silver from the shopkeeper, calculated the price and gave the money to Xiao Xiaosan, personally took the person to the door, and then stood by the door and waved goodbye to him.

  Xiao Xiaosan ran away without looking back, he felt that Man Bao's eyes looked terrifying.

  The shopkeeper Zheng took a cup of tea and stood behind the counter, shook his head and said: "You Nizi, when will this impatient problem be corrected?"

  He shook his head and said, "It's just like being a human being. You have to take your time to stabilize. You are so impatient, you can't eat hot tofu."

   "Who said you can't eat it, the tofu made by my sister-in-law is very delicious. If you don't hurry up to pick up more chopsticks, the back will be gone."

  Old Zheng, the shopkeeper:...

  It is said that Man Bao also obeyed the advice of the treasurer of old Zheng, mainly because she found that she was impatient and useless, it mainly depends on whether the medicine farmers can find the raw medicinal materials she wants.

  She is making money anyway.

  Man Bao put all the raw medicinal materials just now into his own basket, and said, "The shopkeeper, Doctor Ji, I will go home first."

  The shopkeeper Zheng took a look at the time and estimated that there would not be many patients in the future, so he waved his hand and said, "Go, go."

  Man Bao walked away with the basket on his back.

  Bai Erlang went out to play, Bai Shan was reading in the study, Mr. Zhuang was pointing him, Chu Lang and Zhou Lijun were going home tomorrow, so they went shopping today.

  Man Bao sneaked back to his room, took out the medicinal materials again and identified them the same, and then handed them to Keke for recording.

  It was the first time that Keke was so happy to include things. It suggested: "The host can fix this method."

  Man Bao also feels that this method saves effort and time, but it does not save money.

  But, it doesn’t matter, she doesn’t lack money anyway.

  Man Bao gave Keke a copy of all the medicinal materials, and he held his chin expectantly and asked, "Keke, how is it, have you upgraded?"

Keke: "...Host, I think the treasurer Zheng said right, he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I just included it, and the entry was not in time. However, Du Zhong is a known entry, but it has not been included. According to it Importance, its points are 1,300 points."

  Only when the voice came off, Man Bao heard the jingling of points to the account, and at the same time, jingling, Keke announced an additional sentence, "Ranked for sixty-five points."

  Man Bao hurriedly said: "You can smoke more, you can smoke six hundred and fifty points, I don't mind at all."

  Keko ignores her.

  Man Bao was very disappointed to see it abiding by the rules.

  Keke: "The remaining points are down, I will notify the host."

Man Bao sighed and wandered around in the forum. Seeing that there were all kinds of problems in the posts above, he couldn't help but post a post asking, "I want to upgrade my system, but my system What should I do if I am always unwilling to draw more points to upgrade?"

Man Bao will quit after sending it out, and plan to come back to watch it at night, because in her experience, it usually takes a long, long time for her to reply to her posts, and most of the people who will reply to her are still with her. Forum netizens who have had business dealings.

But unexpectedly, she heard the news of Ding Dong Ding Dong before she could quit this time. She was a little curious, so she hurried to read it. Only then did she find that in a short period of time, there have been a lot of replies under the post. , And they are all strangers who haven't met.

  First floor: "Look, everyone, there is a fool!"

Second floor: "I've only heard of the disliked system earning too much, and I've never seen anyone disliked the system earning too little. Come here, this friend named Man Bao came out to get to know each other, if you have too many points, we won’t Mind to help digest some."

  3rd floor: “It’s not easy for us to earn points by ourselves, but it’s easy to divide the points into the system, such as buying things in the encyclopedia, and buying a bunch of practical and impractical ones.”

"For another example, if you buy something that is far beyond the technology of the time and space through the system, the system will be slashed. No matter how bad, you can still use your points to bribe your system and buy some programs for it. I don't believe it. No need."

Fourth floor: "This is a phishing post. I don’t believe that someone would give points to the system for nothing. How difficult it is to earn a little point. Last time, I dug under the ground for three months in order to get a piece of ore. I dare not let anyone know."

  Man Bao asked Keke, "Can I still buy you a program?"

  Kokedao: "It is not recommended for the host to do this, because once the host system is judged to accept bribes, I am in danger of being taken back, and the host will not be able to redistribute it to the system."

  In other words, I will lose myself, and you will lose the system.

  Man Bao removed this in his heart, ignoring the doubts, shouts, and speculations between floors, only staring at useful suggestions, and soon Man Bao found out.

   "If they don't tell me, I forgot. You also get a commission when I buy things from the encyclopedia."

  Keke: "Congratulations to the host, I remembered it."

  Is anyone pitiful with it?

The host of   recognition, in addition to buying a particularly expensive electric shock baton from it in the early years, he bought the most books from him, and he also specially selected the discount sale in the encyclopedia to buy it.

The books in the encyclopedia are not expensive at first, especially the ones she likes to read are some cheap ones. The kind of particularly expensive and expensive technology books, she glanced at them and stopped looking at them again, let alone bought them. .

  So over the years, the points it collects from the host for purchasing this piece are so small that it has forgotten that there is a channel for earning points.

  Man Bao got excited. Earning points is a bit difficult, but spending points should be easy, right?

Man Bao eagerly ran to take a look at her total points, and then went into the encyclopedia to read the book. She first bought all the books she had been collecting but was reluctant to buy, and then paid the encyclopedia to follow She burned books from the text of this world, and then plunged into the encyclopedia to continue to pick books.

   Keke couldn’t help but stop, “Host, although I also want to upgrade, have you ever thought about it. How do you take out so many books? If someone asks...”

  "What's in here, put it here first, I took out one after a while, and said that I bought it outside. There are so many books in the world, who can know it all?"

  Koke was relieved when she heard that she was not planning to take out two hundred books in one go.

  Because Manbao purchased a large number of books, Keke received a lot of money from the encyclopedia. After Dingling Dangling, Keke said: "I have upgraded, and now the scan range is within one kilometer."

  Man Bao wowed and couldn't help but roll up his sleeves and said: "Ke Ke, let's continue."

"Host, don't you really look at your points?" Keke said, "Although you still have a lot of points now, I don't recommend you to spend it like this. If you encounter urgent things in the future, you need points again... …"

"Yes," Man Bao suppressed his mood. Although he was a little disappointed, he said happily, "It's not bad to be able to get one level up. We will try to get another level up before going to the si, and the chances of finding something in the mountains when we go back. Just increased."

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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