Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 849: Got an angry nose

   Chapter 849

  Man Bao bought a bunch of books, most of which were previously wanted to buy, so I collected them, but because I was reluctant to earn points, or could not spare time to read books that I didn’t buy.

  At this moment, after I bought it, it was piled up in a mess in the system. Keke looked upset and said, “Host, you have to buy some shelves and put the books back, or you can put them in boxes.”

  Man Bao asked, "Do you sell bookshelves or boxes in the Encyclopedia?"

  Keke was silent for a while and said: "We haven't developed this business yet."

"Fine Don't sell bookshelves?"

  Keke: "Your bookstore does not sell bookshelves either."

  Man Bao couldn't say it, so she decided to skip this topic. She went to find a story book that she was once very interested in.

  Keko said that this is not a story book, but a history book, but she thinks that this history is written in this way and it is no different from a story book.

  Man Bao took a book and went to the yard to sit on a chair and read while basking in the sun. He did not go to the study to disturb Mr. Bai Shanhe and the others.

  The storybook produced by the system, oh, no, it’s a history book that is really good-looking, and Man Bao leaned back on the recliner to read it with gusto.

What Mr. Zhuang and Bai Shan saw when they came out was this lazy look of her. Mr. Zhuang smiled and shook his head, went forward and patted her on the head lightly, and whispered Take a good look and sit down. "

  Man Bao immediately got up and sat down.

  Bai Shan approached her and took a look at her book, feeling strange, and asked, "What book is this?"

   "A story book, bought on the street."

  Bai Shan pulled over and looked at it. After turning two pages, he said: "It's a vernacular script again, but the idea is novel. This is the construction of a dynasty, right?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Mr. Zhuang stretched out his hands at the two of them, and the two of them handed over the book respectfully.

  Mr. Zhuang looked through it, and was slightly surprised: "Although it is written in vernacular, it is well written."

  He went to look up the author’s name, but found that the word "anonymous" was printed there, and he frowned slightly, "Could it be that the past is to satirize the present? Otherwise, how can you hide your name incognito?"

  Man Bao did not speak.

Mr. Zhuang only then remembered that Man Bao seemed to always be able to buy some unknown books. He glanced at Man Bao and returned the book to her and said, "After reading it, I will give it to my teacher, except for family members. It's spread out."

  Man Bao responded.

  Originally, except for Mr. Zhuang, Baishan Baijilang and her family, she would not show anyone else.

  Man Bao saw that Mr. Zhuang did not object to her reading miscellaneous books, so he took it with joy, and only turned two pages after taking it. Bai Erlang and Wei Ting Jihao and others hurriedly opened the courtyard door and entered.

  Bai Shan and Man Baocai were fascinated, they were startled by the bang, and looked up blankly.

The people who rushed in saw them sitting together holding a book and looked at it and they were quiet. It was not surprising that Bai Erlang was used to seeing them, and rushed forward without stopping, and shouted: "Man Bao, Princess Yizhou is so angry. It's crooked."

  Wei Ting returned to his senses, then glared at him and said, "What are you calling nonsense?"

   Shirajiro became unhappy, and said, "Isn't this what you said?"

  Wei Ting choked and said, "We said it, but we didn't yell so loudly. Would you converge a bit?"

  Bai Erlang paused, then lowered his voice and said again, "Man Bao, Shan Bao, Princess Yizhou's nose is crooked with anger."

   "Huh? What is your name Bai Shan?"

   Jiao Yong's focus is different, and he grabbed Bai Erlang and asked.

   Bai Erlang arrives: "It's Shanbao, his nickname."

  Bai Shan gave him a sideways glance and asked, "How do you know that her nose is crooked with anger?"

  Wei Ting said: "We saw it with our own eyes."

He looked at Bai Shan and Man Bao suspiciously: "Yesterday my mother and Mrs. Huang bought peonies from you and went back. In the afternoon, they asked people to post and invite people to enjoy the flowers. It happened that there was something from the Yizhou Palace. Come, I said that the princess also got a pot of extremely rare peonies, and I want to invite everyone to see it."

"Because there are too many people who want to host flower viewing banquets, and it was just a moment later, everyone simply discussed with the Ji family and borrowed her family's Spring Garden to enjoy the flowers." Wei Ting said, "It is a flower viewing, but it is actually. Douhua, Princess Yizhou and Madam Huang simply took over the matter and sent posts to many people in the city."

  This kind of thing is not difficult at first. For flower viewing, just prepare some melon and fruit snacks. When the day comes, just bring the peonies that you think are the best.

  Not only the rich and wealthy families in Yizhou City often do this, but also the rich and powerful in the capital.

  So, this morning, all the wives brought flowers to meet in the Spring Garden of the Ji family.

  It’s okay when I don’t meet each other, and it’s terrible when I meet, because there is a pot of white white peony among the peony held by six of the ten families. It is beautiful and too coincidental.

  Wei Ting and Jiao Yong gave them a vivid description of the grand occasion in the morning, and they were stunned by Bai Shanmanbao and Bai Erlang.

  Bai Shan asked, "Why are you going to enjoy the flowers, ladies?"

  Wei Ting gave them angrily and said, "I thought we wanted to go. Naturally, it's impossible to just enjoy the flowers, cough cough, my mother has to let us go."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan Bai Erlang understood "Oh" and asked, "Are you going to say kiss to you?"

  The silent Ji Hao couldn't help but said: "Can we stop pulling further and further?"

He looked at Man Bao and said, "There were many pots of white peonies among the peonies brought by various families at that time. This is nothing. The white peonies did grow well and had excellent appearance. Although there were a little more in number, they still counted. Treasures, especially when everyone talked about them, they found that they were bought at 16 taels, which were not expensive."

"But the princess of Yizhou also brought a pot of white peonies, and she only brought a pot of white peonies," Ji Hao said: "She came the latest and didn't see everyone's peonies at the beginning, so I told my mother and them She bought the peony for a thousand taels. The color is extremely pure and very beautiful."

   Ji Hao didn’t go any further, but looked at Man Bao and Bai Shan and said, “You sold the white peony to my mother and the others.”

  Bai Shan got up, stood in front of Man Bao, looked at him and asked, "What then?"

  Ji Hao pursed his mouth and said nothing for a while.

  Wei Ting felt that their previous atmosphere was not right, and quickly stood between the two of them and said, "What a big deal, the potted flowers in the hands of Princess Yizhou are not sold by Bai Shan..."

   "Yes," Bai Shan cut off his words and said, looking at Wei Ting who was wide-eyed: "We sell it."

  Wei Ting opened his mouth wide.

    The next update will be around ten o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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