Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 851: inquire about

   Chapter 851

  Tang county magistrate sent someone out for a stroll, but he didn't hear any news. After thinking about it, he went back to the backyard to find two loyal servants to talk, and asked them to inquire about some news in the Yizhou Palace.

  These mothers bowed down and went out to inquire about the news to the county magistrate. They were quietly called into the house by Mrs. Tang at night to speak.

  Grandma Jia said: "Let us inquire about today's flower viewing, and inquire about the cause and effect."

  Grandma Yi said: "Let us also find out what the kings and princesses have eaten, when they go out, and what are the little county kings in the palace playing."

  Ms. Tang frowned slightly, "He asked you to inquire about this?"

  The two mothers bowed and replied, "Yes."

  Ms. Tang pursed her mouth slightly, and asked: "Then have you all inquired out?"

"Some are not easy to inquire, but I have also inquired a little." Madam Jia paused and said: "The princess had a big temper after returning home. Guan Shi was beaten twenty times, but I heard that he was demoted. After arriving in Zhuangzi, the princess will probably never want to see him again in the past two years."

  Ms. Tang snorted, "I am not strict in the government, but now I have a temper, are there any more?"

  "The prince and the princess can’t inquire about their daily lives, but the prince will go out every time he arrives in the past few days, and he didn’t come back until the hour. Several small county kings are keen on riding and shooting recently, thinking about going out for spring hunting in Shangsi."

   "Master, what reaction did you hear?"

  Sister Yi Yi said nervously: "Master didn't respond, so he just told us to retreat."

  Mrs. Tang frowned, and waved them to retreat.

  The magistrate of workaholic Tang was still in the study. As soon as Mrs. Tang opened the door, he put the letter in the drawer into the drawer, looked up at Mrs. Tang, and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

   "Why, what shameful things you have done, don't you allow me to take a look?"

  The county magistrate of Tang raised his forehead with a headache, "Look, look, you're here again."

  Mrs. Tang coldly snorted, walked forward, and sat directly in his arms, then stretched out her hand to pull the drawer, the county magistrate Tang pushed her, but she didn't let her open it.

  He had a slight face, and said solemnly: "Lady Rou, this is official business."

  Ms. Tang looked at him for a long time, then stopped, and asked, "Is it official business to inquire about King Yizhou’s life?"

  The county magistrate of Tang knew that she couldn’t hide her from her, and said, “I’m just about to tell you, how about the two grandmothers who are seconded to my front yard? I have something for them to do.”

  Ms. Tang was silent for a while and then solemnly said: "Husband, I never ask about your official duties, but at this moment I can't help but ask, are you going to participate in the royal court?"

  The county magistrate of Tang said in an angry voice: "Am I being full and holding on? I don't do imperial affairs, only office affairs."

  Ms. Tang breathed a sigh of relief, "Then why go to check the King of Yizhou?"

  The county magistrate of Tang glanced at her and said: "King Yizhou is a member of the royal family, but he is also a courtier of Dajin."

  Ms. Tang didn’t ask any more. After thinking about it, she nodded and said: "Okay, I'll see you off. I will tell them to go to the front yard and listen to them."

  Tang county magistrate is satisfied.

  Ms. Tang immediately said: "Then my justice."

  Tang county magistrate said: "I will go tomorrow afternoon when I finish my official business."

  Ms. Tang hummed: "I want to go with you."

  Man Bao was in a very good mood all day, and the next day, she went to the drugstore humming a song, and her voice was three-point sweeter when she was seeing a doctor, which made the patients' bored mood a lot better.

The shopkeeper Zheng looked at her carrying a basket, greeted them happily and then hummed a song and ran away. He turned his head and said to Doctor Ji: "This is really rare. I haven't seen her so happy for a long time. NS."

  Doctor Ji smiled and said, "Isn’t you refreshing when you are happy."

   "I don't know what the happy event is."

Doctor Ji is getting older and has less curiosity. He smiled and skipped the matter. He said to the treasurer Zheng: "Master outside the city has a headache again. I went to see it for two days and found that It is indeed getting more and more serious. I want to take Man Bao to see it tomorrow."

  The shopkeeper Zheng hesitated, "Many treasures can cure?"

Doctor Ji shook his head, "No, I want her to see this disease, cough cough, although I have not been able to cure Master Guan’s disease, but it has been maintained for eight years, I want to find out all the previous prescriptions for her. Take a lesson."

  Treasurer Zheng: ...I heard it, this is to let Man Bao learn about this disease while Master Guan is still alive.

  The shopkeeper Zheng gave a light cough, and asked sadly, "Master Guan, this is..."

  "It's getting heavier and heavier. I almost didn't get through this winter. I guess it's awful this summer." And the summer is over and there will be winter.

  Severely ill people, especially older people, are a barrier in summer and winter. Basically, after passing through it, they will live for another half a year.

  Man Bao didn’t know anything at this time. She bounced home and went to school. After finishing today’s class, only half of her homework was written. The county magistrate Tang brought Mrs. Tang to visit.

   Then I met Shirazen Hakujiro, who had just returned from school, at the door.

  Man Bao and Mr. Zhuang heard the movement, stood in the entrance of the study and looked out, and they saw a group of them coming in.

  The county magistrate of Tang brought Mrs. Tang forward to meet Mr. Zhuang. Mr. Zhuang wanted to invite them to sit in the main room, but seeing that they had all reached the entrance of the study, he turned sideways and let them in.

  As soon as the couple entered the door, they saw three small tables and chairs neatly arranged in the room, with a large table and chairs in the middle, and rows of bookshelves on the side. They looked pleasing to the eye.

  The two found a place to sit down, and Man Bao went to make tea for them.

  Ms. Tang entered their study for the first time. Unfortunately, she was sitting in Man Bao's position, and she looked down at Man Bao Zheng doing half of his homework.

  Looking at the writing above, Mrs. Tang was stunned for a while, then looked at Man Bao who served her tea, and asked: "This is what you wrote?"

  Man Bao nodded in embarrassment, "I haven't finished writing yet."

  Ms. Tang flipped through the book she had placed on the table and sighed in her heart when she saw the detailed notes made in it.

  Tang county magistrate is talking to Mr. Zhuang about playing chess, because Man Bao is serving tea, so he talked about tea along the way.

  The Tang county magistrate wants to play chess with Mr. Zhuang, Man Bao and the others are not easy to bother, so they retreat and find the cook and say, "Tang county magistrate is afraid that they will have to eat here tonight. Go and prepare more ingredients."

  The chef was slightly anxious, "Master and they left on Thursday, so the food at home is not enough. Where can I buy it now?"

  Usually, not only the chef will buy vegetables back, but on Thursday Lang will go shopping and see some good ingredients at home, so the family does not worry about eating.

  But now on Thursday Lang and Zhou Lijun are busy going home and farming. The cooks bought them according to the quantity, so they came in a little more. County magistrate Tang and Mrs. Tang were regarded as distinguished guests.

  The chef said: "If you want to buy good food now, you have to go to the big set."

  Bai Shan said: "Let Daji go, we will help you at home, what's the hurry?"

  Farewell, these three little masters are all of the kind who help the more they get into the kitchen.

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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