Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 852: equality

   Chapter 852 Equality

  Finally, I went to buy some vegetables and meat. The cook made a sumptuous supper.

  The county magistrate of Tang smiled when his wife didn't mention it. After dinner, he went to talk with Mr. Zhuang in the study and asked Mrs. Tang to stay in the yard and play with Man Bao and the others.

  Man Bao felt a little strange, because Tang County ordered him to say nothing serious since he was here. So when Madam Tang stayed in the yard to play with them, she couldn't help but ask, "Madam, why are you and County Madam Tang free to visit us today?"

  Ms. Tang glanced at her and said: "Man Bao, I just saw a particularly beautiful pot of Huanglan in the study, and it looks even better than the pot of Maosu I bought."

  Man Bao coughed slightly: "Madam must have read it wrong. The orchids that have been kept in the pot are no better than the ones in the garden."

   "But I like Huanglan."

  Man Bao was disappointed and said: "Unfortunately, I only have one pot, which has already been given to my husband. If you really want it, you can only wait for two more years. I will branch out and give you a pot."

   "I'll sell two hundred taels, can you sell it?"

  Manbao is not short of money now, so money is just a number to her, and she shook her head firmly.

  Ms. Tang looked at her, and smiled after a long time: "Okay, it seems that I have no relationship with this potted flower."

After a pause, she looked at Man Bao and said, "Are you afraid you don't know, the palace steward who you said was related to your first pot of white peony was beaten up to 20 bans yesterday and sent the hair to the Zhuangzi. It's work."

  Man Bao was slightly surprised, and then smiled: "Is that right? That's really unfortunate."

Madam Tang stretched out her hand and nodded her forehead and said, "You are really courageous and temperamental. People say that you can endure a moment and calm the waves. As for you, you have made waves and caused so many people. It's all involved."

  Man Bao was a little confused, tilted his head and said: "But Mrs. Tang, I think you all look down on her in private, I thought you wouldn't mind."

  Mrs. Tang: "...Who said these things to you?"

   "You guys," Man Bao said, "When Ji Hao lost his horse last year, I didn't realize that you were afraid of Princess Yizhou."

  More than not being afraid, she simply looks down on it. At that time, Ying Wenhai was taken away by the magistrate of Tang. Ying's family moved up and down, and Mrs. Tang hid directly in the Taoist temple.

  Because Ji Shitang is in it, Man Bao hears these things often in the drugstore, and she is always found by Ying's family?

  She heard that Princess Yizhou went to the Taoist temple on purpose, but Mrs. Tang stayed behind closed doors. Of course, her excuse was to retreat.

  Ke Manbao felt that the wife of a sixth-rank county magistrate who dared to come to the super-pin princess and missed her was a contempt for that princess.

In the past, Man Bao didn't care about these things, so she didn't think too much, but once she noticed them, these things were not difficult for her. She only looked at them as characters in the book and thought about what they said and did. That's it.

  Ms. Tang looked at Man Bao and was speechless for a while.

  She doesn’t like Princess Yizhou very much, but she hasn’t been so obvious, right?

  Ms. Tang was in a daze until she got on the carriage.

  The county magistrate Tang kept looking at her sideways, and when she saw that she ignored him, he coughed and asked, "Didn’t you say that you want her to settle the accounts? I never saw you ask her to settle the accounts."

  Ms. Tang glanced at him and said: "I always thought she was just a little girl who learned some medical skills."

  The Tang county magistrate raised his eyebrows and asked, "What about now?"

"I just learned at this moment that she is also very tight in reading," Madam Tang adjusted her sleeves and said: "I saw the writing and the notes in the book on her desk today. I remember that I was at home and Correspondence, my mother said, Xiaoliu had just read "Spring and Autumn", and the family plans to send him to the Imperial College this year."

  Wang’s children naturally don’t have to take an exam to enter the Imperial College, but instead go directly to Enyin.

  Ms. Tang said: "Little Liu is sixteen this year. Although I can't make it at home, it's still pretty good when I take it out. Zhou Man is only 12 this year, right?"

  The Tang county magistrate smiled and said, “Bai Shan is a little bit better than her in school.”

"That's not the same, not to mention that Bai Shan is one year older than her, and that he is studying in the government, and she is also learning medicine." For Mrs. Tang, studying medicine is not worthy of her jealousy or respect, because In her opinion, the doctor is just a craftsman. It's not the same as studying hard.

  Wang family is a family of farming students, she knows too much how important reading is and how difficult it is to read good books.

  And the Man Bao she saw today was completely different from the Man Bao she had known before.

  Tang county magistrate: "So you won't ask her to settle the accounts?"

  Ms. Tang waved her hand and said indifferently: "Forget it, forget it, it's not a big deal."

The county magistrate Tang smiled and withdrew his gaze. Before leaving the courtyard, he quietly approached Bai Shan and warned: "You'd better stay away from the Yizhou Prince's Mansion. Don't do too dangerous things when you are young. "

  Ms. Tang obviously didn't regard Man Bao as someone who could stand on the same line as her, but when she went to the study, she silently placed Man Bao at the same height to communicate.

  But others have not changed from Mrs. Tang. Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Wei can be regarded as vested interests. Mrs. Huang has a high status. Mrs. Huang doesn't care whether she offends Princess Yizhou. Instead, she watched a good show.

Mrs. Wei was different. She was in a bad mood, but she did not dare to say to her mother-in-law, so she could only complain to Mrs. Wei secretly, "What happened to Ting'er’s classmate? I sold it to the princess of Yizhou, but he also sold so many pots. You didn't see it. When the silk was torn off, the princess's complexion was completely bad."

  Master Wei frowned slightly and asked, "How much did the princess spend on that pot of white peonies?"

  Mrs. Wei paused and said: “As soon as she entered the door, the princess said that she had got a pot of pure-color peony, which is rare for her daughter, but she didn’t specify how much she bought it.”

  Master Wei said: "You still have to find out, let's talk about it. There are so many ladies present, and the princess can't remember you."

"But," Madam Wei tangled, "Yesterday, the flower appreciation was the most beautiful flower that Mrs. Huang and I took out. On the contrary, many people have the white peony. I was afraid that the princess did not remember anyone, so I remembered it. It's me."

  Master Wei:...

  Mrs. Wei did not have the confidence of Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Tang, and Mrs. Wei was not Mrs. Huang and the magistrate of Tang. He had to get up from the bed and asked about the flower viewing carefully.

  The more I listened, the more Master Wei felt that something was wrong.

Mrs. Wei hurriedly said, "You don’t think something is right, right? This pot of white peonies is rare. Where did Ting’er’s classmate get twenty-one pots of it all at once? And it’s such a coincidence, most of them are sold. Give it to us, and sell two pots in one family, but the only pot for the princess?"

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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