Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 853: Well-known

   Chapter 853

  Master Wei asked: "Did your son not play truant today?"

   "What do you think, is Ting'er such a person?"

  "Then don't think about it, you can't think of it after you think about it, I will ask Ting'er tomorrow."

  Wei Ting slipped out to see his father before he went to the classroom the next day.

  Seeing his father, Wei Ting habitually tightened his skin. By the way, he only came back for a day of class after a ten-day break, right?

  What did he do yesterday?

  Wei Ting walked towards his father expressionlessly, thinking hard at the same time, and finally did not remember what bad things he did yesterday, so he could only tensed his face and walked over.

   When he was about to walk by, he grabbed Bai Shan who was passing by, and asked in a low voice, "Have I done anything bad lately?"

  Bai Shan was caught in pain. After slightly frowning, he followed his gaze and saw Master Wei.

  He then thought about it seriously, and asked: "Is it counted if I copied my homework yesterday?"

"No, Mr. Zhai won't find such a trivial matter, and he won't even go to my dad when he finds it." Seeing that his dad became impatient, Wei Ting quickly lowered his voice and asked, "Did I contradict Mr. yesterday? ?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, "No."

   "Are there any skipping classes?"

  Bai Shan: "No."

   "Was there a fight with someone?"

  Bai Shan: "Neither."

  Wei Ting let out a sigh of relief. While adjusting the clothes, he raised a smile and walked over to his father, muttering in a low voice, "I'll just say it, I can't remember it, then I'm not mistaken."

  As soon as he walked to Master Wei, Master Wei gave him a head and asked angrily, "I'm looking for you, why are you daunting there?"

  Wei Ting shrank his neck and said: "I don't know what my father is looking for, so I asked my classmates to ask me and my husband for leave."

  "Why leave? Just to ask you two sentences," Mr. Wei asked, "Which classmate who sold your mother's flowers last time? What did he do?

  What's going on? Why did you hear your mother say that he let your mother and your wives offend Princess Yizhou? "

  Wei Ting opened his mouth, daring not to say that the flower seller is Man Bao, not Bai Shan.

  However, when this matter is seriously investigated, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang are indeed in the same group as Zhou Man.

  Wei Ting was a bit tangled. Under his father’s gaze, he could only say: "Father, this is a long story."

   "Then you can make a long story short."

  "Do you remember Bai Shan?"

  Master Wei shook his head without thinking, "I don't remember."

  Wei Ting: "……"

  Wei Ting paused and said, "It's the one who saved Ji Hao."

  When he said this, Master Wei remembered it. He remembered that he had seen the child at the time. He coughed and asked, "His family is not bad, right? Why do you want to sell flowers?"

  Wei Ting said irritably, "People are not trying to make money. If they want to make money, can they sell only 16 taels of such good-looking white peonies?"

  Master Wei thought about it, and then he pondered for a moment and asked: "So they are to please Princess Yizhou? But it's not right. If they want to please Princess Yizhou, how can she be so ugly?"

  Wei Ting told them that they were planning to sell a pot of peonies for 600 taels, but they were forced to buy them for 16 taels by the palace steward.

  Master Wei obviously did not expect that there was such a reason. He couldn't help but was dumbfounded, and said after a long time: "So they are angry, and let the princess behave in such a big ugly in front of all the ladies?"

  Wei Ting coughed lightly, "It's not very big, right..."

  Master Wei looked at him quietly, rubbed his forehead for a while and asked, "Do you know this from the beginning?"

"No," Wei Ting denied immediately: "Father, am I such a heartless person? If I had known it earlier, I would definitely not let my mother buy the peony, and even stop her from attending some flower banquet. "

  Master Wei nodded with satisfaction, and waved: "Okay, you can go to class."

  Wei Ting ran away in a hurry, ran back to the classroom and went to find Bai Shan, "You are now famous again."

  Bai Shan raised his head and looked at him, Wei Ting said the question his father came to ask him to ask, and said, "Isn't this famous? Be careful that Yizhou Prince's Mansion gives you small shoes."

Ji Hao on the side snorted coldly: "I'm afraid of what he will do, Bai Shan, my Ji family will protect you."

  Wei Ting asked him angrily, "Can you represent the Ji family?"

   Ji Hao blushed and said: "I can say that I can."

  Second Mrs. Ji is not very happy because an outsider is resenting Yizhou Palace again, so she looks at her mother-in-law with embarrassment.

  Old lady Ji frowned and asked, "Why do they want to sell the white peony to Princess Yizhou?"

  Second Mrs. Ji immediately said: "You want to make friends with the palace, right?"

   Ji Hao immediately said: "No, just to make money."

"Are they short of money?" Mrs. Ji's face was disbelief, "Moreover, it is not good to sell it to Princess Yizhou? Our family is not unable to buy peony flowers. We should first contact our family in terms of theory. Let’s sell it, but they don’t. Mother, I don’t think they want to have anything to do with our family."

  Apparently she still remembered not taking pictures of Wei Zi.

  Old lady Ji glanced at her and looked at Ji Hao, "Who said they just made money?"

   "Zhou Man said," Ji Hao said: "She needs money to buy raw medicinal materials, so she thought about selling peonies."

   "She's not going to be a medicinal material dealer, how much does it cost to buy medicinal materials?" Mrs. Ji Er looked disbelief.

   Ji Hao is so poor that he can't speak.

Obviously, people who have the same ideas as Mrs. Ji's do not say, no one thinks that Bai Shanzhou and the others wanted to sell the first pot of peony flowers to the princess of Yizhou just to make money. They only thought that they wanted to make friends with the palace, but they were rejected by the palace. In an embarrassing situation, the princess and Wangfu lost a big face in Yizhou City.

  Originally, it was just something that a few caring people knew. Master Wei went home and said to Mrs. Wei that after annoying her heart, within two days, it spread all over the city of Yizhou.

  Not only from Lord Huang Jiedu, down to the government officials in the county, but even the helpers who walked the streets and alleys heard some rumors, so they spread throughout the city of Yizhou.

  For Zhouman Baishan and Baijiro, this is not notorious, and even has a reputation.

  In the Great Jin Dynasty, scholars voted for the rich and powerful, and it was not a shame to find a future for themselves, because at this time, before the imperial examination, the scholars would have contributed articles and poems to the rich and powerful ministers in the DPRK.

  You voted, it is a good name, not voted, no name, you vote, but you are embarrassed by the slaves, and then you in turn embarrass the rich and powerful, and make the slaves punished, that is fame.

  And it is well-known.

  When Bai Shan went to the academy again, not only the classmates looked at him with a kind smile, but even the gentleman in the school praised him several times without fear of the powerful.

  Bai Shan:...

  Climbed the wall and sneaked in to read the book, but was pulled by Wei Ting to popularize how well-known Bai Shan is now:...

  She obviously did this, so why count on Bai Shan’s head?

  Well, he carried the pot on his back, so he has to give it a natural name. Man Bao said nothing in silence.

    see you tomorrow, work overtime tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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