Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 854: Erji is here

   Chapter 854

  The spread of rumors is so fast and so deep that even King Yizhou, who rarely asks about the back house, has heard of it.

  He was a little angry, and more often faced the princess. He didn't expect that she would make trouble in the city with such a small matter. The other party is just three young girls with no foundation, all of which can be defeated like this, it is impossible to say that he is not disappointed.

So when he went back to the backyard and found that the princess wanted to call the three of them to beat him, he couldn't help but get angry, "Do you think the noise is not big enough now? Tolerate Diao slaves and impose laxity, you have to go again. Add one to dominate yourself?"

  The princess had a pale face, and quickly got up to salute, and murmured: "Then invite someone to apologize?"

"This king can't afford to lose this person. They don't have such a big face. It's just three children. There will be opportunities in the future," the prince said: "You have not been out of the house recently, and you will not provoke others. You will spend seven or eight days. , Who remembers this?"

   Princess Yizhou reluctantly responded.

  The prince thought of his staff and flung his sleeves away with anger.

  Here at Manbao, the story has been turned over, and she is now busy studying her headache.

Doctor Ji took Man Bao to the suburbs to see Master Guan twice. Recently, Man Bao was sorting out Master Guan’s pulse records for so many years. He was sorting out and studying at the same time. At the same time, he also had to do business with the medicine farmers who came to visit. The collected raw medicinal materials were collected and a large sum of money was paid to them.

  So she had forgotten about selling flowers, even Qi Jue’s birthday.

  But Bai Shan almost forgot, the only one who hasn't forgotten is Bai Erlang.

  The main reason is that he wants to forget but can’t forget. There is always someone around him reminding him.

  A few friends gathered at the entrance of the academy to say goodbye. Qi Jue and Bai Erlang waved and said, "Don’t forget my birthday banquet tomorrow."

  Shirajiro waved his hand impatiently: "I can't forget, I can't forget, you have said it a hundred or eighty times today."

   Shan Yu said: "How can there be a hundred or eighty times, only six times, hahahaha..."

Qi Jue was so angry that he gave Shan Yu a kick.

  White Erlang ran to the street looking for his own carriage, but he didn't see Daji and the familiar carriage. He was stunned, looked around, and a young man greeted him and said: "Jiro!"

  Bai Erlang turned his head to look, blinked, and asked: "You are Big Brother Liu from the alley entrance."

   "Yes," Liu Dalang grinned and said, "Daji can't come if I have something to do today, so I hired me to pick you up."

   Bai Erlang looked at him suspiciously, but he and Man Bao Baishan studied 180 ways to shoot people, including various methods by acquaintances.

  Liu Dalang was watched by his gaze, and choked for a while before he said: "Second Young Master Bai, our two families are neighbors, I will never harm you, right?"

   Bai Erlang said: "My parents will sell children."

  Liu Dalang:...

  He rolled his eyes in anger, and pointed to the road: “It only takes a quarter of an hour to run from the academy to our alley. What can I lie to you?”

   "Daji won't be out of time, he still has to pick up Bai Shan."

   "Young Master Shan went home in half the afternoon."

  Bai Erlang immediately climbed into Liu Dalang’s donkey cart and shouted: "Let’s go, let’s go."

  Liu Dalang slowly went to lead the donkey, while asking, "Second Young Master doesn't doubt me now?"

   "Oh, Brother Liu, why do you talk so much? Bai Shan easily does not ask for leave. There must be something wrong with our family. Go, go."

   Liu Dalang then jumped into the donkey cart and drove the donkey away.

  Only when he got to the alley, Bai Erlang jumped out of the car and went straight to his house.

As soon as he opened the door, Mr. Zhuang, who was sleeping on the recliner, raised his eyes, saw him, leaned back, and waved his hand: "I'm back? Put the book basket down and come over and talk about today. What have you learned?"

  Shirajiro's gaze swept around the house, and when he saw movement in the kitchen, he ran up and asked, "Sir, where's Manbao and Shanbao?"

   "Huh?" Mr. Zhuang seemed to think for a while, and then said slowly: "Your senior sister and senior brother are busy going out with some business, so you can endorse the text to the teacher first."

  Hakujiro's back was cold. Although he was dominated by the fear of endorsement, he still couldn't help asking, "What did they do?"

  Mr. Zhuang shook his head and said, "I don’t know, the child is old, so I can’t control it."

  Shirajiro couldn't help muttering, "I'm older than them."

  Mr. Zhuang opened his eyes to look at him, "So you don't want me to control it?"

  Shirajiro was excited, and immediately shook his head, "No."

  Mr. Zhuang glared, "Then come and endorse!"

  Bai Erlang put down the book basket, bitterly on his face, he felt that he had suffered for others, it must be that Bai Shan and Man Bao angered Mr., and then his husband came to bully him.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao were both sitting in the carriage, led by Da Ji into a tea house, and after booking a private room, they went to the back door from the private room, and got in another car from the back door and left.

  Daji also sat in the car with them, driving outside. The driver in the tea house usually gave things to the tea house.

  Today Man Baocai came back from Guan’s home outside the city, Daji quietly said to her, “Erji is here.”

  Man Bao suddenly couldn't read the book and couldn't do his homework.

Daji was also a little absent-minded. Although Mr. Zhuang didn't know what was going on, after watching the two for a long time, he waved his hand to let the treasure go free.

It’s just a bit melancholy in my heart. At any rate, his son had something to hide from him when he was eighteen years old. At that time, he knew that when the child is older, he can’t take care of everything. Parents and elders must learn to pretend to be deaf and dumb. , Only in this way can we live on and live smoothly.

  As a result, how old are these two children? Are they going to grow up on the twelfth day?

  Mr. Zhuang was very sad, so he went sad.

  Man Bao encouraged Daji to find Bai Shan in the school, and asked him to leave early because of something at home, and then the two of them quietly went out to see Erji with Daji.

If it's something else, Da Ji would definitely refuse to do this, but this time it was his own brother who came here, and since he came to Qili Village to protect the young master, he has never seen Er Ji again, so he went to pick up the young master when he got hot. NS.

  In fact, he regretted it when he led the two out.

  The old lady was not willing to intervene in the matter too deeply in the heart of the old lady. He also asked the old lady, whether the young master and Miss Man could go to see Erji.

  But the person has already gone out, and Da Ji can't regret it at all, so he can only bite the bullet and lead the person out.

  The cars are getting more and more lively, and the streets are getting smaller and smaller. Someone greeted the coachman, "You came back so early today?"

   "Yes, the shopkeeper's checkout is fast today."

When the car arrived in front of a house, the coachman jumped out of the car and pulled the carriage in after removing the threshold. He turned back to close the door and laughed with someone. Then he closed the door and whispered to the human in the car: "Here, come down. "

Da Ji opened the curtain and jumped out of the carriage, helped Bai Shan and Man Bao down, frowned and asked, "How did you choose such a place?"

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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