Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 863: be late

   Chapter 863

   Early the next morning, the county magistrate of Tang picked a few people to go with him to the countryside. Mingli stayed at home and waited for the case to be known. When the case was sent away, Mingli picked up the letter in another box and went to find Manbao.

  It happened to be at the entrance of the alley that Shirazen and Shirajiro were in a hurry to go to school.

  Mingli was surprised, "Master Shan, you only went to school so late?"

  The anxious color on the white face was put away. He coughed lightly and nodded pretendingly: "Well, our home is close to the school, so don't worry."

Bai Erlang in the car was about to die, and he opened the curtain and shouted: "You are not in a hurry. I am in a hurry. If we have to hand in our homework today, we have to leave early. Mr. said, if we are not well-behaved today, we are not allowed to leave early at noon. "

  Bai Shan couldn't help but glanced at him, and the reasonable smile under the car.

  Bai Shan didn’t let Da Ji go, but asked, “Why did you come here so early in the morning?”

  Mingli took out a box from his arms and said, "Master asked me to send a letter from Song to Miss Man, saying it was for Young Master Yang. If you are going back to Yizhou City, then take this letter back."

  Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand: "Okay, Man Bao is still at home, you go."

   After talking, put down the curtain and let Daji go.

  Baijiro was restless and complained in a low voice: "It's all because of you getting up late, otherwise we'll be in school early."

  Bai Shan was unhappy, and said: "I got up late, but you didn't get up early. If you get up, can I not wake up?"

  Bai Shan said: "You are only allowed to sleep in every day, and I am not allowed to wake up late once in a while?"

  Shirajiro was choked and turned his head to ignore him.

Early in the morning, there were not many pedestrians on the street, and even fewer cars. Dae-gil could not help speeding up the car as the two quarreled. As soon as they had decided the winner, Dae-gil stopped the carriage, jumped out of the car and opened the curtain and said:" Master Tang, the college is here."

  Bai Erlang did not ask him to help, nor did he wait for Da Ji to put down the bench, he jumped out of the carriage, Bai Shan handed out his book basket, he took it, turned and ran to the academy.

  Watching him jump into the academy, Bai Shan lowered the curtain and said, "Let's go."

  Daji stepped on the time the class bell rang and sent Bai Shan to the prefectural school. At this moment, no one came in or out of the prefectural school. The students and gentlemen who should come have already arrived.

  Bai Shan stepped on the bench to get out of the car, took the basket and walked in with the sign.

  The old man guarding the gate stared at him for a long time, and asked anxiously: "Bai Langjun looks not very good, is he sick? If he is sick, please take a few days off with your husband."

  Bai Shan smiled politely at him and said, “It’s nothing big, it’s not good if you miss classes.”

  Bai Shan carried the basket and walked to the classroom. Her husband was already giving lectures. Seeing Bai Shan standing outside the door with his head down, the husband immediately beckoned: "Come in when you come."

Mr.    asked with the same concern, "Seeing that your complexion is a little bad, is it because the family's affairs have not been dealt with properly, or are you sick? Would you like to take two days off to go back to rest?"

  Bai Shan declined, saying that he can still deal with it, and the absence of class is not good.

Mr.    nodded approvingly and asked him to sit down quickly.

Bai Shan sat down without a problem. Wei Ting, who was sitting to the side, couldn't help but look at him, and then again. After class, he couldn't help but ran to his desk and asked, "What's wrong with you? Yesterday, he asked for leave. , My face is not good today."

  Bai Shan: "I didn't sleep well last night."

  Wei Ting was very envious, "It's fine for you. Even if you are late, you won’t be punished. On the contrary, he is willing to give you two days off. If I am late..."

Ji Hao beside    heard the words: "Can you be like him?"

He said: "People are not late for once throughout the year. Every day they come to school are the earliest group, the latest group, the fastest and best done homework, the number of times you go to the library is the same as you go to the restaurant. Just as many times..."

  Wei Ting said in an annoyed manner: "If you want to praise him, you have to praise him, do you have to say the compliment so badly?"

   Ji Hao blushed and shouted: "I didn't praise him."

  After that, he turned and left.

  Wei Ting watched him go before he said to Bai Shan: "He is a man with a hard mouth and a soft heart. He is worried about you, otherwise he won't come here specially."

  Bai Shan nodded irresponsibly.

  Wei Ting sighed when he saw it, feeling that he was almost anxious.

  He likes Bai Shan very much, and he has regarded him as a good friend in his heart. As for Ji Hao, the two have been friends for many years. They have lost mud and skipped class together.

  One wants to be friends with someone but is not convinced, but the other really does not want to be friends with each other. He is really worried.

  Wei Ting scratched his head, and finally remembered another topic, "Qi Jue is living today, did he invite you?"

  Bai Shan gave an "um" and looked at Wei Ting, "Are you going too?"

   "Of course I went. I took leave with my husband. I will leave after school in the afternoon. I will go home to live in the evening and come back to class tomorrow." Wei Ting said, "Ji Hao will go too. When will we go together?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, and refused, "I'm going to pick up Bai Er together. Let's go first."

   "Come on with him," Wei Ting said with a smile, "Anyway, we have all played so well."

  "I have to go back to pick up Manbao. It’s too long, so let’s go first."

  Wei Ting smiled and said: "That's better, let's be together, let's be together, yes, last time she cheated me and said she would pay me a bag of snacks, remember she?"

  Bai Shan:...He doesn't know if she remembers it, but he doesn't remember it anyway.

  Wei Ting Jihao went back to the alley with Bai Shan, Wei Ting said all the way, "You also lied to me to pick up Bai Er, but Bai Er left get out of class in the morning and said, don't you want to play with me?"

  Different from Ji Hao, Bai Shan still likes playing with Wei Ting, shook his head and said, “No, I just don’t remember this.”

   "Who are you lie to, you have such a good memory." But Wei Ting only said this sentence, rushing in at the entrance of the alley, scared Bao Bao when he rushed in.

Man Bao was standing under the tree with his hands behind his back, and suddenly there was a loud roar. Especially when Keke had no warning, she was taken aback. When she looked back, she saw Wei Ting and asked angrily: "What are you doing? Well?"

  Bai Shan came in with a basket of books and gave Wei Ting a warning. “If you scare her into a nightmare, be careful that Brother will come back to cover your sack on Thursday.”

  Wei Ting shrank his neck, "I can't scream, you can't be so courageous, right?"

   "I am so courageous."

  Man Bao opened the book and took a look at the content he was about to memorize, and found that he could not leave it alone, so he closed the book and said: "Wait a moment, I'll get a gift."

  Wei Ting said, "Have you prepared gifts separately? Oh, yes, he only invited you, and your family is not here."

  Bai Shan stood in the yard and talked to him, “Did you give your gifts along with your family?”

"Yes, my mother went early, so I'll join in the fun, give people a blessing, and have another meal." Wei Ting smiled: "We are still young, so the family is not in a hurry to celebrate our birthday, but Ji Hao suffered a serious crime last year, and this year should be celebrating his birthday. Then you can go together."

After talking, Ji Hao winked at Ji Hao, who was standing not far from the door.

    The next update is at 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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