Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 864: Hear

   Chapter 864 Hear

  Just as Manbao took out three boxes, Ji Hao gave a light cough, blushing slightly and raised his face: "Well, please go with you at that time."

  Bai Shan didn't really want to go, but in front of Ji Hao, he couldn't tell, so he could only look at Man Bao.

  Man Bao nodded and agreed without much thought. Anyway, he had already gone to Qi Jue's birthday banquet, and it was nothing to go to Ji Hao.

  One gift is given, and two gifts are given. The big deal is that she will go out and buy a few more jade statues of Tianzun. Anyway, she must take those gifts back in the end.

  Man Bao hummed in his heart, and said with Bai Shan: "Let's go."

  Bai Shan glanced at the quiet study, and asked, "Where's sir?"

  Man Bao: "Mr. said he would get angry when he saw you running outside all day and not studying seriously, and then left without annoyance."

  The chef came out of the kitchen and replied, "Mr. went to find Mr. Lan for a drink. I ate dinner at Mr. Lan's house in the evening. Master, will you come back to eat at night?"

   In the eyes of Aunt Rong's expectation, Bai Shan replied: "I won't come back to eat."

   Aunt Rong opened a big smile, and said happily: "Young master is hungry after coming back from school, do you want to eat some snacks before going out?"

  Bai Shan pulled Man Bao away and waved: "No, save the snack for tomorrow morning."

  There are quite a few people invited by the Qi family. Most of them have already arrived before noon. Like them, they only come here. Most of them are adults who just go to school or young people like them who just go to school.

  The steward of the Qi family knew that they were the guests invited by the young master as soon as they saw Bai Shan, and quickly and respectfully invited them in and let the servants take them to the garden.

  Bai Shan handed the gift to the steward, and their famous post was written on the box. Today, Bai Erlang hurriedly went to school and did not bring his gift.

  He came to the Qi family directly with Qi Jue after school at noon. This gift was brought by Man Bao.

  Giving things to the steward, the group followed Qi's servants to the back garden, where a group of teenagers and girls were playing with a bunch of children.

  The garden of Qi's family is not very large, so not far from here are seven or eight young people, who are only seven or eight years older than them.

  A few people are talking together, in sharp contrast with the noisy teenagers here.

  Man Bao, who was led over, looked at them curiously, and found that he had never seen any of them.

  Bai Shan also looked over. Seeing that they were curious, Ji Hao explained, “This is a friend of Qi Jue’s brother.”

  Man Bao and Bai Shan nodded, and went to see Qi Jue.

  Qi Jue was very happy to see them, and dragged Bai Erlang over, and put on Bai Shan's shoulders with a smile: "I think you are coming soon, and I want to pick you up at the door."

Because Mr. Zhuang occasionally goes to Dazhi Academy to teach, and he often teaches Qi Jue and his class. Mr. Xiu Mu Shizhuang often takes the three of them, while Mr. Huang often takes Qi Jue and the others. Everyone mixes together to play and get together early. NS.

   So Bai Shan unceremoniously gave him a glance: "Then why didn't you go?"

  Qi Jue bumped him with a smile, and Bai Erlang asked, "Did you bring my gift?"

  Man Bao nodded, "I brought it here, and put it all in front."

  Qi Jue was still very curious, and asked: "What the **** did you give me?"

  Bai Shan said: "When the night is quiet, don’t you know if you open it?"

   Qi Jue: "...Why does it have to be in the dead of night?"

  Bai Shan thought of the things Man Bao and Bai Erlang gave, and couldn’t help but smiled, “Because I’m afraid that a fight between gods and immortals will disturb others, so you should open it when it’s dead at night.”

  Qi Jue was taken aback, and asked blankly: "What are you giving away? Will it cause gods to fight?"

Until the evening, when he sent the guests away, Qi Jue opened three boxes and saw the Buddha statue with Bai Cheng's famous post on his left hand, and then looked at the statue of Lao Tzu with Zhou Man's famous post on his right hand. He couldn't speak for a long time. Come.

  In other words, who would give such a thing as a birthday gift?

  The statues of Buddhism and Taoism are put together, so it's no wonder that gods will fight with each other.

  But at this moment Qi Jue didn't know anything. He took Bai Shan and Man Bao to the table, and invited Ji Hao and Wei Ting to play with them.

Man Bao saw that they were a group of boys, noisily arguing with earaches. The most important thing was that she was not very interested in the topic they were talking about, so he took a plate from the table and found a big rock nearby to sit down. rest.

  Bai Shan talked to them for a while and then got out and sat next to Man Bao. He stretched out his hand and squeezed a snack from the plate in her hand and asked, "Is it boring?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "It's too noisy over there, I want to be quiet."

  Bai Shan nodded, pointing to the crowd not far away and said: “There are many girls over there, do you want Qi Jue to take you over there to play? I just saw our neighbor’s sister.”

  Man Bao shook his head, "Forget it, I don't know them very well."

  Bai Shan felt that she had been much quieter during this period, so she tilted her head and looked at him.

The young people who were separated by a bunch of flowers saw them. They couldn’t help but laugh. There was a person who directly spoke to the person sitting on the main seat: "Qi Dalang, isn’t your family going to say kiss to your brother, but in the end, your brother paid him back? Without saying it, the guests took a fancy to it first."

   "Hey, these two look young, are they fourteen?"

  "It’s better for people like us to get married after the crown. Would you like to teach the kid?"

  "You worry a lot. There are also many people who get married early in Yizhou. There are many people who get married in seventeen or eighteen."

   "It's still too early, it's not good for your health."

   "When have you been so pedantic?"

   "Hey, brother Guan, don't mind, he just came back from the field and he doesn't know anything yet."

  The person who was still stunned before had a meal and asked: "Why, Uncle Guan is sick again?"

One of them sighed and said, "I came back this time because my father was seriously ill. I don't know what happened. Since ten years ago, my father's health has been worsening day by day. It is useless to see how many patients have headaches. This time, my family wrote to me, saying that Doctor Ji had said that he asked my father to eat whatever he wanted, so..."

  Qi Dalang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry too much, maybe it's another false alarm?"

  Master Guan has been seriously ill for a day or two. He said that he would not do it a few years earlier, but he still lived to the present.

   "By the way, isn't your family in the western suburbs of a yard outside, I heard there is hot soup in it, maybe bubble hot soup is feasible?"

"I said the same. I asked my father to live in the Xijiao in the early years, but I didn't know why. My father didn't like to go to that other hospital. I didn’t usually do anything. When I mentioned I was going to live in the Xijiao hospital. Just get angry, always saying that my eldest brother and I want to abandon him," Guan Erlang smiled bitterly: "What do you mean by this? Are my eldest brother and I like that?"

  Everyone comforted him, "Patient, there will always be more thoughts."

  Sitting behind the flowers, Man Bao couldn't help turning his head and looking at Bai Shan, both of them had two doubts on their faces.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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