Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 865: From the palace

  Chapter 865 comes from the palace

  Don’t blame them for suspicion, after all, they only wanted to find a yard in the western suburbs yesterday.

  Bai Shan couldn't help swallowing, standing up to talk to the young man over there, but Man Bao grabbed his sleeve.

  She followed and stood up, turning around with piercing eyes to look at the young people.

  The young people stared at by the two:...

  They realized that they were talking about two young girls here, and they could hear them.

  After all, it was the guest invited by his younger brother. Qi Dalang felt disrespectful and quickly stood up to apologize, but Man Bao directly looked at Guan Erlang and asked, "Are you the son of Master Guan Guanjiazhuang outside the city?"

Guan Erlang was taken aback, looked at Man Bao for a while, then got up and saluted and smiled: "I haven't been in Yizhou City in the past few years. I don't know where the little girl is?"

  Man Bao looked at him up and down. He couldn't tell from his face that he resembled Master Guan, so he was a little skeptical, "Are you really Master Guan's son?"

   Guanjiro: "...Yes, who is the little lady?"

  Man Baodao: "Doctor Ji and I went to see Master Guan, and only met the eldest son of the Guan family."

Guan Erlang couldn't help turning his head to look at his friends. Qi Dalang smiled and said, "This is the little lady Zhou who studied medicine from Doctor Ji?"

  Seeing Man Bao nodded, he turned his head and introduced Guan Erlang: "Little Lady Zhou's medical skills are good, and I have also treated the little son of the Ji family with Fan Yu before."

Guan Jiro looked at the young Man Bao suspiciously, and could only smile politely.

Qi Dalang understood. He was skeptical when he came back to hear his brother talk about it, but even his father said that Ji Hao was very dangerous at the time, thanks to a doctor who was next to Doctor Ji who stopped the blood. , It seems that a prescription was given back, and the person came back to life.

Man Bao did not pay attention to Qi Dalang, but stared at Guan Erlang. She felt that it was not good to ask the other hospital rashly, so she took Guan Master as a breakthrough point, and said: "I was sorting out Master Guan’s medical records recently and found that he had a headache. It’s not only ten years, but it’s been eleven years ago..."

  Man Bao paused when he said that, first turned his head and glanced at Bai Shan subconsciously, feeling that this time was also a bit coincidental.

  Bai Shan also glanced at her, nodding slightly.

  Man Bao said to Guan Erlang: "There are many reasons for this headache, but in fact, no matter what kind of disease is born, it is related to daily life and diet..."

  Manbao, let's talk about the cause of Guan Erlang's illness, and highlight the main reason that she thinks Master Guan is sick.

  Not only Sekijiro, but other people were also stunned, mainly because they had never understood the cause of illness in such a detailed manner.

If you are sick, go to see the doctor. The doctor can say "the wind evil enters the body" or "the liver qi is not smooth" at most, but he won't tell them about the yin and yang dysfunction caused by the different reasons of daily life, season, and diet. Then get sick.

  Several people were stunned. Guan Erlang didn't understand it very clearly, but he felt that the other party was very powerful, so he listened and asked a few words occasionally, and Man Bao said it carefully.

Qi Dalang and others became interested, and they simply got up and let them out of two positions and let them sit down. One of them rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his hand. appropriate?"

  Man Bao didn't want to talk to him, he just wanted to talk to Guan Erlang, so as to ask more about the other courtyard and Master Guan.

But she vaguely knew that her rejection was not good, and everyone was still watching with curiosity. She folded her sleeves, looked at him up and down, and put a hand on his veins, looked at his tongue coating and said, "No. Appropriately, you eat too much meat, you can’t digest it in your abdomen, you hurt your stomach, and you drink too much in winter, hurt your liver, your liver and kidneys, and you’re having trouble sleeping recently..."

  Man Bao glanced at the acne on his face, and said tactfully, “If the outside is at odds with the inside, the complexion will be bad.”

The son was stunned for a while, and couldn’t help but raise his head to look at his friends, “That’s true. I love eating meat. I have been socializing since the twelfth lunar month last year, and I have never stopped drinking. She couldn't sleep anymore, and I woke up first before the chickens woke up."

  He got excited and asked Man Bao, "Can there be Fang Zizhi?"

   "Yes," Man Bao thought for a while and said, "It's fine to have a prepared recipe for three days. Eat less meat, eat more grains, vegetables, and sweets in the spring."

  He asked curiously, "Why do you want sweets?"

Man Bao glanced at him and said: "In spring, the liver is full of energy, which will affect the spleen. Sweetness can strengthen the spleen, and sour into the liver, so spring should be less sour and sweet. You eat too much meat, and spring is the beginning of the four seasons. When everything grows up, so you have to eat more grains."

  Man Bao glanced at them curiously, somewhat puzzled, "Have you never read the "Huangdi Nei Jing"?"

  Qi Dalang and others:...why do they want to read the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", they are not doctors.

  Man Bao pointed to the side of Bai Shan and said: "He just read it, and my husband has also read "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic"."

  Qi Dalang and others smiled stiffly: "Your husband is really knowledgeable."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan nodded together.

Then Man Bao let go of the sitting young man, and looked at Guan Erlang, "Guan Er young man, I went to give Master Guan several injections, but doctor Ji did it every time I saw him. Master Guan doesn’t seem to want to treat the illness very much, so neither Doctor Ji nor the questions I asked him like to answer. In fact, I think Master Guan’s headaches would still have a chance if they are managed properly."

  Man Bao did not say anything to death, only said: "After all, he is not a sudden illness. He has been ill for eleven or two years? Do you remember when he first said that he had a headache?"

   Guan Erlang did not doubt, nor did the surrounding princes. After all, Man Bao was young, and it was normal for a healer to meet the patient’s family and want to take the opportunity to understand some of the conditions.

Guan Erlang thought about it carefully and said, "It seems like ten years ago, when his father suddenly fell down, it was useless to invite many doctors to see it. It’s not too much, but it’s always good and bad, and it's getting more and more serious over the years."

  Bai Shan brows slightly, standing beside Man Bao with a light smile, “I didn’t expect Master Guan to have friendship with the prince.”

  Qi Dalang laughed and said: "This is how late Mr. Lang came and didn’t know. Master Guan originally came from the palace, and the prince always treats him well."

  Man Bao couldn't help swallowing, his body turned slightly, and her sleeve was rubbing against Bai Shan's sleeve. Her finger gently touched his, making him swallow the words that had reached his mouth again.

  Man Bao asked with bright eyes: "Is it because Master Guan suddenly changed his residence or because of his undecided diet, which caused the headache?"

   She swallowed and asked, "I heard you say that there are individual hospitals. Did Master Guan live in other hospitals before?"

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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