Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 868: Waiting for you to grow up

  Chapter 868 Waiting for your growth

   Chapter 857 Waiting for you to grow

  Bai Erlang didn't have a clue, because he didn't even know who the Guan family was, so he could only ask Qi Jue.

Qi Jue thought for a while before remembering, "You said Guan family, I am not very familiar, but my elder brother and Guan Er brother are very familiar with each other. Their family used to be the retainers of the Yizhou Palace. What's wrong? Why do you think of asking? His home?"

  At the same time, Man Bao is also chatting with Doctor Ji about Guanjia.

  As soon as a patient was sent away, and no new patients came in for the time being, Doctor Ji took Man Bao to make pills, and the two talked while rubbing the pills.

Man Bao mentioned yesterday’s birthday banquet, saying that she met Erlang from the Guan family, and talked to her son about Master Guan’s condition, and then asked: "Doctor Ji, I have been to Guan’s house several times, and I still don’t know their house. What is it for?"

  Doctor Ji didn't care: "What else can I do? Naturally, I was studying and farming."

   "When you talked about the Ji family, you said that they were studying and farming, but the Ji family is very powerful. They live in the city and there is such a big house. How can Master Guan live outside the city?"

  Doctor Ji smiled and said, "This student is also different from the student. For example, your two juniors, one is studying at the government school and the other is studying at the college, can it be the same?"

  He said: "The Ji family came out of a leftist, and he came out of school to be a minister of the emperor. Guan family is almost a scholar. Master Guan himself is also a scholar, but he used to be a courtier of the palace."

  Man Bao was stunned, "The King of Yizhou?"

   "Yes, how many palaces can we have in Yizhou?"

  Man Bao didn’t expect that Master Guan was really related to King Yizhou, and only after a while reacted, “Before? What about now?”

"Now?" Doctor Ji shook his head and said: "Then I don't know. Master Guan moved out of the palace and lived in Guanjiazhuang after his headache became more and more serious. It's easy to ask, but the incense must still be there. I heard that he was called from time to time by the prince to play chess and draw in the palace."

   "Isn't he out of sight?"

"I didn't see it in the past six months. It was fine before." Doctor Ji frowned and looked at Man Bao, and said, "When rubbing the pill, you should also concentrate. You can know something about this kind of patient's home. There is no need to study it carefully."

He glanced in the front yard, there was no outsider, and then he lowered his voice and said, "In addition to good medical skills, we doctors have to keep our eyes low and our mouths tight. Don't look at what you shouldn't, don't say what you shouldn't. , Especially if you are a girl, you will often go in and out of the backyard of the deep house in the future, you know?"

  Man Bao Weiwei turned her attention away, and asked, "Why do I often go in and out of the backyard of the deep house?"

  Doctor Ji glanced at Man Bao, who was ignorant, shook his head and smiled: "You, you are still young, and you will understand when you are two years older."

  "Then you tell me now, why have to wait for me to figure it out?"

Doctor Ji thought about it, and coughed softly: "Isn't it hard to say... Okay, let me tell you, the woman has many diseases and it is not good to ask a doctor like us to see, you are a girl, they are more I like to find you."

What Dr. Ji didn't say is that since the winter last year, people have been quietly looking for him, all wanting to invite Man Bao for a visit.

  After all, on the Chongyang Festival last year, Man Bao independently took charge of a medical shed and healed many people.

The wives and young ladies in the compound of the deep house have a lot of various illnesses. Even if the family is not short of money, some are enlightened, but some illnesses are not easy to talk to them, so they always hold back and ignore the doctor, most of them are themselves. Ask a knowledgeable mother to prescribe the medicine.

  Man Bao became famous in Yizhou City last year, and more people stared at her.

  Don’t say anything else, she has learned medicine from the Eight Classics. Isn’t she better than the nurses at home?

   So when it was winter, someone came to the pharmacy to invite Man Bao, but it was blocked by the treasurer Zheng and Doctor Ji.

  First, because Manbao’s medical skills are still learning, Doctor Ji is still worried about letting her go to the treatment.

  For a doctor, especially a doctor who is likely to become a famous doctor, reputation is a very important thing. Therefore, Dr. Ji has the reputation of being the treasurer of Zheng.

Second, because Man Bao is still young, he will send people to invite the wives of Man Bao in the courtyard of the deep house. This child is too lively. Don't look at her smiling all day long, but her temper is big and stubborn. Feeling wronged, entering the deep house compound with many rules, I am afraid that a word of disagreement will be able to get rid of her face. Doctor Ji is very afraid that she will put herself in before she starts her career as a famous doctor.

  So Doctor Ji and the treasurer of Old Zheng were afraid to let her out.

Moreover, Doctor Ji looked at Man Bao and sighed right now. This kid is still chattering and can talk to anyone. He is smart. The secret is accurate, but are the secrets of the big family so easy to know? ?

Doctor Ji taught her earnestly: "Women have a lot of worries about seeing a doctor, especially when they get sick. It's a matter of privacy. You can afford to see such a disease, or come to see a doctor because of it. Most situations are not bad, you To enter and exit such a mansion, you have to half-close your ears, half-close your eyes, and close your mouth even more. You shouldn't listen, don't watch, don't see, let alone speak."

  Doctor Ji said: "If you know less, people can be happy, safer, and live longer."

Man Bao was stunned for a while, and then asked for a while, "But my eyes and ears are not under my control. My mouth is okay. I'm tightly closed and no one can pry open, but how can I close my eyes? How do you block your ears?"

  She said: "Half closed and half blocked, isn't that self-deception? For example, Guan Jia, Doctor Ji, do you really do not know about Guan Jia, or do you pretend that you do not know?"

  Doctor Ji dropped the medicine jar, put it directly in front of her, clapped his hands and got up, and said angrily: "I'm tired, you can rub the rest by yourself."

  Man Bao pouted, and whispered: "If I say it right, I will become irritated. After all, I'm still deceiving myself..."

  Dr. Ji is getting older, but his ears are good. Hearing her muttering, he nodded her forehead and said, “Until you understand the truth, I won’t let you go alone.”

  Man Bao widened his eyes to look at Doctor Ji.

  Doctor Ji just snorted and turned away.

  Man Bao remembered his original purpose, and immediately confessed his mistake. After successfully holding Doctor Ji, he said: "Then you can talk about the Guan family."

  Doctor Ji frowned and looked at her, "Why do you have to ask about the Guan family?"

  Man Bao found an excuse and said, “I helped Bai Shan ask. We met Guan Erlang yesterday. He had a special chat with Bai Shan, and he also asked Bai Shan to come with us tomorrow, and Bai Shan agreed.”

  Doctor Ji frowned more tightly, “Guan Erlang wants to win over Bai Shan? Or Bai Shan wants to seek refuge in the palace through the butler?”

  He was a little unhappy, because Bai Shan might pull Man Bao into the water. He said: "A few days ago, didn't you just slap the palace in the face because of flower sales? Why do you want to get involved with the palace again?"

  Man Bao shook his head blankly, “If you don’t mention Dr. Ji, I almost thought it was last year’s flower sales.”

Doctor Ji glared at her angrily, but still said: "The Guan family has nothing to ask now. Guan Erlang is studying outside, and Guan Dalang serves Master Guan at home. Master Guan is no longer in the palace, but he seems to be still in the palace. That’s it, what else do you want to know?"

  Man Bao shook his head, and asked for more details, it would be difficult to fool, who is still stupid?

  Man Bao sighed, and the people around him are too smart.

  For example, Doctor Ji, or Mr. Zhuang, Man Bao thought, if all of them were as good as Bai Er.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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