Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 869: know each other

   Chapter 869

  Bai Erzheng and Qi Jue Danyu, who were chanted by Man Bao, got together and muttered about various things about the Guan family. Of course, it was not only about the Guan family, but also about the palace.

  The native turtle Shirajiro from the countryside was stunned after listening to all kinds of rumors that seemed to be true or false.

  So when I saw Bai Shan again in the afternoon, he stared at him with a strange look, and stared at him for a while, then sighed, shook his head, looked at him again, then sighed and shook his head.

  Bai Shan couldn't hold back for a moment, and first asked: "What are you doing?"

  Bai Erlang seemed to be waiting for his question. He moved from the opposite side to Bai Shan's side, sat with him, bumped him with his shoulder, and asked, "Do you want to take refuge in King Yizhou?"

  Bai Shan moved aside in disgust, and asked, "If you don’t understand, don’t guess, why should I take refuge in him?"

  After all, grew up together since childhood, Bai Erlang naturally knew that Bai Shan would not bother to lie about these things, so he frowned and said, "Then why are you looking for Guan's family?"

  Bai Shan lifted his spirits and asked, "What does this have to do with the Guan family?"

"Hey, don't you know? Master Guan is a retainer of the royal palace. I heard that Wang Xinzhong has benefited a lot from the past. Many people have come to the royal palace through Master Guan and have a good future." Bai Erlang coughed slightly: "So I thought you had to go to the King of Yizhou too. It's not good, it's not good. For some reason, I don't like Yizhou King's Mansion very much.

Bai Erlang whispered: "When I heard Qi Jue talk about some rumors about the Guan family today, I was really afraid that you, like those people in the rumors, wanted to make friends with Master Guan, and then take refuge in the palace. I thought about it seriously. , We have encountered no good things in the palace several times. For example, last year we went to the street to see the parade and met an assassin. You saved Ji Hao and were threatened by the princess’s people. There was also the flower sales a few days ago..."

  Bai Erlang shook his fingers to count, and when he finished counting, the carriage stopped, Da Ji opened the curtain, he gave a sigh, and asked, "Is it there?"

  The words were over, Man Bao’s head popped out, she climbed into the carriage, sat down opposite, looked at Bai Erlang who was still sitting, and said, "Get off."

Bai Erlang looked out and found that he had returned to the entrance of the alley. He subconsciously went to listen to Man Bao's getting up. He walked two steps out but felt wrong. He sat back in his original position and stared at Man Bao for a while. , Looked at Bai Shan again, and asked, "Why are you going?"

   "Let's go to Tang county magistrate."

  White Erlang wanted to get out of the car. He didn't like Tang County magistrate because he always talked and asked about his homework, which was especially annoying.

   But thinking that the two of them had a lot of secrets from him recently, he was shocked to resist the urge to go on, swallowing his saliva, and said: "I, I want to go too."

  Bai Shan: "The last time you peeped into someone's window hasn't been settled yet, would you dare to come?"

  Shiijiro wanted to get off the car even more.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao are waiting for him to go down in time.

  Bai Erlang's heart wavered, and finally looked at the two of them, he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and shouted: "I, I will dare!"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at him in surprise. After a long time, they looked at each other, and after thinking about it, they said: "Okay, then we'll go together."

  Daji heard it and drove away with the carriage.

  The carriage stopped in front of the county government. Bai Erlang lay down at the window and looked out. He looked back at the two people bitterly, "You really came to the county magistrate of Tang."

  "Why do we lie about this kind of thing?" Bai Shan asked him, "Can't you get in?"

   Bai Erlang scratched the wall of the car and asked, "Why are you looking for Tang County magistrate?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and told him, "I want to talk to him about family matters."

   Baijiro couldn't figure it out even if he tried to break his mind, "Why on earth do you care about Guan's family so much?"

As he was talking, a sound of horseshoes rang in his ears, and the three people in the car subconsciously glanced out of the car window. The man who happened to be riding a horse had just arrived at the gate of the county government office, strangled the horse and looked sideways at the carriage The three little ones in here.

  His eyes met, and the county magistrate Tang raised his face with a smile, holding a horse rope and raising his hands to say hello to the three of them.

Man Bao smiled crookedly, Bai Shan also raised his hand to say hello to the Tang County magistrate, Bai Erlang, whose face was in the front, shrank his head, and slowly shrank under the window, he was about to go from Bai Shan and Man Bao. Squeeze it out in the middle.

The Tang county magistrate who hadn’t noticed Bai Erlang saw him right away. He called right away and looked at them by their window, especially the little head that had moved to the back. He smiled and said, “Jiro, long time no see. Ah, what are you hiding?"

  Bai Erlang smiled awkwardly, and stretched out his hand to say hello: "Tang county magistrate is good."

  He struggled for a while, but chose to admit his mistake and apologize, "Last time..."

  Man Bao cut off his words, “Last time you left without saying a word, he didn’t think about it as a landlord, so I’m sorry.”

  Tang County Magistrate doubted, "Really?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "Really." He changed the subject and asked, "Where did Master Tang come back from?"

  The county magistrate of Tang dismissed his horse, and said with a smile: “Walking around, passing by Guanjiazhuang and sitting in there, why are you here?”

  Bai Shan and Man Bao: "...It's a coincidence, we will also visit Guanjiazhuang tomorrow."

  Tang County Ling raised her eyebrows to look at them in surprise.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Bai Erlang sat in the courtyard of the county government, looking sadly at the blue sky. Behind him, the door was closed. The county magistrate Tang was talking with Bai Shan and Man Bao. He still didn't know why they wanted Then pay attention to Guan Jia.

  In the room, County Magistrate Tang glanced at Bai Erlang's back and asked, "How did you bring him here?"

  Man Bao said distressedly: "We have been playing together, so there are so many things we can't hide from him. And Bai Er is much smarter now."

  Since the three have grown up together, they are all used to each other's existence. Man Bao and Bai Shan will not avoid Bai Erlang when they talk about things, just like when they both always ignore the good luck when they whisper.

  This is a terrible habit, and it can’t be changed for a while.

  And everyone is growing up, they are getting smarter and smarter, revealing something. It's okay when Bai Erlang is not interested, and when he is interested, he can't help but get to the bottom.

  The Tang county magistrate smiled, and then asked, "What are you doing in Guanjiazhuang?"

Man Bao said about his encounter with Guan Erlang yesterday, "I was wondering whether the other courtyard they were talking about was the other courtyard Erji talked about. I asked Dr. Ji today to find out that Master Guan It is the retainer of the palace."

  The county magistrate of Tang smiled and said, "You just need to inquire and find me. Why bother to inquire around?"

  He confidently told the two people, “I have been to Guanjiazhuang today, and I have also visited Erji. The other courtyard of the Guan family is the other courtyard that Bai County ordered them to go to."

    The next update is at 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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