Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 870: Can you say

  Chapter 870 Can you say something

  Man Bao and Bai Shan stared.

  Tang county magistrate smiled at the two of them, and they asked anxiously, "Have you asked?"

  "What is it? Ask the magistrate Bai to meet in the other courtyard twelve years ago. Did you talk about anything?" County magistrate Tang said, "Do you know who Guan Yan is?"

  The two shook their heads together.

The county magistrate Tang nodded Bai Shan's head irritably, and said, "Guan Yan is the Master Guan in your mouth. He has been working under King Yizhou for twenty years. Next to him, I asked him directly, if he is still the King of Yizhou now, guess what will we do?"

  Bai Shan said: "What my dad did at the time, we will do it."

  Tang county magistrate nodded and said, "Yes, so I just passed by Guanjiazhuang and took a look, and asked for a bowl of water. You don't have to go. It's best to stay away from them at this time."

The county magistrate Tang looked at the two of them, then turned his head and motioned to Bai Erlang who was squatting outside, and said: "Since you know the danger and don't pull your partner in, you should think about protecting yourself, don't think about investigating all day long. Regarding the case, there are adults of this kind."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao also turned to look at Bai Erlang outside the window, "We are different from him."

  They investigated this case, not only because so many people died because of this incident, but also because their father or parents died as a result, and even now their home has a sharp knife hanging over their heads, so they have to step in.

  But Shirajiro can stay out of the matter, he shouldn't be involved in it.

  Tang county magistrate apparently understood their potential meaning, and asked, "Then you still bring him?"

  He smiled and said, “You don’t want to take it. You can always find various ways to get people away, right?”

  Man Bao sighed: "I have been reading the script since I was a child, and the people in the script will always tell another person that this matter has nothing to do with you, so leave it alone."

"But things often involve everyone in the end, but the people who are involved don't know anything, and they will die badly in the end," Man Bao said: "I once asked my husband about this, then I met such a Should the matter be told or not?"

  The county magistrate of Tang was silent for a while, and asked: "What did your husband say?"

   "Our husband said that we can say things for others, not for others, and don't say things." Man Bao asked: "But is this thing we have done, or is it indescribable?"

  The Tang county magistrate didn’t even want to say: “Naturally, it’s unspeakable.”

   "Why can't it be said? Is it harming people's rights, or is it a violation of the moral law?"

   County magistrate Tang paused and said, "Neither."

  Man Bao asked: "So what can't be said for others?"

  The Tang county magistrate was speechless for a while, he vaguely understood what Mr. Zhuang meant.

Man Baodao: "Sir, if you remove power, threats, and temptations, you can only say whether it harms people’s interests or whether you violate moral laws. We will find that most things in the world can be spoken for. , But has been unable to speak to others."

  Tang county magistrate sighed: "So Mr. Zhuang's temperament is still so aggressive, but this is beyond my expectation."

Bai Shandao, "The things we don’t want people to know in the text will be known in the end. People who don’t want to be involved will be involved in the end, so Man Bao and I often think, if we are going to be involved in the end, why not give it? Does anyone know?"

"If the other party knew it from the beginning, maybe he could avoid a lot of dangers." Bai Shan also turned his head and glanced out the window. "Mr. always said that we have grown up, and he has closed one eye for many things. Let it go, he understands everything in his heart, and he hopes that we should act appropriately. I always wonder, why sir is so smart, obviously we didn't say anything, he didn't ask anything, how can we know?"

  The Tang county magistrate didn’t even think about it and said: "Because of experience, right?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded fiercely, "Yes, it's experience, so shall we deprive him of his experience?"

  Man Baodao: "What if he could be a very smart and powerful character, but because we are generally smart, what about ordinary people?"

  The county magistrate of Tang didn’t know where they came from so many questions. After luck, he asked, “What script are you looking at?”

  Man Bao blinked, his face was not red, his heart was not beaten, and he said, "If you just buy it, I will chant."

The county magistrate Tang waved his hand disgustingly: "It's okay to read the script, and if you have any questions, go back and ask your husband. I will do whatever you want. If I want to tell him, I will tell him. I don't have to bring it to me. It’s such a big deal."

  Man Bao smiled.

  Bai Shan turned to the subject and asked, “Master Tang, how did you find out about Guan’s family?”

  The topic finally returned to normal. The county magistrate Tang breathed a sigh of relief. Teaching the children is much harder than investigating the case. "Isn't it easy? Go to the western suburbs to find out."

  There are still a lot of other courtyards built in the western suburbs, mainly because there is a mountain with warm water, and many people have built a health-preserving courtyard there.

  Yesterday, county magistrate Tang went to the village under his hand and found out a case of theft, so he took his confidants to the village.

  After three quarters of an hour to the west, I guessed it was almost where Erji was talking, so I looked around and wrote down all the other courtyards I saw, and then drew it down, intending to take it back and give Erji a acknowledgment.

  As a result, County Magistrate Tang discovered something wrong while continuing to move forward.

  The other courtyard that I saw all the way is not to say that it is lively, at least from the perspective of the wall, it is well maintained, but there is a very different place in the corner of the east.

  You can't see what's inside from the outside of the wall, but not to mention the overgrown weeds outside the wall, and there are many branches sticking out of the yard, and the county magistrate Tang felt that the yard had not been cleaned for a long time.

  The other courtyards in the western suburbs are very popular. Even if they are not available for their own use, they can be sold, and they will never be left unattended.

  So the county magistrate Tang felt a little strange, so he asked someone to knock on the door and asked, but no one responded after knocking on the door for a long time.

  The other courtyard was located in a remote location. The nearest courtyard was thirty feet away. In the end, the county magistrate of Tang knocked on the door of another residence before he knew that the courtyard belonged to Master Guanjiazhuangguan.

  As soon as he talked about Master Guan of Guanjiazhuang, the county magistrate Tang remembered him after a little thought.

  He is a vassal of the palace. King Yizhou worked under his hands when he was still in the capital, and he was regarded as an old vassal of the palace.

The county magistrate Tang first went to the countryside to solve a case, caught the thief, and trained Lizheng before returning to the city. The next morning, he took the drawn drawings and quietly went to Erji to confirm that. After they went to the other hospital that year, they turned around and went back to the county office, found another dispute near Guanjiazhuang, and brought people to the countryside.

But he is just a county magistrate who occasionally passes by. Even if he enters Guanjiazhuang and sees Master Guan, he has many things to ask. He can only look around, then gossiping with Master Guan, and probe his character. .

  He didn't even dare to mention Bai Qi's name for the time being, let alone inquire about other things.

  But Man Bao and Bai Shan obviously did not directly ask Master Guan when they went there, and they could ask more questions based on the reason of seeing a doctor.

    The next update will be around 11pm



  (End of this chapter)

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