Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 871: Misunderstand

   Chapter 871 Misunderstanding

The county magistrate Tang carefully taught some probing skills and listed a lot of questions he wanted to know. Finally, he carefully told them: "It's better not to make mistakes. I'd rather not ask, and don't make mistakes, especially your identities. Sensitive, once noticed..."

  The county magistrate of Tang paused and said, "I am afraid it will be difficult for this county to protect you."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded seriously.

County magistrate Tang nodded and let them go. He glanced at Bai Erlang who was still sitting outside the door in a daze. There was no answer to their question. He could only say: "You can do whatever you want. Tell him, he may not be happy, no Tell him, you will be angry for a while at most."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao responded and walked to Bai Erlang, "Let's go."

  White Jiro raised his head to look at the two of them, and asked, "Done the talk?"

  The two nodded.

  Bai Erlang glanced back cautiously, smiled subconsciously with the gaze of Shangtang County Magistrate, and then quickly closed his gaze back.

  He stood up and hurried away with the two of them. He didn't ask until outside, "Didn't County Magistrate Tang ask me about me?"

  Man Baodao: "The county magistrate Tang has forgotten it a long time ago, you don't have to mention it yourself."

   Baijiro couldn't help but muttered: "It's not that you always scare me..."

  The county magistrate Tang stood by the window and touched his chin to watch them go away, muttering thoughtfully, "Why is that kid so guilty? Did I forget something?"

  White Jiro and Manbao Baishan climbed into the carriage together, and then grabbed the best position, and they occupied one side of the position.

  Bai Shan can only sit with Man Bao, and the two of them face each other with Bai Erlang.

   Shirajiro stared at them and said, "Are you going to tell me?"

  Bai Shan asked, "What would happen if you didn't tell me?"

Bai Erlang became a little angry, and was about to lose his temper, but saw that neither of them showed a hint of anger or jokes, but looked at him seriously, and realized that they were not angry with him, but were discussing with him seriously. .

This is their way of communication since childhood, so Bai Erlang seriously thought about it, and then said: "I will check it out by myself. Qi Jue’s brother has a good relationship with Guan Erlang. I will go to Guan’s family to play through Qi Jue and go to Guan. Check home."

  Bai Shan sighed, looked at Man Bao and asked him, "Bai Er, do you remember the script we used to read together?"

   "That's too much, which one are you talking about?"

   "It's the "Jiang Hu" that was never given to us after Mr. Zhuang took it up. There was a person named Zuo Chen, do you remember?"

  White Erlang nodded again and again, "Remember, remember, isn't it the one who died terribly? He was killed by his master demon king, and he was sacked. The husband said it was too **** to show us."

"At that time, many people suspected that his master was a bad person, but for his own good, he just didn’t tell him. The worse he got and the deeper he was against his master. That’s why he was sacked. You think if you are a book People in here, will you hide it and keep him away, or will you tell him and make him beware?"

  Hair Jiro was stunned, and asked in a flustered manner: "Why, is our husband actually a big bad guy? You, you, are you wrong?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao:...

  Man Bao turned his head and said to Bai Shan: "Forget it, it's so stupid, I'm scared."

  Bai Shan nodded seriously, but didn't say anything.

Bai Erlang's eyes widened, he rushed to hold down Bai Shan, and yelled: "No, you have to say, otherwise I will check it myself, no, no, I have to tell my husband, let him check it together. I don’t think you can tell."

  Bai Shan was so crushed that he almost vomited blood, he pushed him away and said, "If you have the ability, go and hit Man Bao."

  Bai Erlang turned his head to Man Bao’s face, Man Bao raised his eyebrows at him, and Bai Erlang continued to squeeze Bai Shan and said, “If a good man doesn’t fight with that, I’ll hit you. You don’t want to say anything.”

   "Fine, just talk." Bai Shan lifted his car and looked out the window, and then he heard Bai Erlang's ear and said: "We are King Cha Yizhou."

  Baijiro gave a "Hey", not excited, but asked curiously, "What is he doing?"

  Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "My father was the one who killed him."

  Bai Erlang's eyes widened. He looked at Bai Shan for a while, then turned to look at Man Bao. Seeing Man Bao nodded seriously, he swallowed and asked, "Then, does that grandmother know?"

  Bai Shan nodded earnestly, "Grandma has always known, and only recently told me."

  Bai Erlang looked at Bai Shan with sympathy. He wanted to comfort him, but he didn’t know how to comfort him. He could only say, “Can you ask him about his sin?”

  Although he did not study well, he was always sleepy and distracted when his husband taught the Dajin law, but he also knew that the prince had privileges for breaking the law. King Yizhou is a prince. It is certainly impossible to ask him for a capital crime and pay his life to an official who has been dead for more than ten years. But what about other crimes?

  Bai Shan was silent for a while and then said: "So we are looking for evidence of his other crimes. This is very dangerous, you..."

  Bai Shan looked at him entangledly and said, “Both Man Bao and I think we shouldn’t tell you, it’s too dangerous.”

  As a child, Bai Erlang’s favorite reading is chivalrous novels. Hearing this, he slapped him on the wooden chair beside him, and said proudly: "A good brother is arrogant for his friends. Why are you afraid of danger?"

  After Bai Erlang shouted, seeing the two of them raising their heads and looking at him quietly, there was a moment of guilty conscience, "I'm serious."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded, "So we don’t want to tell you anymore. Are there few people in the script who are kind to do bad things?"

  Shirajiro said angrily: "I don't know how to do that kind of stupid thing, and why do you tell Man Bao but not me about such a big thing?"

  Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao, but said nothing.

  Man Bao directly said: "Because I am smart."

  Bai Shan looked at the two of them back and forth, and asked: "Aside from this, you have nothing else to hide from me, right?"

Man Bao also said directly: "Yes, but we really can't tell you anymore. We didn't even tell your husband. Bai Cheng, this is really dangerous. Master Bai didn't participate much in it. You have to know, this This kind of thing will kill you, once you die, you will not be alone, and it is possible that even the family behind you will not be spared."

  Hakujiro was stunned, and many questions flashed in his mind, but in the end he only remembered one, so he stared at Man Bao’s face and asked, "Then why are you not afraid of hurting your family?"

  Man Bao choked.

  Bai Erlang stared at her face for a while, then turned and stared at Bai Shan for a while, suddenly a little sad, "You, you won't be..."

  The two raised their heads and stared at him in confusion.

  Suddenly Shirajiro could not speak, but he was suddenly very sad, and tears were about to come out, "Then I will be bullied by you all the time?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan: "...When did we bully you?"

  And what does this have to do with what they are discussing?

   Bai Erlang sadly said: "Of course it has a relationship. You are both so smart and can bully me so much. Together, you don’t know how to bully me? You are too much."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at him confusedly, just about to ask, Da Ji had already stopped the carriageway: "Master, Miss Man, Master Tang, we are home."

  Bai Erlang said angrily: "Listen, even Daji was called me by Miss Man who called me first. I used to be my first."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao:...

  I opened the curtains:…

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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