Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 872: Resuscitate

   Chapter 872

  Bai Erlang jumped out of the carriage and went to find his husband to comfort him. As soon as he walked in, he yelled and asked, "Sir, are your first apprentice and your second apprentice going to get married?"

  Mr. Zhuang raised his eyes and glanced at him, and asked, "Who told you?"

  Shirajiro spread the rumors, "The two of them said."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao who ran in behind:...

   The two stared at him, while Mr. Zhuang stared at them. Before they could talk, they said slowly: "It's not right to be private for a lifetime. The elders should talk about marriage."

  Man Bao: "Sir, he spread rumors."

   "I don't," Shijiro distinguished, "Otherwise, why did he tell you so early but didn't tell me about such a big thing? I'm still his cousin."

  Man Bao choked.

  "And don’t think I can’t see it, Shanbao is just thinking about it, cousin also likes you very much, and your husband is very optimistic about you, huh, just keep it from me."

  Mr. Zhuang saw that the two disciples had their eyes widened, he coughed lightly, glanced at Bai Erlang and said, "What are you screaming?"

He took a closer look at the expressions of the two apprentices, and felt that it was not like what Bai Erlang had said, so he turned to look at him and asked, "Erlang, have you been reading the script again recently? Other than reading the script, you are still doing it. What's wrong?"

   Bai Erlang stiffened, and shook his head repeatedly, "No, no."

Mr.    snorted and punished him to copy the book.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao took the opportunity to slip away. Mr. Zhuang glanced at the back of the two of them and said nothing.

In the evening, Mr. Zhuang went back to his house to rest. Bai Shan and Man Bao sat at their desks to do their homework. Bai Erlang not only had to do homework, but also had to copy books. He couldn't help but whispered angrily, "Why was it always me who was punished?" Obviously I was right."

  Bai Shan heard it, his ears were reddish, and he was so angry that he crossed the table and kicked him underneath.

Bai Erlang raised his head and glared at him. He glanced at Man Bao who was doing his homework seriously. He lowered his voice and said to Bai Shan: "Don't think I don't know, I can see it. You help me with my homework, or I will tell Man precious."

  Bai Shan's neck was red, and he lowered his voice and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't have one!"

"Huh, Qi Jue is about to say a kiss. He likes the second lady of the single family. Every time I see the second lady of the single family, we have discussed it in private. People like you like Manbao. "After all, Bai Erlang is one year older than Bai Shan. He obviously knows more than Bai Shan in this regard. He lowered his voice and threatened Bai Shan, "Do you really help?"

  Bai Shan disgusted: "Your homework is too simple, I'll help you copy the book."

  Hakujiro: "I'm not stupid. Even if you learn my handwriting, your husband will see it. You can help me write my schoolwork. They can't tell the handwriting."

  Bai Shan looked at him for a long time and then said, "Then you must not ask about what Man Bao and I are doing, you must not follow us anymore, and don't talk to your husband."

   Shirajiro frowned, thought for a while and said, "You don’t need to tell your sir, but how can I not be with you? I am still not your brother?"

   "No, you are our junior."


   "I don't care, I want to be with you."

It is estimated that even Man Bao's life experience will be concealed. Bai Shan does not want him to know more, saying: "It will be dead, and it will also affect the cousin and the big brother. Grandma is not willing to let the cousin take care of it. ."

  Shirajiro was silent then.

  Bai Shan rolled his eyes and said: "Well, you can help us, but you must keep it secret, and you are not allowed to tell anyone other than the two of us."

  Bai Erlang's eyes are shining, and he is finally a little happier, nodding and saying: "Okay, it's a matter of course, you must not lie to me and lie to me anymore."

  Bai Shan nodded.

  The two of them murmured and said, then they turned their heads and saw Man Bao staring at them, "What are you talking about?"

  Bai Erlang whispered to Bai Shan, "Did you not tell her that you like her?"

  Bai Shan blushed and drank, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Huh, let me tell you, you'd better talk to your grandmother right now and make the marriage arrangements, otherwise, when you grow up a little bit, the adults may change again." Bai Erlang said: "The Qi family was interested in the past. Although they didn’t make a decision, they knew each other well. As a result, Qi Jue liked Miss Shan Er, and the Qi family didn’t want to be married to the Shan family anymore. Now Qi Jue is very annoyed. He had his birthday yesterday. I almost started fighting with the single because of this."

  Bai Shan was dumbfounded, "Why don't I know?"

  "Of course you don’t know. You and Manbao ran to chat with someone else’s brother. Really, we are young, why are you chatting with people that old?"

  Man Bao couldn't help it anymore, put down his pen and walked over.

  Hakujiro stared at her and said quickly: "Anyway, this kind of matter should be sooner or later, you know? Shangsi, do we want to go home? You just mentioned it to your cousin."

   Seeing Man Bao approached them, Bai Erlang immediately sat upright and did not speak. Bai Shan straightened his body and peeked at Man Bao.

  Man Bao looked at the two curiously, "What are you talking about?"

  The two shook their heads together.

  Bai Erlang quietly turned his head and smiled at Bai Shan, I understand.

  Bai Shan’s ears are redder.

  He pulled over Shirajiro's homework, and simply did it in front of Man Bao.

  Man Bao looked at the two people back and forth, without asking anything, turned around and returned to his position.

  As soon as she turned around, Bai Shan breathed out quietly, feeling a bit feverish in her face.

  He calmly twitched his cheek, took a deep breath, and started to do homework for Bai Erlang.

  Bai Erlang lost two mountains of homework on his shoulders, and the book for the penalty copy was written quickly, and then he smiled at Bai Shan very intimately, got up and left, and gave them space.

  Bai Shan stared at him before he went out and he was relieved. He felt that Bai Erlang had changed at once. Is it that people who have opened up are so scary?

When he went out, Bai Shancai and Man Bao said: "I'll talk to him, he won't talk outside, let him ask some small questions for us in the future, I think it is more convenient for him to inquire about the news than us, he and Qi Jue and the others are very good."

  Man Bao looked at him suspiciously, "So you did his homework?"

  Bai Shan bit his head and nodded.

Man Bao took the posture of the senior sister and said: "This kind of thing can't happen again, otherwise, what should I do if I develop a bad habit? Sir, not only you will be punished, but I, an insider, will also be punished. "

  Bai Shan nodded.

  Man Bao felt that he was too honest. If he had been before, he would have argued with her.

  She looked at him in amazement for a long time. Seeing that he hadn’t quarreled with her, she nodded as if satisfied, “Okay, that’s it?”

  Bai Shan nodded to her.

  Man Bao couldn’t help scratching his head, took two steps and turned back, "You really have nothing to say to me?"

  Bai Shan shook his head.

  Manbao can only go back to sleep.

  Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

  (End of this chapter)

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