Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 873: nervous

   Chapter 873

  Bai Shan asked Daji to go to the Fuxueli quietly the next day to ask him for leave, and then went to the bookstore with Man Bao.

  Dr. Xiaoji was on duty this morning, and Dr. Ji and Man Bao went to Guanjiazhuang for a visit. He brought all the medicines he needed to bring, and he was taken aback when Man Bao took Bai Shan with him.

  Man Bao explained: "Guan Erlang invited Junior Brother to be a guest. He knew that I was going to be together today."

Doctor Ji glanced at Bai Shan, a little confused about what they were going to do. After all, the Guan family had a special relationship with the Yizhou Prince’s Mansion, and they had a bad relationship with the Yizhou Prince’s Mansion. Now you want to take refuge in another way?

  Doctor Ji didn’t want Man Bao to participate in these things, so he nodded to Bai Shan and said to Man Bao: “You are in a car with me, let’s talk about Master Guan’s condition.”

  Man Bao responded and got on the bus with Doctor Ji.

But Doctor Ji did not say Master Guan, but said: "Man Bao, we are doctors, and they are not the same as those who study. They have to get ahead and have to take exams, examine officers, and find families and rich and powerful. We are too tired. You need to see a doctor and treat people, so you shouldn’t get involved with those affairs."

  Man Bao nodded, "I don't mix."

  Doctor Ji looked at her for a long time, and pointed to the lane that followed: "Don't get involved with him, right?"

   Half of his head full of treasures stopped, and said: "Mr. Ji, that's my junior."

  Although Man Bao did not worship Dr. Ji as a teacher, he treated him as a half-teacher because he had been studying medicine with him. This is the first time that Man Bao has so clearly refuted Doctor Ji.

  Doctor Ji was taken aback for a moment and said, "Man Bao, your roads are different."

  Man Bao did not speak.

  Doctor Ji sighed when she saw her stubborn appearance, and the two of them went to Guan's house in silence.

  This time both Guan Dalang and Guan Erlang valued them very much, and they waited at the door specially.

  This surprised Dr. Ji, who often came to the house, and quickly asked, “Is it because Master Guan’s condition has changed?”

  Man Bao stood behind Doctor Ji with his small head low, and winked with Bai Shan secretly.

  Bai Shan nodded slightly at her, looked up at Guan Dalang and Guan Erlang, bending over and arching his hands in salute.

Guan Dalang and Guan Erlang knew that he was a school student and also a son of the gentry. They didn't dare to neglect, so they hurriedly bowed their hands in reply, and answered Dr. Ji's words, "It's still the same as before, but his father's appetite is getting worse and worse. In the past two days, I don’t like to use rice."

  People are in physical pain, so naturally they don’t want to eat.

  Doctor Ji smiled and comforted: “I’ll go and see, maybe it’s a spleen-stomach discord, so what about the appetite discord?”

  Doctor Ji led Man Bao and left first.

   Guan Dalang saw Bai Shan walking with him, so everyone went to the main courtyard together.

  The courtyard was quiet. Master Guan had just lost his temper. The servants who were waiting in the courtyard came in and out lightly, for fear of making a little noise.

  Man Bao, who has been here a few times, is not surprising, knowing that Master Guan always can't hear too noisy because of headaches, and sometimes a little noise can make him have a headache, so when he enters the door, he subconsciously relaxes his steps.

  But the five of them came together, the sound of footsteps still made Master Guan frown.

He opened his eyes on the recliner and was about to lose his temper. He paused when he saw that it was Doctor Ji, his eyes swept among the people, and he was taken aback when he saw Bai Shan walking beside Man Bao and sat down involuntarily. stand up.

  He stared at Bai Shan in surprise, his back tensed slightly.

Bai Shan was also raising his head and looking at Master Guan curiously. He paused when he met him, and his heart flashed. He almost immediately thought of something. If the person his father went to see was Master Guan, then he must recognize his father. .

  Does he look like his father?

  Even if the person his father was going to meet was not him, he often followed the King Yizhou, and his father was the magistrate of Shu County, he must have met his father.

  Bai Shan became a little annoyed, and blamed himself for not thinking carefully, but it was impossible to retreat at this moment, he could only go forward with Man Bao calmly.

  But Man Bao still noticed the moment when Bai Shan paused. She also looked at Master Guan, and saw that his eyes had moved away from Bai Shan, but he was sitting upright on the recliner.

  Man Bao, who has been here several times, can see his nervousness at a glance. You must know that when she and Doctor Ji came to see him before, he was lying down, with a look of disgust and reluctance to see the doctor.

  She is a healer and naturally knows how to see if a person is nervous or relaxed.

   Thinking like this, Master Guan has slowly laid down on the chair, seeming to be relaxed again, he waved his hand and said, “Don’t look at it, I don’t plan to treat it anymore.”

  Dr. Ji has expertly dragged a chair over to sit next to him, Bao Bao cleverly moved to a small table, took the pulse pillow out of the medicine box, and prepared the needles that Dr. Ji would use...

Doctor Ji has already taken Master Guan’s pulse. Master Guan obeyed and won’t struggle. He leaned on the recliner and raised his head to look at Xiang Bai Shan. He asked suspiciously, “This little man is ..."

  Bai Shan hurriedly saluted: "Boy Bai Shan is a friend of Brother Guan, so he first came to see his elders when he came to visit."

  Bai Shan did not mention Man Bao, it seems that it was Guan Erlang’s friend.

   Guan Erlang didn't know when they got so close, and they were both called Guan Er Ge, but when he met his father's gaze, he still smiled and nodded.

  Master Guan asked, "You are quite different in age, how did you meet?"

   Guan Erlang was about to speak, and Bai Shan quickly replied: “The kid is now a student of the school. I met Guan Er brother when I went to a friend’s birthday banquet the day before.

  Master Guan asked, "Fu Xue? Have you already been admitted to the Fu Xue at such a young age? By the way, are you not in class today?"

  Doctor Ji raised his head and glanced at Master Guan, slightly increased the pulse pressure, and said: "Don't move, I just heard some movement."

  Man Bao immediately said: "Mr. Ji, let me come."

  Doctor Ji raised his head and glanced at Man Bao, and met her bubbling eyes. After all, he closed his hand, and said faintly: "When listening to the pulse, keep your heart still, look at the pulse and ask, don’t miss one."

  Even Master Guan, who was anxiously waiting for Bai Shan’s answer, couldn’t hold back, Dr. Chongji stared and said, “Are you trying to use me to train your apprentice?”

  However, Master Guan did not take his hand back. In his opinion, it is better to give Man Bao the pulse than to the old fox, Doctor Ji. After all, who knows what this old fox can hear?

  He didn't know that Man Bao, because of his identity, could hear and guess no less than Doctor Ji.

  Only when he put his hand on, Man Bao noticed Master Guan’s abnormality. This time he was much more nervous than usual. Although he had tried his best to relax, the muscles that were really relaxed were different from the feeling of pretending to be relaxed.

    stuck, I don’t want it stuck

     So I don’t know when the next chapter will be. I’ll try to post it before ten o’clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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