Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 883: evidence

  Chapter 883 Evidence

  All three heads bumped, but none of them flinched. Daji paused first, so the two small heads passed over his probe and looked in, and all of the space was taken up in one fell swoop.

  Man Bao blinked, adjusted his eyes to the darkness, and saw a bag underneath. She and Bai Shan cried out at the same time, "There is something underneath."

  The two small heads collided again. This was a bit cruel. The two had to push them out. After looking at each other, Man Bao acted first. After rolling up his sleeves, he leaned in and reached for his hands, only to find that they could not reach.

  She backed out silently and looked at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan rejoiced and was about to replace him. Da Ji grabbed him and said: "Let me come, Master and Miss Man are about the same height."

  Bai Shan:...

  The two finally moved and gave up their positions.

  Daji glanced in, and picked up the things as soon as he reached out.

  A bag, wrapped in fine cloth. The cloth was gray and old, but it was still intact. Daji opened it quickly, revealing a bunch of things.

  There are several pieces of gold, silver, and something wrapped in oil paper, a big box and a small box.

  Daji felt that the little box was familiar, so he first opened the little box, and saw that there was a seal quietly inside. His heart throbbed, and he picked it up for Bai Shan to see, "Master, look at it."

  Bai Shan looked at the bottom of the seal, his pupils shrank and said: "It is the official seal, yes, it is the official seal of Shu County!"

  Man Bao has also opened another box, which contains some gold and silver, and two books and a stack of papers.

  Man Bao opened a book and looked at it. After a while, he realized, “It’s my uncle, no, it’s my dad’s registration book. He has made up his household registration in Shangzhou.”

  The other book is the book of her mother Xia.

  Bai Shan put down the official seal and went to look through the other things in the box, "It is the land deed and the house deed, both of Shangzhou, and it should be from your mother's side."

  Bai Shan gave it to Man Bao, and then I went to see the remaining package.

  It was a big bag, wrapped in black oiled paper. Bai Shan took it and opened it, but Da Ji held it down.

  Bai Shan raised his head to look at him, and Da Ji lowered his head and said, "Master, the old lady said, you have to take your things back after you get them."

   "Can't I see it?"

  Daji lowered his head and said nothing.

  Bai Shan pursed his mouth and said, "It's all for this. What else can I hide from me? Can I get away completely?"

  He said: "I know what I should know and what I should not know."

  Daji still pressed the bag and said, "It's the same when you come home and look again."

  Man Bao has always been anxious, and she couldn’t wait, so she pushed aside and said, “I found things and my father hid them. I just want to see them!”

  Daji was pushed a bit and still didn't move. Hearing these words, he took the opportunity to sit back and seemed to be pushed down by her.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan:...

  The two looked at Daji silently, then went to unpack the pack of oiled paper, and opened it to see that it was full of various books, papers and letters.

  Bai Shan did not open the letter, but went to look at the paper first, "What is this?"

  Man Bao went up and took a look, tilted his head and said: "It seems to be a land lease, but it doesn't look like it."

  Reluctantly, he could only go up and take a look at the back and said: "It is the land deed left in the county government office. It should be torn off."

The two of them did not understand, and went to look through the other books and papers, only to find that they could not understand most of the contents, but they knew that one of them was an account book and the other was a directory, but what kind of account book is the account book, and there is no directory written on it. What is the directory, it is not written on it.

  The two of them had a headache, so they put evil eyes on the letters.

Bai Shan stretched out his hand and went to take it. Da Ji held his hand firmly now, and said: "Master, you really can't watch this, at least you can't watch it now. You have to wait for County Magistrate Tang to read it. "

  Man Bao remembered what they had read, and finally agreed with Da Ji's words, and nodded again and again: "Yes, it seems to be seen by the main promoter first, but we can see the cover."

But soon they found out that they didn’t recognize any of the names on the cover. Bai Shan dropped the letters in his hand one by one and said, “Mr. Yichen, I don’t know, why are most of the letters to this Mr. Yichen? , Who is Yichen?"

  Daji shook his head, but he didn't know him either.

  "Baizi Qishou..." Bai Shanzheng wanted to throw this letter down, halfway through the reaction, and immediately picked it up and said, "I know this. It's my father. Can you read it now?"

  Man Bao is happy, "Quick release."

  Rather than waiting for a good response, Bai Shan directly opened the envelope and took out the letter inside, "My parents are good, in the next village Nomura..."

   "When my father is called "Parents", he is from Shu County. When written like this, he still calls himself a villager?"

  Man Bao found out that something was wrong, and pointed to the somewhat ambiguous words: "It seems to be scratched by accident. Did he write with his left hand?"

  Bai Shan scanned the letter at a glance, only to find that it was a whistleblower letter, informing the king of Yizhou that he had kept the guards privately, and had greeted the money provided by the Mexican court to raise the soldiers.

  Bai Shan went directly to look at the inscription, and found that there were only four characters, the countryman.

  Bai Shan almost rubbed the letter. "This person must be someone next to King Yizhou. He is returning to the village of Nomura. He writes so well, he still uses his left hand..."

  Bai Shan had a meal and looked at Man Bao said, "Do you think it is Master Guan? We haven't found anyone coming to our village in the past two days. Did Master Guan not tell King Yizhou about us?"

  Man Bao was thoughtful, staring at the other letters and was about to move.

"You are here, we are almost yelling over there, and you shouldn't want us." Baiji Lang and Chu Lang came to support each other, and saw the three of them squatting on the ground, they couldn't help shouting. Complained: "When did you come over, why didn't you tell us?"

Bai Shan and Man Bao quickly put the letters and open documents together, stuffed the oil paper to Daji, and the two got up and waved to Bai Erlang Chu Lang, "We found them along the way. Do you have to separate it?"

  White Jiro had already seen the things on the ground and exclaimed: "You found it? What's inside?"

  Man Bao didn’t mind showing him her parents’ things, so he generously opened the box, “It’s my father... it’s my brother’s and aunt’s books, money, and land deeds.”

On Thursday Lang ran over, but because of the slippery ground, Man Bao felt pain, but he didn’t care at all. He ran over without taking pictures when he got up, picked up the book and read it with himself. I recognized the limited words. After a long time, he finally recognized them. He cried and laughed: "Yes, yes, this is the book of my uncle, and there is a road guide attached to the back. My uncle said that he You have to take things and pick them up with the escort."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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