Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 884: Decide

  Chapter 884 Decision

  Daji wrapped the evidence in greased paper, tucked it into his arms and held it close to his body. Then he got up and looked around, “It’s getting dark. We’ll rest here tonight and go out tomorrow morning.”

  Bai Shan said: "Let’s go to the sun to settle down."

On Thursday Lang looked through the contents of the box, and wondered: "Weird, why is there only this? I remember my uncle said that their clothes, fabrics, and some books, quilts and everything are all in the dart board. My friend brought it together."

  Man Bao: "...Fourth brother, are you stupid? They are running for their lives. Those things are in the car. Of course, it is impossible to bring this box. It is not bad to bring this box."

  Thursday, Lang thought about it too, took the things away, and said in his arms: "Okay, let's go."

   "Wait a minute, we will pick the Ganoderma lucidum before leaving."

  Thursday Lang blinked, "Ganoderma lucidum? What kind of Ganoderma lucidum?"

  Man Bao pointed in one direction and said: "Hey, in that cave, we just saw it."

  Thursday Lang immediately filled the box into Bao’s arms, rolled up his sleeves and said excitedly: "I'll pick it!"

  Man Bao squatted outside and commanded, “Be careful, don’t bend it, it’s best to uproot it, yes, give me a little more soil, I have to study it carefully.”

  Zhu Lang knew that she likes to make these things, so he agreed, and then dug out the things.

  A large piece of Lingzhi was carefully handed out, Bai Erlang squatted aside curiously, and quickly took it.

   Bai Erlang said: "It is said in the script that this thing can live and die."

  Man Bao: "It's fake, but the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" says that if you eat for a long time, you can be light and immortal and prolong your life."

  Thursday Lang stared at Ganoderma lucidum with bright eyes: "But who can eat such a precious thing for a long time, and the emperor can't?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "It seems that it really can't."

  Man Bao put the things in the back basket, and Chu Lang asked, "Man Bao, do you want to sell it?"

"Not for sale." There is only one plant. Although there is a small umbrella cover, it is not enough for her. After all, we have to give some to Keke, and we have to prepare some in the forum. Maybe Teacher Mo wants to study it too. She said: "Our family is not short of money now, so I can store it when I dry it and use it later when I need it."

  Thursday Lang thought, too, "Yes, we ate it myself. Even if we can't live forever, it would be nice to live for a few more years."


  Everyone arrived at Yangmian. On Thursday, Lang and Daji started looking for firewood to make a fire, while Man Bao carried his own small basket to dig up plants worthy of collection, and Bai Shan followed to help.

Bai Erlang followed the **** of the two of them, and asked: "We went into the mountain to find your brother-in-law's box of things? What did Daji put away just now? Don't hide it from me, or just find your brother-in-law left behind. Things, why did County Magistrate Yang send someone to help you?"

Bai Shan and Man Bao didn’t want to lie to him, they just wanted to hide it from him and prevent him from knowing more. Seeing that he would think about it now, they could only say, “What Da Ji put away is my father’s things. Don't tell anyone."

"In the village now, who can I tell?" Bai Erlang asked, "Why is there a relationship between your father and Man Bao's uncle? Forget it, I won't ask anymore. You won't tell me if you ask, you just Tell me, what are you going to do next."

  Bai Shandao: "Send things out, and then save your own life and the lives of your family."

  Man Baoshen feels that the points are very important now, and added, "We still need to dig more herbs for later use."

   Seeing that she even pulled the bark of the big tree, Bai Erlang couldn't help but said speechlessly: "Tell me, what kind of medicine is this?"

  Man Bao looked up at the tall arbor in front of him, and said thoughtfully: "I don't know yet, you will tell you after I have researched it out."

   "No, why are you pulling the bark now?"

  "Not only do I have to pull its bark, but I have to climb up to fold its branches and leaves. I have never seen this tree."

   Shirazen and Shirajiro stared at the tree in front of them vigorously. After looking at it for a long time, they didn't see any difference between it and other trees.

  Man Bao has put down his back basket, rolled up his sleeves and climbed up the tree. Bai Shan and Bai Erlang are not surprised, and they stood under the tree to cheer her up, "You fold the branches and throw them down."

  Man Bao climbed onto the tree, not only folded the branches, but also took out two insects from the branches and leaves, and directly included them in Keke.

  Wait until it was done before climbing down the tree. Thu Lang saw it not far away and couldn't help sighing. The little girl was too skinny.

   Then I thought again, that’s okay, I was afraid that she would be sad because of my uncle, but it all eased up so quickly.

  Man Bao is indeed sad, but Koko has been ding-dong ding-dong in his mind, reminding her how much more needs to be included but she has not included it, and Man Bao can’t feel sad.

  Waiting to collect everything that should be collected around, Keke calculated her abilities and found that she could not go farther, so this time, I collected the ding-dong sound.

  Man Bao was exhausted and sat on the side of the fire. Bai Shan and Bai Erlang helped her **** a lot of things and climbed trees. They were also very tired at the moment.

  All sat on the ground.

Fearing that they would catch a cold, Daji moved the fire just now to another location, and then spread a large number of big leaf branches that he and Thu Lang had folded on the place where the fire was burning. After the spread, the three of them were allowed to sit on it.

  Man Bao and the others sat up curiously, and a warm feeling passed from under the ground. The chill that had been sitting on the grass just now disappeared in an instant.

  The three of them gave a "Wow" and looked at Daji with admiration, "Daji, you are so amazing."

  Daji smiled slightly and said: "I used to go darts, and most of them were sleeping on the road. This is what we learned from our darts."

  Man Bao moved his small butt, and smiled: "I learned it, and if I go out in the future, I will do the same, so that it won’t get cold."

   Chu Langbian also curiously stepped forward and squeezed, feeling it.

Then he looked around and said, "Is there nothing else in the forest? Is there not much firewood? Wait, I will save a few more fires, and I will spread one for everyone in a while. I will spread my hands and feet to sleep at night instead of yesterday. It’s all crowded together at night."

  The main reason is that he can't squeeze his younger sister.

  Have grown up, what does it look like when they are always crowded together?

  Thursday, Lang worked hard and made four fires in one breath. Da Ji looked at it and didn't mix it up. Instead, he went to turn over the baggage they brought and took out the dry food that he brought to bake and eat.

  Bai Shan discussed with Man Bao, "After we go out, should we ask someone to ask for the magistrate of Yang, or shall we go to the magistrate of Yang?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said, “It’s hard to go back to the original road. It’s still far. We might as well go in the opposite direction. It should be closer to the trail from here.”

  Bai Shan nodded, “I think there must be a shortcut in the mountains, but we don’t know it. It’s okay to get out of the trail.”

  He glanced at Daji quietly, and whispered in Man Bao’s ear: “We won’t go home now, and go directly to the county magistrate Yang.”

  Man Bao's eyes flashed, he also secretly glanced at Da Ji, and then nodded.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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