Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 885: Stay overnight

  Chapter 885 Stay overnight

  Man Bao and Bai Shanbian proposed to go out from the opposite direction and enter the trail directly the next morning. There is no need to make detours after leaving the forest, and there are no trees and vines to block them, so you can walk much faster.

  Thu Lang and Bai Erlang have no opinion at all. They also want to go out early and always stay in the woods. They are not hunters, and they always feel depressed inside.

  Daji glanced at them, silently did not speak, followed them in the opposite direction, and walked for more than two hours before leaving.

  Standing on the trail, Chu Lang turned around and was about to go back towards the village, but was held by Man Bao.

   "Since we have all been here, let's not waste time. Let's go directly into the county seat from here to see the magistrate Yang."

  Bai Shan nodded.

Both Chu Lang and Bai Erlang subconsciously listened to Man Bao and Bai Shan's words, and turned around to head towards the county seat. Daji fell behind for a while, but still followed.

  Bai Shan pursed his lips when he saw it, and raised his eyebrows proudly at Man Bao.

When they arrived in Luojiang County, County Majesty Yang hadn’t had time to go to the office in the afternoon. He was resting in his study. Man Bao glanced at the time in the system, and decisively pulled Bai Shan to knock on the side door behind the other’s county office. .

  The doorman who opened the door saw the three Manbaos, immediately opened the door, and asked cheerfully, “When did Miss Man, Master Shan and Master Bai Er come back? Didn’t they study in Yizhou City?”

  Man Bao would pour out as if he didn’t need money, "We missed Mr. Yang, so we came back. Is Mrs. Yang home?"

   "Yes, if you are a small one, let me report it. The young ladies and masters should sit in the concierge." After saying that, he immediately found his partner and asked him to fly in and report to the county magistrate Yang.

   County magistrate Yang heard that Man Bao and the others were coming, he guessed something happened, and stood up and said, "Get them here."

  I went there personally, and when the concierge saw this, he knew that the young master was anxious to meet people, so he didn't delay, so he took the lead to quit and rushed to invite people.

  The reports and invitations from the people running around here, and Young Master Yang, Cui Shi, who was also in the backyard, naturally received the news.

   "Grandma, the uncle went to greet him personally. The slave and the servant asked about it. They are friends of the uncle, two teenagers and a girl. They used to come to the county office to play."

  Cui thought for a while and said: “Let the kitchen make some snacks and send them to them. You ask someone to watch it. If there is nothing special, I will see you in a while.”

  I was afraid that people came to Yang Heshu because she had something to say, but she suddenly appeared and they couldn't talk.

  The next person followed.

   County magistrate Yang and Man Bao met halfway through the road, his eyes slid over the burden on Chu Lang's shoulders, smiled and asked them to go to the study sideways, and gave Man Tian a wink by the way.

  Wait for them to enter, Wan Tian sent out all the servants who were waiting in the courtyard, so that people guarded the courtyard door, and he personally guarded the door to prevent people from approaching.

  The servants sent by Cui clan saw the servants filed out of the study, and stopped in their footsteps. After watching for a long time, they quietly turned and left, and went back to report to Cui clan.

  In the study, Man Bao had already opened the bag and said: "We found it under a mountain wall. This is my brother's belongings."

   Then look towards Daji.

Daji took out another big oil-paper bag from his arms and gave it to the magistrate Yang, Bai Shan said, "This should be what we are looking for, what my father gave to Uncle Zhou Yin."

The magistrate Yang opened and turned over the bread inside. His face became more and more solemn. After a while, he raised his head and turned to five pairs of shining eyes. Man Bao stared at him brightly and asked, "Master Yang, you Do you understand?"

   County magistrate Yang paused and said, "You still understand, what?"

   "We don't understand," Man Bao said without shame, and said with confidence: "You can tell us something."

  The county magistrate Yang collected the things and said, “Children don’t know too much.”

  Bai Shan pounced on the oil paper bag with both hands, and said solemnly: "Master Yang, if you don't tell us, we have to take the things back and show them to my grandmother."

  Man Bao nodded solemnly, "Yes."

  They were afraid that Grandma Liu would not tell them, so they came to Master Yang first. If Master Yang didn’t tell them, what's the point?

  Yang Heshu thought for a while and then said: "Okay, but there are too many things, and I can't tell for a while. I will send a letter to Tang He, and when he comes, we will talk together."

  Bai Shan then let go, and urged him with Man Bao, "Then you can send someone now, and set off now, and the time will come when you can quickly start the night. The Tang county magistrate will be able to come by tomorrow morning, and the afternoon should be there."

  Bai Shan glanced out at the sky, and said in deep thought: "I think the sky is getting dark too. Shall we stay overnight in the county town tonight?"

  Man Bao ignored the shining sun hanging in the mid-air outside, nodded and said, “Yes, it’s spring, the days are short, and the darkness is fast.”

  The county magistrate Yang really wanted to throw these two nasty children out.

  He glanced at Da Ji and asked, “If they don’t go back, won’t your old lady be in a hurry?”

"No," Bai Shan hurriedly said before Daji, "We came directly to you from the mountain. We said when we entered the mountain. We may have to stay in the mountain for four or five days. We always bring enough dry food. For five days."

  Man Bao nodded: "Yes."

  There is no problem at all in the old Zhou family. After all, their children are wild and have big ideas. This is a small matter, and their family has Chu Lang following.

  What can Daji say?

   can only stand silently behind, he is a subordinate, naturally listening to the master.

   County magistrate Yang rubbed his forehead, naturally he was worried that they would go out to live outside, and said: "Then you can stay here tonight. Wantian——"

  Manda quickly walked to the door to answer.

   "Go and get people to clean up a yard to rest them."

  Manda responded, but did not leave immediately. He still stood outside the door and guarded.

  Bai Shan and the others continued to stare at the magistrate Yang.

   Yang county magistrate said: "This matter is serious, let's wait until Zhihe arrives. I don't know what is going on in Yizhou City now."

  Yizhou City?

  Yizhou City was naturally calm. Bai Shan and the others were suddenly recalled to Luojiang County. No one noticed this except for their classmates and husband.

  Of course, it's also about the master.

Master Guan did nothing after discovering that Bai Shan and Zhou Man had left Yizhou City and returned to Luojiang County. Naturally, he also found that they had visited the county government before leaving.

  The Tang county magistrate kept people staring at Guan’s house quietly, but found that Master Guan did nothing except send someone to inquire about Bai Shan and Zhou Man, and he didn’t even contact the Yizhou Prince’s Mansion.

   County magistrate Tang had a little speculation in his heart, but this kind of life-threatening matter, without evidence, he would not easily take a step.

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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