Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 895: Aspiration (for the book friend "Acacia 1968"

  Chapter 895 Ambition

  Man Bao sighed "

  Ms. Tang smiled and asked, "What book did you read so hard?" She glanced at County Majesty Yang, "Isn't it because I was caught doing hard work?"

  The county magistrate Yang held Tang Dalang in his arms and took a snack from the plate to him, with a smile on his face, as if he didn't care what they were talking about.

  Man Baodao: "Read all books, Mrs. Tang, is this your first time in Luojiang County?"

Madam Tang looked at Man Bao angrily, knowing she was perfunctory her, but seeing her face smiling, she knew that she was thick-skinned without seeing a little guilty conscience and embarrassment, I am afraid it would be difficult to ask anything from her. Can only follow her words and change the subject, "Yes, for the first time, will you take me out tomorrow?"

  Mrs. Tang is never a person who wastes time and messes up savagely.

Man Bao, who was planning to introduce her to several places, had a meal immediately, and then said: “In fact, the most fun thing in Luojiang County is the county government. Other places are very ordinary, far less than Yizhou City, so I think Mrs. Tang, you don't have to go out anymore."

  Mrs. Tang: "...Don't lie to me, what's so fun about the county government?"

   "The garden of Mr. Yang's house is very beautiful, and it is the most beautiful garden in the whole Luojiang County."

  Ms. Tang asked: "Better-looking than mys?"

  Man Bao tells the truth, "That's not as good as that."

  Ms. Tang snorted and asked, "What about Biji's?"

   Yes, it can't be compared.

  The Cui Shi on the side smiled and pushed Mrs. Tang, "Cousin, you dislike me for being simple."

Madam Tang smirked: "Who am I for? It's not for the two of us. They don't know what to do all day long. I won't show you this or tell you there, so I only need one. Thinking of Tang Zhihe's face makes me angry."

  Speaking of this, Yang Heshu could only stand up and salute, and repeatedly accused the crime: "As a matter of official business, please forgive my sister-in-law."

   "Okay, I want to blame you, but my sister is here, it's not easy to hurt the jade bottle to beat a mouse."

   County magistrate Yang didn't care about being compared to a mouse, and smiled and saluted again.

Everyone had a peaceful banquet. Man Bao and Bai Shan Bai Erlang were very clever when they returned to their guest house. They said goodbye and walked on the path back. As soon as they entered their guest house, three People exhale at the same time.

  Man Baodao: "I feel that Mrs. Tang is like a hen who can't eat any insects. It's terrible."

  Hakujiro: "I always feel that she is going to burst into flames."

  Bai Shan: "Luckily she restrained it."

  The three of them glanced at each other, and shook together, and said, "Tomorrow, let's continue to work in the study. It's too dangerous outside."

  Ms. Tang also wandered outside the study the next day, and found that Wan Tian, ​​who was guarding the door, was particularly ruthless, and she could only leave angrily if she refused to let her in.

  Cui hurriedly went to comfort her.

Mrs. Tang took her to talk in the garden, and said angrily: "May I not know if they have important things to do? But as a husband and wife, this has sent me here, and I have to be sent back to the capital. Obviously it is. He didn’t tell me anything about life and death, and I couldn’t sleep soundly every day. He didn’t worry about me, but he assured the three children to know. How could he know that I’m not as good as them, and I will leak out?"

  Cui stunned for a moment and asked, "Cousin wants to return to Beijing?"

  Ms. Tang nodded after a pause: "I want to go back to Beijing to take care of the disease."

Naturally, this was just an excuse. Of course Cui heard it, and she couldn’t help but worry, “I got married with the grandfather. I can’t ask about his official affairs deeply, but the cousin and the cousin-in-law have a good relationship. Does the cousin-in-law have nothing? Say it?"

   "Yeah, that's why I'm worried. He didn't hide such a big deal from King Yizhou before, and I don't know what it is to hide it so strictly at the moment."

  The two looked at each other, and both became a little worried.

  The magistrate Yang didn't care about these things, so he asked people to guard the study, and no one would put them in except Man Bao and the three of them.

  Manbao and the others worked overtime every day, and with the help of County Order Yang, they finally sorted out the account books and calculated various values.

   County magistrate Yang looked at the data they had calculated, couldn’t help but take a photo of the booklet, and praised: “As expected of the students taught by Mr. Zhuang himself, you are really good.”

  The three of them stood out proudly.

  Man Bao also gave him a list, "I found that the numbers change and the fluctuations are great, so I have a list for you to see."

Majesty Yang took it and looked at it. The smile on his face slowly disappeared. He turned over the ironware that Bai Shan had calculated. His face became heavier and heavier. Take the original away."

  The three: " much, do you have to copy them all?"

   County magistrate Yang patted someone on the shoulder with one hand, and said with a serious face: "I believe you."

  The three of them collapsed their shoulders. They didn't want his belief at all, really.

  Counting things is a bit fun, but copying things is really not fun at all.

  This is the account book again, and it's not an article that hasn't been read. You can copy it and appreciate it.

  The county magistrate Yang has already sat down at the table and said, “I have to make a copy of the things I sorted out, and I will send the rest to the capital.”

  Bai Erlang's scalp was numb, and he covered his stomach and said, "I, my stomach hurts a bit."

  Man Bao said: "I have needles there, and there are medicines in the warehouse. Do you want to get the needles or take medicine."

  Shirajiro put his hands down, and after sitting back at the table with his head pulled back, he pouted and said aggrieved: "I don't want either of them!"

   County magistrate Yang flashed a smile when he saw him, and said to Bai Shanhe Man Bao who was still standing: "There will be many more difficult things in the future. This is the simplest. Do you think it's so easy to check a case?"

The two also sat back, sighed and took out white paper to copy the account book, and asked while studying ink: "Master Yang, do you dislike investigating the case because of this? I heard from County Magistrate Tang, your family background. It’s better than him, and the examiner’s results are also better than him, but instead of going to the big county, he came to our county."

Yang Heshu smiled while copying the booklet in his hand: "I don't like the struggle between people's hearts. The county is usually Guoxian. There are governors and junshis on the county. If you have bad luck, maybe there are princes, every day. There are countless things waiting for you. If so, I might as well stay in the Imperial Academy. Why should I leave it outside?"

He said: "I just want to take a look at people's livelihood. I and Mr. Tang have different ambitions. He wants to be like Mr. Tang and hopes that there will be no unjust cases in the world, but I think that the granaries will be full and the people of the world will be able to eat. Belly, the clothes can warm up."

  Man Bao couldn’t help clapping his hands, and said happily, “This ambition is good, but it’s about the same as mine, um, of course, too, too.”

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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