Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 896: Beauty

   Chapter 896

  Yang Heshu couldn't help but raised his head and smiled. This is why he likes them three, because there are always similar ambitions, and people with similar ambitions have similar perceptions of the world.

  The four people were talking lively while copying the account books.

They still picked up the books they had compiled to copy, because they had read and studied them once, and they had some memories, such as Bai Shan and Man Bao, who had good memorization, and they could jot down the content at a glance, and then just write down. Therefore, the speed is much faster than before, and the calculation is much faster, and it is not too much brainstorming.

  So the study room became lively, and the three of them chatted to each other, and they had to pull the magistrate Yang, who was still studying the books they had prepared.

  This can’t help County Majesty Yang, he can do dual purposes with one heart, so everyone feels that copying account books doesn’t seem so boring.

  The speed of copying is much faster than the speed of sorting. The four of them copied all the pamphlets once they arrived in Luojiang County when the people sent by the county magistrate Tang arrived.

  Then the county magistrate Yang led the three young ones to the hall to watch the excitement, oh no, it was to see people acting.

After 14 days, the letter written by the county magistrate Tang to the Yue family finally arrived in the capital. It is hard to imagine what kind of ideological struggle his father-in-law's family had gone through, and finally made a decision to agree lately, while releasing the news that Mrs. Wang was sick. It seemed that he was still very ill; one side sent a servant to go south to pick up their aunt and grandmother back to visit relatives.

  Because Mrs. Wang has been talking about her dearest girl ever since she was sick.

  The servants of the Wang family hurried to Yizhou City, and only after seeing their uncle did they know that grandma had gone to Luojiang County for a trip, so they transferred to Luojiang County to pick up the people.

  Of course, there were more people sent by County Magistrate Tang in the entourage, and everyone arrived in Luojiang County in a mighty manner, and County Magistrate Yang stood aside with three small faces of concern...watching the excitement.

  I saw Mrs. Tang press the corner of her eye, squeezed out two tears, and asked about her mother’s condition, she knew it was not good, so she had to pack her things and set off immediately.

  Cui hurriedly persuaded, “Even if the cousin wants to leave, there is no hurry at this moment. There are still children on the road. I always have to pack enough things on the road. I think I’ll pack up today and leave tomorrow.”

Yang Heshu also said: "Yes, my sister-in-law, Dalang is still young, and now the cold is warm at the moment, so it’s easy to get sick when it’s hot and cold. It’s better to ask Man Bao for reference. Let’s buy some medicine and prepare the food and clothing. , Always let my sister-in-law and nephew go to the capital in peace."

  Ms. Tang looked up at him and nodded.

Yang Heshu breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and smiled gently with Cui: “Don’t be busy at home. You and Man Bao go to the drugstore to prepare some medicine for your sister-in-law. I’ll let people set off and arrange the inn along the way. Good food, no matter how anxious you are, you must not rush or slow down on the road, so that you will not be wronged by your sister-in-law and nephew."

  Cui looked at Yang Heshu’s smile and responded in a daze.

  The people of the Wang family all felt that the uncle of the Yang family was really humble and caring, no wonder the whole Beijing praised him.

   After discussing with Mrs. Tang, Cui took Man Bao out to buy medicine. After she went out, she realized it was wrong. Why did she take Man Bao with her when she bought medicine?

  But the two of them were already in the carriage, and Man Bao was still very interested, so she couldn't ask too much.

  The carriage came all the way to the outside of Jishitang. Man Bao stepped on the bench and jumped out of the carriage, turned around to help Cui, Hongxue had already supported Cui, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

  Ji Shitang’s treasurer Zheng looked out. The first thing he saw was Man Bao. After a moment, he saw an unfamiliar lady who glanced over the carriage they had arrived. With a move in his heart, he quickly greeted him.

   "Man Bao, when did you come back?"

Man Bao greeted shopkeeper Zheng enthusiastically. Although she did not ask Doctor Ji to be her husband, Doctor Ji was indeed teaching her, and shopkeeper Zheng had also learned from Doctor Ji before. Although the two did not have the status of senior brothers and sisters, There are senior brothers and sisters, so she did not blush to call the treasurer Zheng, who is about the same age as her father, to be "Big Brother Zheng", and then said: "I have been back for half a month."

  Treasurer Zheng knows that his father and Doctor Ji value Manbao very much, and they are cultivating almost as a treasure. He can't help asking, "You didn't learn from Doctor Ji?"

"Study, it's just something at home, so I need to come back for a while," Man Bao felt that he would go back and continue to study medicine. "I'm here to buy some spare medicinal materials. Oh, this is our magistrate, Cui Sister, this is the treasurer of Ji Shitang. His medical skills are not bad. If you get sick in the future, or if you want to buy some medicine, you can talk to him."

  The treasurer Zheng felt that the child was too good at talking, and he was too incapable of talking, so he hurriedly asked for help for her: "I have seen Mrs. Yang. Please forgive me, this child speaks quickly and does not mean to offend."

  Cui's finally understood now, and smiled: "I know, Man Bao is lively and kind, I naturally know that she has no other meaning, but I didn't expect Man Bao to be good at medicine."

  Man Bao smiled sullenly, and the treasurer Zheng said from the side: "Her medical skills are still very good, even our doctor Ji in Yizhou City praises it."

After talking to Man Bao, the shopkeeper Zheng also introduced their drug store by the way, and then said: "What kind of medicine will the madam buy in the future and let me get the prescription. I don't have to go there in person. Our doctor will occasionally visit the doctor. of."

  Cui's only then woke up, yeah, so why did she come?

  Thinking of Yang Heshu’s smile before she left the house, Cui’s face blushed slightly, and he hurriedly lowered his head to cover up, “I just came out for a walk today.”

   She looked at Man Bao, smiled and asked, "What medicine do you think we should buy?"

"Now prepare some medicines for the epidemic, and some medicines for wind and cold, cough and fever are almost the same." Man Bao said that he had the prescriptions in his heart, and they reported them one by one. The treasurer Zheng and Yaotong grabbed the medicine together .

  Man Baodao: “It’s good to catch only three of each. If the two medicines are not relieved, it’s better to ask a doctor locally.”

  The shopkeeper Zheng nodded in agreement.

  While they were here to grab the medicine, the county magistrate Yang called his confidant to the study, and Bai Shan and Bai Erlang respectively wrapped the things and gave them to the county magistrate Yang.

The county magistrate Yang put the parcel on the table and said, "You set off together, but you will enter Beijing in two ways. You will arrange the board and lodging for Mrs. Tang along the way, and you will go directly to Lord Tang’s mansion along the way, and seal the bag with me. Give the letter to Master Tang."

  The confidants responded in a low voice.

   County magistrate Yang paused and whispered: "This thing is extremely important. If someone intercepts it, I would rather destroy it than keep it."

  The confidants thought it was the same letter as usual. Hearing this, they felt tight, and quickly bowed their heads and solemnly responded.

   County magistrate Yang nodded and waved: "Go."

The one headed by    stepped forward and took the baggage, put the letter in his arms and left.

  These people went out of the study and went to the stables to choose horses and leave. Mrs. Tang found out soon, and her big girl whispered: "...A total of six people walked together, and they rode good horses."

  Ms. Tang snorted: "Just give me a guest house and six people. Yang Changbo really values ​​love."

  The big girl was silently afraid to speak.

  Ms. Tang shook her kerchief and said: "Forget it, I will know one day, go and pack things, let's go back to Beijing."


    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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