Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 898: Beaten

   Chapter 898

  The carriage pulled the four people to Qili Village. The four jumped out of the carriage at the entrance of the village. After hesitating left and right, the three of them decided to go to the hardest pass first-Mr.'s.

  So the three of them went to the Bai's house first, seeing death as home.

Mr. Zhuang has not been home, and he is not in a hurry if the three children do not come back to study. Every day he reads books, writes, or plays chess with Master Bai. After the apprentices have walked for more than half a month, he can say nothing. Don't ask, let them be in the field.

  The three of them lay on the courtyard door cautiously, and quietly leaned their heads to see, and they saw Mr. Zhuang sitting under the tree basking in the sun while reading.

  The three of you push me, and I will stab you, no one dares to come forward easily.

  Mr. Zhuang turned around when he heard the movement, and coughed twice when he saw the three small heads coming in from the courtyard door.

   was about to guess the punch to decide who to send the dead three people first, and looked up stiffly, and met Mr. Zhuang's eyes.

  Bai Erlang immediately pushed Bai Shan, and Bai Shan pushed Man Bao, so Man Bao at the front stepped forward two steps and moved forward.

  Mr. Zhuang watched them silently. Man Bao, a senior sister, was pushed to the forefront again. He could only shake his little hand and wave it up, "Sir, how are you reading?"

  Mr. Zhuang looked at her for a long time, his eyes shifted back, and Bai Shan and Bai Erlang who were hiding behind could only move out. He smiled and waved to Mr. Zhuang to say hello, "Sir, how are you doing recently?"

  Mr. Zhuang put down the book in his hand and asked: "Have you come back to meet your family?"

  The three shook their heads together.

  Mr. Zhuang asked again, "Are you done with things outside?"

  The three nodded together, after thinking about it, they shook their heads again. Who knows if Yang County Commander Yang has anything to look for them?

   "Nodding and shaking his head again, is it over?"

  Man Bao deliberatedly said, “I found the thing and sorted out the information. There should be nothing important in the past few days, but it’s hard to say in the future.”

Mr. Zhuang knew it in his heart. He nodded and said: "Then you go home and meet your parents first, come to me in an hour, and I will test your homework."

The heart held by the three of them is slightly put down. Although they haven't read a book for more than half a month, they still remember some of the homework more than half a month ago. If you take a homework test, you will be fined, and you should not be fined. Heavy?

  The three people exit the yard.

  Bai Shan said: "I will go over to send greetings to my grandmother and mother."

   Baijiro: "I also go to please my grandmother and mother, and see my dad by the way."

  Man Bao was more relaxed than both of them, "I will also go to see my parents."

  Man Bao bounced back home. It has been a long time since Lao Zhou had seen her daughter. Rarely took her by the hand and asked a lot of questions without punishing her. The same is true for Qian.

  People in the old Zhou’s family know that she lives at the Yang County magistrate’s house, where she has food, drink and shelter, and is safe and secure. On Thursday Lang said she was there to help Yang County magistrate to sort out documents.

  Anyway, it’s a serious matter when you hear it, so no one in their family is worried, and no one will be angry about it.

Man Bao walked around the house. After enjoying the special treatment, he took a bamboo basket and went out to dig wild vegetables with Da Ya Er Ya. After half an hour, he came down from the mountain and picked up several bundles of wild vegetables. They were all cleaned and put away. In the bamboo basket.

  Lao Zhoutou is particularly embarrassed. He thinks that the magistrate of Yang County Haomi Haorou entertained his daughters for more than half a month, but they returned a basket of wild vegetables.

  Man Bao said: "Their family does not lack meat, so they lack vegetables."

  Lao Zhou did not believe him, "I don’t lack meat, can I still lack vegetables?"

  But Manbao was carrying a basket of wild vegetables to the coachman who was resting at Bai's house. She happily said to her father: "Mr. will check my homework later, and I will go home later."

  Lao Zhoutou also stood at the door and waved to her, "Well, if you come back late, Dad will let your sister-in-law leave the meat for you to eat."

  Looking at Man Bao running away, Lao Zhou turned back to the house happily. Qian raised his eyes and glanced at him and said: "Now you can rest assured? Man Bao did not alienate us because you are not her father."

  Lao Zhou's head blushed and said: "Nonsense, who says I am worried about this? I am obviously concerned about my girl."

  Qian snorted without saying a word.

Man Bao handed the basket to the coachman and asked him to take it back to the county magistrate Yang. Then he stood in front of the Bai’s gate with his hands on his back, thinking about whether she was going to find her husband directly, or to find Bai Shan first and make an appointment with him. Go to see Mr. Zhuang?

  Man Bao hesitated for a moment, and felt that as a senior sister, he should still care about his younger brother and save them from the fire and water, so he knocked on the door of Bai Shan's house first.

   has been kneeling for more than half an hour, and Bai Shan, who has been reprimanding for a long time, heard the next person walk in and report in a low voice, "Old lady, Miss Man is here, saying that she is here to invite the young master to come to Mr. Zhuang's lecture."

  Lao Mrs. Liu looked down at her kneeling grandson, snorted and put down the teacup, “I will punish you when you come back. Let’s go to the class with Manbao now.”

  Bai Shan immediately got up, because his feet were still staggered, he bent over and bowed down after a salute.

  As soon as he got out of the yard, his legs and feet moved away, and he ran away.

  Man Bao was waiting for him in the garden. He was looking down at his **** field. When he saw him running, he waved: "Come on, your **** looks good."

  Bai Shan ran over to look, and found that it really was, “Now it’s the servants of the family who are cooking, and it was them when it entered the winter last year.”

  Man Bao saw that his knees were a bit dirty, so he asked, "You were punished to kneel?"

  Bai Shan reached out and rubbed his knees, and sighed: "I guess I will continue to be punished when I come back tonight."

  Unfortunately, there is no need to go back at night. As soon as they arrived at Bai Erlang's house next door, Mr. Zhuang let them kneel down.

  Mr. Zhuang pulled out a ruler from under the table, walked to the three of them and asked, "Have you all greeted your family?"

  The three nodded in a daze.

  Mr. Zhuang asked: "Have you been fined?"

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang nodded together, Man Bao shook their heads.

  Mr. Zhuang looked at Man Bao first, then walked to her, and said with a serious face: "Then stretch out your hand and start with you."

  Man Bao clenched his fist and stretched out his hand, and asked cautiously, "Sir, how many hits do you want?"

Mr. Zhuang tapped a small fist full of treasures with a ruler, and asked her to stretch it out, and said blankly: "It should have been 20 hits, but you are their senior sister. Not only can you not control the juniors, but you also Take the lead in mischief, so I will punish you six more, just twenty-six."

  Man Bao's eyes widened. She was the oldest since she was a child, and the most beaten one time was five times.

  Man Bao's little hands trembled.

  Mr. Zhuang went down with the ruler, and Man Bao subconsciously shrank. Mr. Zhuang was even more annoyed when he hit the empty space, and shouted, "Stretch me out."

  Man Bao stretched out tremblingly.

  Mr. Zhuang played very well-proportioned. He hit thirteen times with one hand, making both hands the same red and swollen. Then he looked at Bai Shan who was kneeling on the side out of breath, "You also stretch out your hand."

    The next update will be around ten o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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