Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 899: What's wrong (a reward for the book friend "Si Jiang"

  Chapter 899 What's wrong

Bai Shan stretched out his hand tremblingly. Mr. Zhuang also had no good expressions on him. "You know what you have done, and you went to school for another year. I thought you were more sensible than your senior sister and junior brother. You can go to the capital to have a try after waiting for another two years, but now it seems that you are still overestimated as a teacher, so you have to punish you six more."

   To Bai Shan, Mr. Zhuang worked harder. When he hit Bai Erlang, he had no energy. He simply beckoned to call in Da Ji at the door and said: "Come on, hit him twenty-five times."

  Bai Erlang swallowed and asked in a low voice, "Sir, why did I get five more shots?"

Mr. Zhuang glared at him and said, "Because you are the oldest, but you are not long-sighted. The five extras are lessons."

  Daji glanced at the palms of his young master and Miss Man, secretly measured the strength, and then tried to fight with about the same strength.

  Bai Erlang yelled, yelled: "Sir, sir, I am very strong, and I am not fair to fight 25 times."

  Mr. Zhuang: "Hit!"

  Mr. Zhuang looked ruthlessly at the three people being taken for a while, and his hands were red and swollen. Then he sat at the desk and asked, "Let’s talk, do you know why you were punished?"

  Man Bao lowered his head and said: "We shouldn't fail to keep our promise. We haven't returned in five days."

  Bai Shan: “We shouldn’t hide in the county seat for fear of being punished, so that our husband and family members have been worried. This is timid.”

  White Erlang whispered: "You shouldn't run out without writing schoolwork."

Mr. Zhuang patted the table and asked, "What else?"

Bai Erlang looked at Bai Shan with a bewildered face, Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at each other, then bowed his head and said: "The son of a thousand gold should not stand under a dangerous wall. We should not put ourselves in danger. , And conceal the elders."

  Mr. Zhuang looked at them deeply, and then said for a while: "You know everything, but you don't want to say it. What are you afraid of?"

  The three lowered their heads together.

"I'm afraid of being punished, so I just let the mistake stand there and let it grow bigger and bigger?" Mr. Zhuang patted the table and said, "Do you know that someone in your family is worried? If you can’t sleep, you’ll get sick? What about your filial piety? How can you teach you honesty as a teacher?"

  The three people buried their heads in shame.

Mr. Zhuang took a deep breath and asked, "Which page have you seen in the textbook you are studying in the past half month?"

  Bai Erlang shifted his buttocks uncomfortably, Man Bao also became timid, glanced at Bai Shan carefully, Bai Shan swallowed and said, "Mr. Hui, we haven't read a book for half a month."

   "Very good, then from today you will stand in the yard and endorse me, when will you memorize the rest of the textbook, and when will you enter the house for class."

  The three of them opened their mouths wide.

  This punishment sounded not too heavy, but they soon realized the pain of this punishment. They could walk around in the yard, but they could not sit down, squat down, and could not have other improper gestures.

   can only stand and walk with the book on his back, starting from chenshi, there is half an hour to eat at noon, and there is no lunch break, and then continue until it gets dark.

  Only two days, Man Bao and Bai Shan wanted to cry, and Bai Erlang was already crying. They never thought that standing and studying was so painful.

  Especially Bai Erlang, he used to read books, he would preview it first, and mark the words that he could not know. After the husband taught the explanation, he could read it, and then he went to recite it.

   It’s much easier to memorize after understanding the meaning, but the textbook later hasn’t taught him yet. After reading the textbook, he feels awkward, and he wants to sleep twice after reading the textbook.

   His brain was dizzy, his hands and feet were tired, and the damp wind blew again in the spring, he felt sleepy and tired and cried, and then he was holding a book sobbing and crying before it got dark.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao glanced at him sympathetically, and felt that their hands and feet were shaking, but they quietly glanced at the gentleman who was sitting by the study window holding a book, and did not dare to squat down, let alone sit down.

  The two of them could only comfort Bai Erlang in a whisper, "Would you like me to explain the meaning to you? I have learned it."

  Bai Shan said: "I will teach you how to recite the fastest in a while."

  The two talked and took a peek at the husband secretly. Seeing the husband didn't even look at them, they knew that he was acquiescence.

  Both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and they took Bai Erlang's textbook and went through the article. The two of them taught him with one word and one word, and they could also check each other's omissions.

   Shirajiro wiped his tears while remembering, but still felt painful, "But I can't remember, I think I have to sit down and memorize."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao motioned for him to see her husband, and then said: "Go ahead, we will encourage you in the back."

  If Shirajiro had the courage, he would not be Shirajiro. He lowered his head and did not dare to go.

   They hummed and asked, "Can you still listen?"

What can Shirajiro do? Of course he can only listen, otherwise it will be more difficult for him to memorize it himself. He knows, don’t read Man Bao and Bai Shan’s books are thicker than his, but they are both smart and have a good memory. They have already memorized in two days. I have finished three texts, and he didn't even memorize one completely. I remembered it now, and forgot when he fell asleep.

Mr.    has to check one last breath. Who knows which text he will get?

  White Erlang wiped away his tears and listened to the explanation of the two of them. He held the book and took a thin pen to carefully make some notes on it. Then he continued to squabble on his back.

  Until the sky darkened, Mr. Zhuang waved to let them go home when he felt that he would hurt his eyes again.

  Shirajiro immediately walked out with trembling legs. He didn't go to the main courtyard at all. He went straight back to his room and threw himself on the bed to cry sadly. There is still one day tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and there are many, many days in the future...

  Man Bao and Bai Shan also walked out with trembling legs. Bai Shan's house was near. He asked Man Bao, "Should I let Da Ji drive you home in a carriage?"

  Man Bao: "...It's just a little bit of the road, I have walked back with all your horse-drawn carriage skills."

  "Are you tired after standing for five hours?"

Man Bao was too tired to discuss this topic with him. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "I'll write you a prescription. Soak your feet, so you can relieve it. Later, you remember to copy a copy and ask someone to send it to Bai Er. I'm too lazy. gone."

  Man Bao flipped through his own book, did not see the paper, and simply said: "Forget it, you can just use your brain to read the prescription. I'm so tired that I don't want to move."

  Man Bao read a series of medicine names and dosages, confirmed that Bai Shan had written them down and waved away.

  Thursday Lang just came over to pick her up. Seeing her walking slowly towards the house, he walked to her and squatted down in front of her and said, "Come on, Brother Si will carry you back."

  Man Bao pounced on his back, "Fourth brother, you are so kind."

   "I didn't carry you less before, why didn't you miss me at that time?" Chu Lang glanced at her hand and asked, "Does it hurt?"

   "It hurts."

  Thursday Lang said: "Mr. Zhuang is too vicious, why did he fight so hard? Are you still fined to stand today?"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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