Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 959: All kinds of flowers

  Chapter 959 Various Flowers

   "I bought it from a flower farmer, he can plant a lot of flowers." Man Bao was serving the daffodils, humming: "He wants to exchange chrysanthemums with me for daffodils, I won't change them."

  Mr. Zhuang looked at these exquisite and beautiful chrysanthemums on the ground, and then turned to look at the few garlic-like grasses in Man Bao’s broken flower pot...

  Mr. Zhuang:……

  He couldn't help but shook his head, and returned to the study with his hands behind his back. He became more and more confused about the people now.

  Man Bao placed a pot of chrysanthemums under the eaves to avoid the scorching sun, and watered them daily according to the seller's instructions. They also adapted well to the new environment.

  Manbao is very satisfied.

  Weilang and the others are busy with the shop. They go out early and return late every day, and they didn't pay attention to these. When they noticed, the flowers bought by Man Bao had filled the corridors on both sides of the yard.

  There are not only chrysanthemums, but also various flowers that they have heard of, and they have never heard of.

  These are all recommended by the seller to Manbao. In order to get some useful information from Manbao, he took great pains. Many flowers are half sold and half free.

  It may be because of digging plants all the year round. Manbao likes flowers, flowers, and grasses. It’s okay when I don’t see the pictures, and I like them very much when I see them.

  The variant lotus that can be kept in a water tank is pushed by the seller. The big one has only two shy leaves hiding under the flower, and the pink tip is very beautiful with red.

There is also a flower that looks particularly like a rose. It is said to be the ancient rose. It is the biggest research result of their farm in these years. The gene reduction rate has reached 90%, which is a very low stability rate, but it is also passing. , There are sixty percent.

  Man Bao loved it, so besides the chrysanthemum, she bought several kinds of lotus and ancient roses in one go.

The color is different, the flower type is also different, some are still in bud, and some have a small green spot, not even the bud. The seller seems to be trying to lure Manbao, and they all gave her a pot of flowers. Open flower.

  When she moved back, even Mr. Zhuang stood on the corridor and admired it for a long time.

   is really beautiful.

  Such a beautiful flower is placed in the gallery, it is difficult for Wulang and the others to know it or not.

  He was a little reluctant, "Sell such a beautiful flower to the enemy?"

  Man Baodao: "More than one hundred taels, five brothers, look at the price."

  Friday Lang blinked, "One hundred taels of flowers in a pot? Or are they all together?"

   "Of course it is a pot of flowers." Zhou Lijun said: "Uncle Wu, do you know how much a pot of peonies we sold when we were in Yizhou City?"

  Friday Lang shook his head.

Zhou Lijun told him that Friday Lang's eyes widened.

Man Bao said: "These flowers have their own beauty, although I think they are all beautiful, but we Jin people love peonies, so rare peonies can be sold at higher prices, and other flowers will be sold later. Until next spring , We will find peony flowers and sell them at high prices."

  Bai Shan asked angrily: "Do you want to sell them for a few more years?"

  In his opinion, it is best to learn about this this year. He doesn't want to live with them for a few more years.

  Man Bao was a little weak, and asked: "They haven't entered Beijing yet?"

   "I haven't heard of it," Bai Shan said, "I only heard that the emperor was distressed because the queen mother, so he sent a message to the king of Yizhou to leave after seven and a half months."

  Bai Erlang was very curious, "I’m in the Imperial College, why didn’t I hear about this? How many friends did you make?"

   "None," Bai Shan said, "But our class likes to gossiping a lot. They gather together to talk about national affairs after class, and news of North Korea is flying all over the sky. I sit at the front and it's hard to hear it."

  Manbao and Baijiro were stunned.

   Bai Erlang felt a little embarrassed, "Why no one in our class said this?"

"Because the twelve of you are in a class, and you don’t have any foundation in Beijing. Where do you know the news?" Bai Shan had already figured out the key points. "There are 22 students in our class, except for the three of us. Five of them came through the big test, and the remaining fourteen came from Eun Yin. The grandfather or the father and the brothers are all serving as officials. It's hard for us to listen to those news."

   Bai Dalang on the side suddenly interrupted: "This is the difference between Guozixue and the other five studies."

   Then glanced at his silly brother, with a look of regret.

  What a great opportunity. He only competed in the top three with 47 people. If he was smarter and harder, he would have passed the thirteenth place in the test, and then move forward to ten...

  Bai Dalang shook his head, forget it, forget it, time is also fate, he has good luck at the moment.

  Bai Erlang got up from his brother, walked in between Zhou Lizhong and Zhou Liwei, and avoided his elder brother, "When can your store open?"

  Wu Lang immediately remembered the business, "By the way, you don’t tell me that I almost forgot, the shop has been cleaned up, we have also found out where we sell vegetables and meat, and we are thinking about opening it on a good day."

  Man Bao immediately said: "I will do this, I will calculate it!"

   "Knowing that you will, just come back and find you to count." Wei Lang knew that Man Bao and Taoist Taoist Taoism and learned some life counting skills, so he came back to find her to count.

  No way, he inquired about it. It takes a lot of money to count the days in the Taoist temples of the capital, especially on the opening days.

  Even though they still have a lot of money in their hands, he still feels that they can save money. Even if they only give two taels of red seals, think about how long it took for their family to earn two taels of silver.

  Man Bao already awkwardly pinched his fingers to count. Bai Shan asked: "Have you decided what the store's name is?"

  Friday Lang said: "We have all thoughts about it. This is the restaurant opened by our old Zhou's house, so it is called Zhouji Restaurant."

  Bai Shan: "...very appropriate name."

  Man Bao turned his head and said to him: "I plan to design a store logo, but I can't draw it well. Will you help me draw it later?"

  Bai Shan smiled and nodded, "Okay, did I write the plaque for you?"

  "No," Man Baodao: "I want to ask Mr. to write the plaque."

  Bai Shan is slightly sorry.

  Shirajiro raised his hand and asked, "Then what can I do?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "You can help us invite guests. On the day of the opening, you will invite your classmates who have a good time to come to the restaurant for dinner."

  Man Bao shook his fingers and said: “The treasurer Zheng and Doctor Gu in the drugstore will both go, as well as our own people, and your friends and classmates. Although there are still a few people, it’s about the same.”

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said, "Then I will invite a few people."

  Man Bao asked: "Who is it?"

   "Peng Zhiru and Lu Xiaofo," Bai Shan paused and said, "and Feng Zongping and the others."

  Although he and them are not friends, but occasionally talk in school, he invited them, they should go.

  Man Bao was happy, "Okay, please come if you have anyone else you want to invite."

  (End of this chapter)

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