Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 960: Preparation (to give a reward to the book friend "Hua")

  Chapter 960 Preparation

  Man Bao is not very proficient in the business of counting days. She ran back to the study to read the book and decided on the next day, "Twenty-first is a good day."

  Bai Shan applauded, "It's just time to take a break."

  Man Bao nodded, and there are still four days to prepare, which is enough.

  Manbao told Wulang about this day.

  Wu Lang took everyone to start preparations, Mr. Zhuang wrote them a plaque, and Wu Lang took it to engrave people.

  Man Bao specially invited Mr. Zhuang for a half-day vacation on the day when the plaque was engraved. He took a look at the shop and helped Wu Lang and the others carry their luggage.

  There are two occupant rooms in the backyard of the shop. They are quite spacious. Wulang and the others decided to live in the shop. This will make it easier to operate.

  Man Bao went around in the yard and saw two iron pots in the back kitchen, one of which was obviously a new one.

  Friday Lang said: "The only advantage of Beijing is that iron pots are cheaper than those sold at home."

  Man Bao laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Beijing is a big city, and precious things will be cheaper in our place."

Things are rare and precious, and Manbao feels the most about this. For example, the flower seller in the mall, because they don’t have daffodils, she just asked Keke to take a photo for him, and he was very happy. He took out a lot of flowers that she had never heard of and gave her.

  But it was precisely because she hadn’t heard of it that she didn’t accept that it was confirmed that this kind of flower did not exist in her world.

  Man Bao is still very sorry.

  But she probably understood the seller’s feelings, so after obtaining the consent of Keke and Dr. D, she told him about Dr. D’s research.

This time Manbao put a daffodil on the forum, and Dr. D bought it directly. At present, her research has made a little progress. Although more research has not come out, she already knows how to divide the plant, even if she I only bought one plant and only one meat ball, but she can just cut it into eight parts and guarantee their survival rate. The current gene retention is also good.

  Since the last time Keke was involved in some future world situations and was lost, Man Bao has learned without a teacher what can be said and what cannot be asked in the system.

   also knew how to get the information she wanted.

  Whether it is Keke, the researchers in the forums she contacted, or the sellers in the mall, Man Bao found that for animals and plants, they care most about genes, especially the stability of their genes.

  She thinks this is very important to them, to the world of Keke.

  According to her experience, it is usually important that what is missing is expensive.

  Obviously, genes in the future world are very unstable, so they need animals and plants with stable genes.

  There are many kinds of things here. Manbao has also included chrysanthemums in the past. Keke said that after scanning, the same variety of chrysanthemums has not been included, so the points are still a lot.

  She thought that there were no chrysanthemums in their world, but now it seems that they also have chrysanthemums, at least they look like chrysanthemums, but their genes have changed and they belong to variant chrysanthemums.

  Man Bao felt that the world was very surprised. He obviously possessed a lot of things, but he didn't seem to have them.

Someone sent them the things they bought, and Friday Lang directed them to put the things away. As soon as he turned around, he saw Man Bao in a daze, and said: "If you feel bored, go home first, or go out to play, don’t Stayed here."

Man Bao returned to his senses, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Fifth brother, I will help you."

"Don't, your hand is very expensive. You need to take a needle. You can't move these heavy objects. What if you get hurt?" Zhou Wulang ordered his things and said: "I will go to the post station today. I took my father’s letter. It said that the wheat at home was harvested. This year the harvest was good. The fourth brother made a lot of money selling wheat to the county magistrate of Tang and the village in Yizhou. He also said that Mr. Liu People are coming to Beijing, ask if you want to ask her to bring some money."

  Man Bao stretched out his hand, "What about the letter?"

  Friday Lang patted her hand and said, "Who is at home, who still carries the letter with you? I will bring it to you when I return."

Man Bao withdrew her hand. She looked down and thought for a while and said: "Looking back, I have to tell my fourth brother that the wheat business in Yizhou can't be done. Last year, the county magistrate of Tang released a lot of wheat. There will be a lot this year. The harvest is good, so our wheat varieties have a good reputation."

"At the moment they didn't react. When they do, there are definitely a lot of people who will sell wheat seeds. Next year, they will definitely not make money. If we sell our own wheat seeds, we can sell them as wheat seeds. Anyone who buys someone else’s house will lose."

  Friday Lang nodded again and again, "I think so too, unless the fourth brother wants to sell the wheat seeds elsewhere."

"Mianzhou and Yizhou are definitely not going to work, and Longzhou is not going to work either. Bai Shan and his family have almost taken up the business there," Man Bao directly scratched a large area in his heart, and said, "Unless you go further. Go to places where you want to go, and take a look at Jingzhou. No matter how far you go, it will be the area around Luozhou and Zhengzhou."

  Weilang didn’t know any place, so he asked directly: "Where is it?"

  Man Bao said heavily: "It's far away from us."

   "Forget it, just to sell wheat seeds for cars, it will cost much on the road, and it's dangerous."

  Man Bao nodded, “It’s better to plant the land. When I look back I find the grape seeds, we go home to grow grapes and then make wine.”

  In the past few days, Lang has listened to Man Bao Nian's wine making. At the beginning, he was confident and very happy. He even asked Mr. Zhuang specially.

Then after asking, his enthusiasm was wiped out. He felt that Man Bao was too unreliable, so he said: "Forget it, the grape seeds haven't even looked at the shadows. It's better to plant medicinal materials, this year. They reorganized the mountain of the second brother and planted many privetes on the mountain."

Man Bao was a little bit lost, "Ligustrum lucidum is also fine. I asked the treasurer Zheng Da. There are very few people who plant Ligustrum lucidum. Most of them are picked wild, and the output is very unstable. They are out of stock every year. There are many more plants at home. If Yizhou can’t eat it, you can bring it to the capital to sell it.”

  Friday Lang also nodded, "Yes, medicinal materials are always sold without worries, just like grain. Do you think our family can grow other than Ligustrum?"

   "Red dates," Man Bao said without even thinking about it: "The raw ones are delicious, and the dried ones are delicious."

  She is in the drugstore, and the shopkeeper Zheng likes to give her red dates as a snack.

   Friday Lang got up and left.

  Man Bao sat behind and waved, "Fifth brother, please think about it, your mountain and sixth brother’s mountain are still empty."

  Friday Lang ran away.

  (End of this chapter)

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