In the shocked eyes of two people and a camel, the behemoth suddenly came out of the sand! It’s not that people want to hunt these two people and a camel, it’s that they’re too noisy on it and wake people up!

As soon as the camel saw this big lizard, he ran directly into the distance without saying a word, he didn’t have the confidence to deal with this monster!

However, Hai Chao and Luffy smiled after seeing this monster, and Hai Chao said to Luffy: “I just lost the package, there is a serious lack of food, and now there seems to be prey delivered to the door!” “Well, the giant lizard was woken up by them, and became their prey.

“It’s good to leave it to me this time, just when my shield wall is recovered, it can be regarded as a celebration for it!” Hai Chao said, and without waiting for Luffy to say anything, he directly rushed over with a huge lizard.

That lizard was originally angry with these two little things that dared to wake him up to sleep, and now this little thing dared to provoke himself, which is that Uncle Ke could not bear it, and directly opened his mouth and bit the tide jumping in the air.

The tide is tossing and turning in the air, and the dexterity is abnormal. Mainly using the air wall, whenever the monster lizard wants to bite him, it condenses an air wall under his feet, so that he can change direction in the air and easily avoid the lizard’s attack.

In this evasion, the sea tide soon came to the lizard’s body. Then he saw him combine the two shield walls into one, and then raise them high and become larger: “Giant round shield cut!” Hai Chao shouted, and then saw that his huge shield wall was directly aimed at the neck of the lizard and cut off, and this blow actually cut off its head directly!

The tide jumped off the lizard, somewhat out of breath. Even now, the tide is very tired after using this trick. The power of the Devil Fruit, if you want to use it, unless it is a superhuman Devil Fruit, such as Luffy and Bucky that changes the body, it will consume physical strength every time you use it!

“Let’s go, Luffy, move this lizard back, I think Sanji won’t quarrel with you this time, after all, although he lost his luggage, he also caught such a big prey after all!” Hai Chao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Luffy. At this time, he found that the camel that had just escaped had returned!

“Hahaha, camels you will come, hurry up and help carry the prey!” Luffy snorted, and then ignored the camel’s resistance, and directly put the head of the big lizard on him, crushing him all down. No way, he is just an ordinary camel, how can he move such a big prey!

“Okay Luffy, don’t embarrass him, you carry the lizard’s body, I’ll carry the head, and then you follow me, don’t get lost!” Hai Chao said to Luffy. Then he carried the lizard’s big head, and the camel looked at the tide with tears in his eyes, looking at the lifesaver.

“Walk Luffy!” Hai Chao shouted at Luffy, and then ran towards the place where everyone was resting. The speed is still very fast, and he is afraid that everyone is in a hurry.

“Haichao, why haven’t they come back yet!?” Nami looked anxiously in the direction Haishio and Luffy left, and fidgeted and said.

“Nami, can you be quiet for a moment? You’ve asked it six times! Solon said to Nami, “You and Kaishio, you two really…” Solon didn’t finish, but Nami already understood what he meant, knew what he wanted to say.

“What?! How can it be?! Although everyone basically already knows, Nami still does not admit it, and is still engaged in an underground relationship with Haichao. In fact, among these people on the ship, Luffy is an idiot for feelings, and Sanji is a flower idiot. Although Solon knows about the two of them, he is not interested at all, and Choba and MiSS Golden Week are still children, so it really doesn’t matter if their relationship is public or hidden.

At this time, Usopp and Choba, who had been observing that direction, suddenly shouted in horror: “It’s not good, a monster is coming!” Everyone looked up, and sure enough, they saw the huge lizard running in their direction!

“It’s a desert lizard!?” Vivi shouted in horror, “It is the largest lizard living in the desert, usually hiding in the sand to feed!” With sharp claws and teeth, few people can see it, because this creature always swallows its prey directly into its stomach! ”

“Is it coming at us!?” Nami also shouted in horror.

“I, I want to… Let’s get out of here! It’s so dangerous here! Usopp said to everyone with frightened legs soft.

“No, you can’t go, Luffy and Hai Shio and the two of them haven’t come back yet!?” The first to oppose was Nami.

“Then there is no way, we can only solve this big monster first!” Solon said. Then rushed directly in the direction of the large lizard.

“I’ll help too!” Sanji also directly followed in Solon’s footsteps, preparing two people to partner up to deal with this huge desert hunter!

But when they walked up to the giant lizard, they froze directly. Haicho walks in front, carrying the head of the giant lizard, while Luffy runs behind, carrying the body of the giant lizard. And because the giant lizard is too huge, it looks like a lizard running away, and you can’t see Luffy and the sea tide below!

“What the hell?! I thought it was a monster attack, but it turned out to be you two for a long time!? Yamaji angrily went straight up and kicked Haishio and Luffy’s feet. And Nami and the others behind were also relieved.

But at this time, behind Nami and the others, a huge sand pile suddenly appeared, and then, a monster lizard like the previous one emerged from the sand pile!

“How come there is still one!” Nami shouted in fright.

“I forgot to say, this kind of desert is usually hunted in groups of two!” Vivi said again at this time.

“Say it early!” Nami, Usopp, Choba, and Miss Golden Week gestured at her together and said with disdain, they kind of understood, Vivi is always late to shoot!

“Midori no Leisure!” Just when the giant lizard wanted to attack everyone, it was Miss Golden Week who directly struck, and the paint he carried with him was directly thrown on the body of the giant lizard, and then he saw the monster that was still imposing, leisurely lying on the ground, and actually began to take advantage of the cold!

“Fire Fist!” I only heard Ace shout, and then the giant lizard was wrapped in a fire dragon that was even bigger than it, and then directly turned into a roasted lizard!

“Seeing him make a move, I feel that lizard is so pitiful!” After seeing Ace’s methods, Nami said to Vivi with a cold sweat on her face.

“Uh-huh, me too!” Vivi nodded in agreement, “Luffy is a monster, and his each is indeed an even bigger monster!” Vivi said secretly to Nami.

Nami glanced at Vivi strangely, this is different from the Vivi she knows, there is a different kind of deviance! Vivi would never say such a thing!

Vivi saw Nami look over, and also stuck out her tongue at her, she also realized the rudeness in her words, but did not apologize, but expressed her true feelings to Nami in such a naughty way. Nami also smiled, she also felt that this kind of Vivi was even more endearing!

Underneath the rock, Sanji is making yakiniku. A piece of meat is placed on a stone that is leaking in the sun, and then the sound of moisture, the piece of meat quickly changes color and emits aroma.

“The rocks here are natural baking pans!” Sanji flipped the roast on the rock and said to Chopa. 、

On the other side, everyone was more interested in the camel that Hai Chao and Luffy brought back!

“What’s going on with this camel?” Nami took a bite of the roast meat in her hand and said to the sea tide.

“It’s like this, while chasing birds, I found that this guy was almost eaten by incredible plants!” Luffy said one step ahead of the sea tide.

“Are you embarrassed to say!? If I hadn’t arrived in time, you would have been swallowed a long time ago! Hai Chao scolded Luffy.

“But this camel doesn’t seem to be a wild camel!” Nami looked at the camel and said.

“Yes, there are camel saddles on it!” Vivi also said.

And at this time, Qioba suddenly walked over, then looked at the camel, and shouted in surprise: “Ah, it’s really you!” “He once accidentally injured a carriage while in Rohara, and was taken elsewhere, and it was this camel that saved him, otherwise he would have been discovered!

Qioba and Camel exchanged happily for a while, and Haichao said strangely: “Why, do you know him?” A reindeer, a camel, should not touch together! ”

“That’s right, I know him, he saved me!” Choiba said to the sea tide.

“Just when this camel appeared, camels are an indispensable thing in desert travel!” Haichao said happily.

“It looks like it can seat two people!” Solon also said.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collection! The two chapters are here, friends support it!

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