“Can I sit on it? Well, I’ll try it first! Luffy was so curious about everything he hadn’t done or seen, so when he heard that camels could ride, he immediately wanted to try it first.

However, just when he wanted to climb on the back of the camel, he was bitten on the head by the camel and directly dropped. Luffy looked at the camel strangely, wondering what it was going crazy about.

And at this time, it is very convenient to have a person who knows the language of beasts, Qioba directly acted as the camel’s translator, and said to everyone: “I am a tough guy camel who advocates freedom, first of all, thank you two for saving me in my time of danger, although I can bring people, but I never bring masculinity!” ”

“What are you talking about, where is there such willfulness?!” Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji rushed directly up and beat the camel, “Didn’t you still bring Choba?!” ”

“That’s a boy’s friendship!” The camel smiled slightly, showing its white teeth and said.

“What a joke!” The consequence of this sentence was that Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji used more force when beating him. By the time the three of them stopped, the camel had been successfully upgraded and became a national first-class protected animal, the giant panda! And there are nosebleeds hanging under the nose.

“I’m sorry, they’re all too rough! I see you are very well-behaved, what should I call you? At this time, Nami came over and gently touched his chin. As a result, this color blank directly appeared in both eyes of Yamaji’s most common eye disease, red heart eye disease! In the end, the hands and feet were soft, oh no, it was the four hooves that were soft together, and the soft fell to the ground, and Nami rode it directly

Seeing such a colored camel, three warriors who beat him up proposed names: “Idiot, fool, octopus!” ”

But unfortunately, it was not adopted by Nami: “I’ll call you eyelashes!” ”

“Your name seems to be the strangest.” Solon and Hai Chao both sweated.

“Come on Vivi, you come up too.” Nami sat on the back of a camel and said to Vivi.

“No need, I can still walk!” Vivi smiled and refused. Speaking of traveling in the desert, I am afraid that no one among the people knows how to save effort better than her.

“It’s okay!” Nami said, and the satyr fell directly next to Vivi. This and others are obviously two treatments!

As a result, the three warriors once again attacked the camel, oh no, it was the camel: “Color camel, color camel, color camel!” “But a certain colored camel is self-satisfied and very leisurely!

After Vivi got on the camel, Nami said directly to the camel below: “Let’s go, eyelashes!” Then he turned to the others and said, “Hurry up, we need to hurry to stop the rebels, but there is not much time to grind here!” Then he ignored the others and walked directly in the direction of Qiuba!

“Hey, you guys give me a stop!” Everyone else shouted at two people and a camel. But no one paid attention to them and just left. Moreover, he shouted loudly to the others: “Everyone hurry up, if you get scattered in the desert, you will die!” ”

Only Yamaji is still making fools: “This kind of Miss Nami is also very charming!” ”

The helpless people could only hurry to catch up, but the camel was worthy of being a desert boat, although it was not fast, but it was victorious for a long time, and after a period of time, the shadows of Nami and Vivi were lost in front of everyone!

The group walked in the desert with difficulty, Luffy had already fallen behind, this guy was most afraid of such thirst and hunger, and he couldn’t stand such torture!

“No, I’m too thirsty!” Luffy was walking and had stopped.

“It’s not all blame on you, I lost everyone’s luggage. Although the problem of food is obtained through hunting, drinking water is the most important thing in the desert! Hai Chao said to Luffy with some complaints. But he didn’t hear Luffy’s reply.

When he turned his head to look at Luffy, he found that Luffy seemed to be a little wrong! I only saw that this guy’s eyes seemed to be spinning, and he was going crazy, saying what a tsunami!

“I said you can’t eat that!” Usopp said a little helplessly.

“Eat? What did he eat? Haichao asked immediately after hearing Usopp’s words, he knew that he could make Luffy this guy like this, I’m afraid the only way to eat was this!

“It’s that round cactus, I said that you can’t eat things in the desert casually, but Luffy said he was too thirsty to follow my advice.” Usopp said, pointing to the cactus on the side.

Hai Chao looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, he found several round cacti, and there were several tooth marks on them, and looking at the freshness of that tooth mark, it was just bitten out! Needless to say, it must be Luffy this guy!

Haichao hurriedly ran over, looked at the cactus, and then glued a little cactus juice with his fingers and sniffed, and immediately his face changed: “How can this guy eat casually?!” What he ate should be the Mescalin cactus that Vivi said, half of which was used to make some psychedelic drugs! ”

“Huh? What can I do then?! Usopp suddenly panicked, Luffy, the captain of the ship, actually encountered such a thing, this is not easy to do!

“It’s okay, the amount he takes is relatively small, he only needs to take a tranquilizer, and then wait for the time for the effect to pass.” Haichao said.

“Whew, that’s good!” Usopp was visibly relieved.

But at this moment, Luffy was heard shouting, “Ah, it’s not good, the tsunami is coming!” Will drown! Then Luffy suddenly pulled out the shield wall of the sea tide directly from under Choba. Because it was too hot, the tide kept pulling Choba’s, but at this time, this shield wall became Luffy’s weapon!

“Come on, tsunami! Since you’re coming, let me break you up!” Luffy was still in a daze, raised the shield wall of the ocean tide, and swung it directly at everyone! Perhaps in his opinion, the place where everyone was standing was a monstrous wave!

“Ah!!!” Usopp, Choba, and Miss Golden Week couldn’t help but shout out loud. Being smashed down by the one-ton wall of the sea tide is definitely a broken bone!

“Air Bondage!” But at this moment, several whirlwinds suddenly appeared beside Luffy, directly entangled his hands and feet. This trick is the air chain transformed by Hai Chao according to the air wall. In addition to the Air Fruit, he also has the ability to lock the fruit!

But although Luffy was in a psychedelic state, his strength was still undiminished, and it didn’t take two seconds to break free from the air shackles of the sea tide, but at this time, the sea tide also condensed several air walls around Luffy, and then several air walls closed directly towards the middle, trapping Luffy in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, Haichao shouted: “Qioba hurry up, inject Luffy with tranquilizer!” Qioba’s reaction was also slow, he turned over directly, and a needle pierced Luffy’s body, and then Luffy really stopped struggling, a big bubble appeared on his nose, and he fell asleep like this!

“This guy is really abominable, he knows how to cause trouble for others.” Hai Chao wiped the sweat from his head, looked at Luffy lying on the ground and said, “Solon, this guy is left to you!” Then he turned to Solon and said.

“Okay, leave it to me.” Solon said, and then without feeling uncomfortable, he directly grabbed his foot and dragged him forward.

At the same time, Nami and Vivi also stopped, ready to wait for the others.

“Thanks to your eyelashes this time, it saved us a lot of time!” After stopping, Nami said happily into her eyelashes. And this colored camel also has red eyes, the same as the eyes that Yamaji usually praised by Nami!

“Nami, is there really no problem for us to go so fast?” Wei Wei glanced behind her with some concern, and did not see the shadows of others.

“Don’t worry! They will catch up with us in our footsteps. Nami said to Vivi. But after saying that, he was stunned, because when she looked back, she found that even the footprints that had just stepped on had been swept away by the wind and sand, not to mention the steps that had been stepped on before!

On the other side, Ace lowered his head and said, “Luffy, how is it?” See Nami they didn’t? “Although he is not afraid of heat, there is no water, and he is tired after a long time in the desert. But after he spoke, he didn’t hear anyone answer, and at this time, Ace raised his head, looked forward, looked back, and found that there was no one around! He was also scattered!

At this time, Hai Chao and the others, they were the most numerous people in the crowd, and they also found that the people in front did not follow, and Ace was also gone, and they were also scattered. Unexpectedly, Nami’s crow mouth really hit the point, and everyone really got separated!

Luffy also woke up at this time, and after finding that Ace was also gone, he muttered, “Oh, this is a brother who loves to cause trouble!” ”

“Only you cause the most trouble, and the reason why you will get separated is all your reason!” Everyone beat Luffy unceremoniously, not caring about his identity as the captain.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collection! Let’s give some support, everyone!

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