Haichao and Qioba caught up with Luffy all the way, and then chased all the way by Qioba’s nose. After climbing a dune, they were pleasantly surprised to see that Nami and the others were walking under the dune!

Luffy excitedly shouted, “Hey, Nami, Vivi, we’re back!” While shouting, he was still bouncing for fear that Nami and the others would not see him. However, Haichao and Qioba also showed a hint of a smile, because everyone finally met.

After the rendezvous, everyone continued to move in the direction of Shuba, which was not far away, and it only took a while to arrive. At this time, Luffy took out what Ace had given him the day before and kept watching.

“Luffy, what the hell did your brother give you?” Although Usopp was tired and panting, he still curiously leaned over to Luffy’s side, looked at the small piece of paper and said.

“Just a small piece of paper!” Luffy replied.

“Is it just a small piece of paper?” Qioba said with some disbelief, if there is a small piece of paper, no matter how Ace will not give it to Luffy so solemnly, and when he gave it to him, he seemed to have said that this piece of paper could reunite the two people.

Sanji came over at this time, then snatched the small piece of paper and said, “Show me.” Then after looking into the sunlight for a while, he said, “It’s really just a small piece of paper, and nothing is written on it.” ”

“What does this thing mean?” Usopp said curiously.

“I don’t know.” Luffy said indifferently, anyway, it was given to him by Ace, and he took it.

But at this time, a gust of wind blew, and the paper actually flew out of Yamaji’s hand, and then suddenly fell into the mouth of the eyelashes, and the colored camel suddenly felt a little more in its mouth, and then gently began to chew.

“Hey, don’t eat it!” Luffy jumped up directly and punched the eyelashes on the head, causing him to spit out the piece of paper, grabbed it angrily in his hand, and shook the saliva from the eyelashes on the paper.

And at this time, Nami came over and said to Luffy, “Luffy, lend me your hat to use.” ”

“Oh? What to borrow my hat for? Luffy asked strangely at Nami.

“Since it is such an important thing, I will help you sew it into the hat, so as not to accidentally throw it away.” Nami said.

“Oh yes, here you go, get rid of the seams a little tighter!” Luffy hurriedly said to Nami.

Nami helped him sew it and handed it to Luffy, saying, “Okay, the sewing is tight, put it on.” ”

“Well, thank you Nami. I was relieved at this moment! Luffy said with a smile.

“Since there is nothing on it, what are you keeping it for?” Solon said curiously.

“Since Ace said that he wanted me to keep it, then I have to keep it well!” Luffy said firmly.

“Although there is nothing on it, it may not be useless!” At this time, Haichao suddenly said. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Hai Chao said, “Although I don’t know what that piece of paper is, the last thing missing on the Great Voyage is strange things, and Ace will not give useless things to Luffy, so I guess it is likely to be something unique to the Great Voyage, after all, we have just come to the Great Voyage, and it is normal that we have not touched it.” ”

“Well, since Haichao said so, maybe it really makes some sense.” Sanji also said with a cigarette roll.

At this time, Wei Wei suddenly said: “Everyone, look at it!” If we come over that rock, we will reach our destination! She said, pointing to a large group of rocks in front of everyone.

“Okay, hurry up, we’re going to reach Chuba!” Luffy shouted and rushed out first. The others looked at Luffy still with this impatient look, and immediately looked at each other helplessly and smiled, and then they all followed.

But what they didn’t know was that in a small shop in the desert that they didn’t know how far away, several terrifying people gathered here, that is, the opponent they would face next, the senior agent of the Baroque Work Society!

At this time, the sea tide they finally saw the destination of their trip – Qiuba!

“Is that Choba? Something seems wrong! Hai Chao said as he looked at the city pointed by Vivi from a distance. At this time, it was already dark, not only was it dark, but it was also windy, and a layer of sand and fog shrouded near the ground, and things in the distance could not be seen clearly at all. At this time, the shield wall behind him was no longer Choba, but also Usopp. This guy is just an ordinary person, Joba is better than him, and there is no camel to ride, so the first one can’t stand to fall.

A gust of wind blew through, the sand was constantly rolled up, Hai Chao’s brows furrowed tighter, and said to Wei Wei: “How do you feel that the feeling of Shuba is similar to other abandoned cities, it is the same, it stands to reason that there are rebel troops stationed here, it should be a large oasis!” ”

“What is this sound?!” Vivi suddenly listened, and then said, “Something is wrong with this city!” Everyone looked at the distant city and sensed that something was wrong. But it’s not because of any sound, but how can such a city with 300,000 rebel troops stationed be so silent and silent at all?!

“It’s a sandstorm, and Shuba was hit by a sandstorm!” Vivi looked at the distant city and shouted.

At this time, others also saw that indeed, it was not limited to the ground, the whole city seemed to have been shrouded in sand, no wonder they were leaping away from Qiuba, the stronger the wind they felt, it turned out that they were approaching the sandstorm!

The sea tide hurriedly raised its shield to resist the sandstorm, but it could not be lost under such circumstances, otherwise it would really not be recovered. And after the sandstorm passed, everyone stepped into the city of Repa for the first time.

Looking at the ruins of the broken wall, Wei Wei said in shock: “How so?!” ”

“Where are the rebels?” Haichao is more concerned about this. It has been determined that nothing rain or anything has been made by Klockdar, and his biggest concern now is the problem of the rebel army, if the rebel army and the king’s army exchange fire, it will be a large area of casualties! Hundreds of thousands of people will die casually as if they were playing!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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