Thank you to reader ‘Yunyi’ for the 588 tip. Thank you very much, but unfortunately I can’t add more today, today to make up lessons for my sister, it’s really unlucky, every time I have a holiday, there is no time to rest!

“Is this really the biggest oasis in the desert?” Hai Chao looked at this with a frown. Not only has it just experienced a sandstorm, but looking at it now, it should have experienced sandstorms more than once before, otherwise the city would not have become like this!

“It’s really miserable here!” Qioba looked at the devastated city, and also followed the tide and said, “I don’t seem to be different from following Elmaru!” ”

“Is there water here!” Luffy said dryly, his tongue sticking out.

“Isn’t this an oasis city?” Sanji was also surprised and asked Vivi as well.

“The grain of sand raised the bottom and the whole oasis was submerged!” Vivi said with a gloomy face. She didn’t expect that this largest oasis would not be preserved, and it would be swallowed by the desert!

And at this moment, everyone suddenly heard another person’s voice. Everyone followed the sound and found an old man digging a hole in the ground. Hai Chao wrinkled and didn’t look around, and didn’t find dead people, why did this old guy start digging pits and burying people?

“Are you travelers? The desert trip is tiring. At this time, the old man suddenly opened his mouth and said to everyone. And his men did not stop, and continued to dig down, “Sorry, the city is already a little deserted, but it is still okay to have a good rest.” At this time, the old man turned around, and Vivi pulled the hat up at once to prevent the old man from seeing her appearance.

At this time, the old man turned back to continue digging the pit, and then continued to say to everyone: “If you want to have a few inns, this is the best place in the city.” ”

After listening to the old man’s words, everyone looked at Wei Wei, wanting to see how she wanted to answer, and Wei Wei said: “Hello husband, I heard that there are rebel troops stationed here, is it true?” ”

“What are you doing with the rebels?!” To everyone’s surprise, the old man who had just been kind suddenly looked at everyone angrily like an angry old lion, and then shouted at everyone, “You guys don’t want to join the rebel army!” “Not to mention it, he even threw it at them with an iron barrel and even a shovel.

Everyone hurriedly dodged, and the sea tide instantly erected its own shield wall, blocking the attack of the old man’s many dark weapons, and everyone was safe for the time being. After waiting for a while, the old man calmed down, and everyone had time to explain at this time that they really didn’t want to join the rebel army, and this strange old man finally let them go.

“The rebels are no longer in this city.” The old man finally told them.

“What do you say?!!!! Everyone said in shock. They hurried to catch up, and finally came here after a lot of hardships through a large area of desert, and they got the news that the rebel army had left!

“How so?!” Wei Wei also said in disbelief.

“The city has just been hit by sandstorms, but this is not just the beginning of the matter, the sand that has been exposed to the sun for three years is too dry, so the city is often hit by sandstorms, the city is buried little by little, and the oasis has become what it is now.” In cities where supplies could not circulate, the rebels certainly could not fight a protracted war, so the rebels moved to Hatreya. The old man said to everyone.

“Hatrea? Where is that? Vivi Map! Haichao said to Vivi.

“Hatrea is here.” Vivi took out the map and showed everyone and said, “It’s an oasis not far from Rohara. ”

“This is here, didn’t Eyelash and I meet in this city!?” Qioba looked at the city on the map at this time and said excitedly, “The situation at that time was really dangerous, those guys pulled a carriage of firearms, they must not be simple characters, fortunately I was smart and had eyelashes to help.” ”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier!” Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp rushed directly to Lash’s side and punched him violently, screaming at the poor satyr.

“I didn’t know you were looking for the rebels!” Choiba helped translate the eyelashes.

“You this… You idiot! The other three couldn’t think of anything to say, but they still rushed up and gave their eyelashes a fat beating, letting him know why the flower was so red!

“What are you doing in this city?” At this time, the old man suddenly walked up from the bunker, and then looked at Wei Wei with a frown and said, “Wei Wei, just now you called her Wei Wei?!” ”

“Ah old man, Vivi is really not a princess!” Luffy hurriedly stopped between the old man and Vivi at this time, and then explained to the old man in a panic.

Bang! Hai Chao knocked down this trouble-making guy with a punch, and said angrily: “Then you guy, why are you so stupid!” “This idiot, if you explain it this way, isn’t it telling people that this is Princess Vivi?! Then Haichao hurriedly stopped between this old man and Wei Wei, watching the old man nervously, now he doesn’t know whether this old man is friend or foe, and he must be careful to guard against it.

“You’re Vivi, you must be Vivi, right?!” At this time, the old man seemed to be very excited, and directly pulled the sea tide aside, and then grabbed Weiwei’s shoulder. Of course, it stands to reason that the sea tide cannot be pulled by an old man, but just when he wanted to restrain this old man, Vivi stopped him.

“Vivi, you’re still alive! Don’t you know me?! As if he had seen Vivi before, the old man said to her, “No wonder, I have indeed lost a little weight!” ”

“Uncle Doto?!” Vivi suddenly exclaimed. She originally felt that this old man was very familiar, but she never figured out who he really was, but as soon as she heard that he was a little thinner, she immediately thought of that chubby uncle, Toto!

“Yes, it’s me!” Old Toto said with tears in his eyes. Even though he had already admitted it, Wei Wei still couldn’t help but be surprised that the chubby uncle who used to be was now like this!

And at this time, Old Man Doto grabbed Vivi by the shoulders and said to her: “Vivie, I… I believe in the king! I believe that he is definitely not the one who will betray the country, right?! As he spoke, Toto’s tears were already flowing.

“Rebellion or something, it’s just nonsense!” Old man Toto said, “Those idiots, just three years without rain, so what?!” I still believe in the king, most of the people are the same as me, I have been, I have stopped them many times, but it is a pity that whatever I say is useless! They still want to rebel, but their physical strength has also reached the limit, and they have decided to make a break in the next wave of attacks, because they are cornered! There has long been a determination to die! Old man Toto finally said.

“Please your Vivi, go stop those bastards!” Doto said to Vivi with tears in her eyes.

Haichao frowned and listened to the old man finish all this, now they must also return to Hatrea, although the time is said to be in time, but it seems that it is useless to stop the rebel army, there is still Klockdar behind the trouble, if you don’t eradicate this guy, then even if you stop the rebel army seems to be useless!

At this time, Vivi stepped forward and took a step, and then said to Toto: “Uncle Doto, don’t worry, I will definitely solve the rebel army!” He said and smiled at Doto.

Seeing her smile, Hai Chao also smiled helplessly, it seems that he is really a hard worker, even if he wants to rest, I am afraid that he will not be able to rest. But let’s wait until tomorrow, as for tonight, you still have to get a good night’s sleep!

Uncle Doto helped everyone arrange a place to live, and the guy Usopp came up and began to speak: “Everyone, we must have a good rest today, okay, let’s go to bed!” With that, he jumped straight onto the bed and began to fall asleep.

But at this time, a pillow suddenly flew over and directly knocked him off the bed: “You idiot just woke up, right!” Solon glanced at him disdainfully, indeed, the last two hours of this guy were pulled by the tide.

“Bastard! Don’t compare me to you freaks! Not to be outdone, Usopp threw a pillow at Solon, directly angering Solon, and threw a pillow at Usopp again.

Usopp dodged directly, and the pillow smashed on Choba’s body. Usopp took the opportunity to attack Joba and said, “Today’s Lazy Man Award should be awarded to you, Blue Nose!” “Indeed, Choiba slept longer than he did today.

“People are just afraid of the heat!” Choiba retorted unwillingly.

At this time, I heard Wei Wei say: “Sanji, this place is mine.” ”

It turned out that Sanji, the color embryo, actually ran to Weiwei’s bed! Usopp threw a pillow directly at him, smashed it in his face, and then looked at Sanji mockingly with Chopa and Solon and said, “What are you doing?!” Solon and Chopa were snickering on the sidelines, and they also looked at Sanji’s color embryo unpleasantly.

“You guys are not small!” Sanji’s face elongated at once, and then he participated in this pillow fight.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collection.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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