Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 230: 230. Crowd Anger and Crowd Praise

  Chapter 230 230. Crowd anger and praise

  When Chu Qingzhi saw the corpses of a dozen children in the last row, she was furious, flew up to a big tree next to her, took out the jade flute, and killed all the officials, officers, soldiers, and executioners in the open space.

   Under the confinement of spiritual power, all the people in the open space knelt down and were killed afterward.

  When the people saw this scene, they were stunned, but after realizing it, they couldn't help being happy.

  These officials, officers and soldiers filled their own pockets, fish and meat the common people, they are simply the scourge of scourges, and now they are dead, it is almost everyone's heart!

   "The brothers who eliminate violence and Anliang are here again!"

   "Thank them and kill these real **** people!"

   "With them, Beijiang has been stable for a few days. I really hope they will stay in Beijiang forever."

  The crowd was outraged and at the same time admired by the crowd.

   What happened in the vegetable market soon spread to the ears of the king of Beijiang. Naturally, the king of Beijiang was so angry that he immediately sent troops to kill the two of them.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong naturally couldn't wait to be caught. After the murder, they fled immediately.

   Ge Mansion.

  The most dangerous place is the safest place, and the three came to Ge's house, which was ransacked.

  In the gazebo, Ge Lihua was crying so hard that he was out of breath, and even the air was stained with sadness, making people want to cry.

  In the blink of an eye, she was the only one left in the huge mansion with more than two hundred people.

   "Father, mother, brother and sister, I will definitely avenge you!"

   After crying for a long time, Ge Lihua restrained his grief, calmed down, and turned into a girl who only wanted revenge.

  She looked at Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong who looked solemn, "You two young heroes, please follow me."

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong looked at each other, and followed with some doubts.

  Ge Lihua brought the two of them to her grandfather's study, and opened the secret room. Everything in the secret room had been emptied, and it was now empty.

  Ge Lihua stood in the middle of the secret room and took a look. It used to be full of antique treasures, calligraphy and paintings of famous people, but now there is nothing.

   Seeing this, she hated the king of Beijiang even more in her heart. She not only took their property, but also killed everyone in his family!

  Reminiscing for a moment, she walked to a corner, pressed the wall brick in the corner, and another secret room appeared, and the secret room... was full of gold.

  Why do people in Northern Xinjiang like collecting gold so much?

  Ge Lihua said: "You two young heroes, this is our family's wealth for a hundred years, three million taels of gold, and I will give it all to you now."

  Chu Qingzhi was very surprised: "Miss Ge, are you planning to assassinate the king of Northern Xinjiang?"

  Ge Lihua was taken aback, but she didn't expect all her thoughts to be seen, "Young man, the king of Beijiang killed my whole family, so I must kill him."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "If you go to assassinate the Northern Border King like this, not only will you not be able to kill him, but you will also ruin your own life."

  Ge Lihua's nails dug into his palm, full of hatred, "I can't care about that much anymore, once I see the dead bodies of my family members, I'm going to go crazy."

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a moment, "You give us so much money, we will kill the king of Northern Xinjiang for you, just give us more time, we need to plan."

  The king of Northern Xinjiang must die, so he made this favor, and watched a young girl die, making people unbearable.

  Ge Lihua shook his head, gritted his teeth, and said full of resentment: "I want to kill the king of Northern Xinjiang with my own hands."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "You can kill it yourself, give us some time."

  Ge Lihua knew very well that she would never be able to kill the King of Northern Xinjiang if she killed herself. She just wanted to give herself some comfort before she died.

  She looked at Chu Qingzhi, Shaoxia's martial arts were so much higher than hers, maybe she could really make her wish come true, for this possibility, she was willing to wait, so she agreed without hesitation, "Okay."

  Tang Jinghong said: "Go and see if there are any survivors in your family now. There are so many people in your family, it is very likely that there are still escaped like you."

  Give her some hope, so she doesn't do stupid things again!

  When Ge Lihua heard this, he immediately shifted his attention, "What the young man said is true, I will look for it right away."

   Seeing that it was getting late, Chu Qingzhi said, "Miss Ge, be careful, we're leaving first."

  Ge Lihua asked casually: "Where are you going?"

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Tianxue Mountain."

  Ge Lihua was a little surprised, "Go to Tianxue Mountain?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

   "Come with me." Ge Lihua took the two of them to the study outside, took out a map from the bookshelf and gave it to Chu Qingzhi, "This is the map near Tianxue Mountain, for your reference."

  Chu Qingzhi unfolded the map and looked at it. The map is very clearly drawn, and the landmarks are also very clear. This map is very well drawn.

  Ge Lihua said: "My grandfather is very powerful, but he can draw everything he has seen. This is what he drew when he bought mountains around Tianxue Mountain a few years ago."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Miss Ge, thank you, this map has helped us a lot."

  Ge Lihua said: "I hope I can help you. There is still a long way to go from Beijiang to Tianxue Mountain. Go quickly and be careful. I will wait for your good news."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Okay."


  North Xinjiang Palace.

   When Li Yuanan returned to the palace, he was completely relieved, and immediately served good wine and good food. He was almost starving.

  Satisfied with wine and food, he fell asleep.

  After a full sleep in the middle of the afternoon, I came out of the room to breathe. As soon as I walked to the corridor, I ran into Li Yuanshao who was walking towards me.

  Seeing Li Yuanshao, who is handsome and flawless, with a delicate and noble air, for some reason, an evil fire rushed into his heart.

  He walked over, grabbed Li Yuanshao's hand, his eyes narrowed, "Where did Seventh Brother go?"

   "Brother, please let go!" Li Yuanshao's eyes flashed with disgust, and at the same time he withdrew his hand forcefully, but Li Yuanan held it tightly, and he didn't pull it back.

   Li Yuanan said frivolously: "Let go? You look more beautiful than a woman, how could I let go?"

   Realizing something, Li Yuanshao was shocked and said in disbelief, "Brother, we are brothers!"

  Not only did Li Yuanan not let go, but he even leaned into his ear and said, "So what about my brother, as long as you take good care of my elder brother, I will definitely not allow anyone to bully you again!"

   Li Yuanshao was ashamed and angry, his face flushed with anger, "How can you say such shameless words!"

   "Shameless?" Li Yuanan looked at Li Yuanshao leisurely, and his blushing was even more attractive.

  Cong Chusheng stepped forward to stop him, clenched his fists tightly, and his heart was full of murderous aura, "My son, my master is not in good health, please let him go."

Li Yuanan signaled to the left and right, asking them to stop Cong Chusheng, "You loyal servant has high martial arts skills, I know, but you are sure that you can beat the guards in the palace. If you don't have that ability, just stay with me, otherwise I will kill you." Both of you, master and servant, are sent to the small hall to serve people every day!"

  (end of this chapter)

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