Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 231: 231. A Village

  Chapter 231 231. A village

  Cong Chusheng was still a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old. Hearing such words, his face turned red and then pale, "Then try it!"

   After speaking, he sprinkled a handful of powder on the people around him, and everyone who touched the powder fell limply to the ground.

   Li Yuanan was furious when he saw this scene, and shouted, "Archer!"

   Suddenly Cong Chusheng and Li Yuanshao became targets.

   Seeing this scene, both Li Yuanshao and Cong Chusheng felt a wave of despair. In this mansion, they are just caged birds, without freedom and unable to fly out.

  Finally, Li Yuanshao was roughly dragged into the room, and Cong Chusheng was put in the dungeon.

   Li Yuanshao has been sick all year round, and his health has not been very good. How can he resist Li Yuanan? Looking at Li Yuanan who is approaching step by step, it is like seeing a ferocious scourge.

  Li Yuanshao backed away step by step with trembling body...

   Li Yuanan suddenly strode closer, grabbed Li Yuanshao's buttocks and smiled, "As long as you obey, I will not make things difficult for you!"

  The blood on Li Yuanshao's face faded away, and it was as white as a piece of paper. His wrist was suddenly clenched, his whole body was spinning, and he was pushed onto the bed.

  To his surprise, Li Yuanan suddenly stopped and passed out.

   Li Yuanshao was startled for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he didn't care about thinking so much, pushed Li Yuanan away, and hurriedly escaped from the window.

  Back to his residence, he took a few breaths, and then heard Yang Jingwen's concerned voice, "Seventh Prince, what's wrong with you?"

   Li Yuanshao took two steps back in shock, "Why are you here? I mean how did you get in?"

   "He came in like this." Yang Jingwen looked at the cold sweat on Li Yuanshao's temples, and lost her teasing mood, "Seventh Prince, what happened?"

   "Li Yuan'an was insane, he actually..." Li Yuanshao was really speechless and could not continue.

  Yang Jingwen saw the shameful and indignant expression on Li Yuanshao's face, and understood that Li Yuan'an was lustful, and Li Yuanshao was so good-looking, she must have moved her mind just now.

  After she figured it out, she looked it all over and asked eagerly, "Seventh Prince, you didn't suffer, did you?"

  Li Yuanshao was taken aback for a moment, his face flushed, he hesitated and said: "No, he passed out."

  Fortunately, he passed out, Yang Jingwen slowly brewed a storm in her eyes, and said in a deep tone, "I'll kill Li Yuanan."

   Li Yuanshao quickly grabbed Yang Jingwen's wrist and said nervously, "Chu Sheng is still in his hands."

  Throwing the mouse, Yang Jingwen frowned, "Then I will find a way to rescue Cong Chusheng first, and then kill Li Yuanan."

  Li Yuanshao thought for a while, but still stopped, "The sky prison is heavily guarded, if you go alone, you may lose yourself too..."

  Yang Jingwen saw that Li Yuanshao was worried about her accident, and the haze in her heart subsided unknowingly, "I'll go find help!"

  An accident flashed in Li Yuanshao's eyes. Looking at Yang Jingwen, he suddenly felt that the girl in front of him was very mysterious, "Do you have any help?"

  Yang Jingwen touched Li Yuanshao's face, full of teasing meaning, "I'll tell you later, I'll make arrangements." After saying that, she left.

  Li Yuanshao stretched out his hand and touched the place Yang Jingwen touched just now, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, and was immediately suppressed by him, this girl is too bold and unrestrained.


  After driving for half a day, Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong finally arrived at a village near Tianxue Mountain at Xushi (after eight o'clock in the evening).

   The two planned to stay overnight, but when they walked into the village, they found that there was no one there, but looking at the village, it didn't look like a deserted village, which made people suspicious.

  Chu Qingzhi went to push open the door of a house, she was startled for a while, the house turned out to be a place for blacksmithing, "Jing Hong..."

  Tang Jinghong had already seen it, and he was also very surprised. He walked into the room, picked up a knife on the table, looked at it carefully, and immediately raised his eyebrows, "This is the knife used by the soldiers!"

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Let's go and look at other houses."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "Yes."

  The two of them looked at all the houses in the village. There were more than 50 houses in total, all of which were made of iron.

  Tang Jinghong felt as if a huge stone was pressed in his heart. Looking at the traces around the house, this place has been used for a long time, but there is no ready-made knife, which shows that it has been transported elsewhere.

  Chu Qingzhi dragged Tang Jinghong to an open space in the village, "Jinghong, there are countless bones buried here."

   There is still something that I don’t understand. Tang Jinghong stared at the open space, his eyes were as deep as water, "Someone killed all the people in the village, and then transformed it into this blacksmithing place."

  These people are too ruthless, Chu Qingzhi guessed: "Could it be the king of the northern border?"

   Tang Jinghong was a little uncertain: "The current king of Northern Xinjiang seems to only want money. I can't judge his purpose, but in the territory of Northern Xinjiang, I must have something to do with him."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong, "Let's go to other places first, someone should come tomorrow, and we'll ask then."

  Tang Jinghong suppressed the emotions in his heart and eased his tone, "Qingzhi, let's find some food first, and we can talk after a rest."

  He stretched out his hand to hold Chu Qingzhi's hand, and walked into the back of this room.

   They were lucky to have a kitchen in the backyard with fresh vegetables and pork.

  Tang Jinghong took out the torch and lit the oil lamp, "Qing Zhi, light the fire for me later, and I'll cook for you."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Okay."

   Half an hour later, two dishes and one soup were served.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the good-looking dishes, and praised: "Your hands can hold both a sword and a kitchen knife."

  Tang Jinghong handed the rice bowl to Chu Qingzhi, with his side face under the orange light, he looked extraordinarily gentle, "The taste is not as good as yours, so I will eat it."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "It must be delicious."

  Tang Jinghong sat next to Chu Qingzhi, and picked some food for Chu Qingzhi, "Taste it, if you can accept it, I will make it for you when I have time."

   This is the man who goes up to the hall and down to the kitchen, Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Okay."

  In the small kitchen, by the low table, ordinary young people and ordinary teenagers are eating warmly. Under the light of bean yellow, an ordinary and extraordinary picture is created.

  After the two of them had finished their meal, they were about to clean up when a tired voice suddenly came over, "There's no one in this **** place, why are you here to inspect?"

   "Be careful, otherwise it will be a matter of losing your head!"

   "Hehe, no one will come, even if someone comes, it will never come back."

   "It's okay to be careful!"

   "As far as you are so brave, what are you doing for this errand? Isn't it good to farm at home?"

  As soon as his voice fell, a white shadow suddenly flashed in front of him.

  The two of them immediately tightened their bodies tensely, the hands grasping the corners of their clothes were almost deformed, and their eyes looked ahead without blinking...

"Just now…"

  At this time, the white shadow drifted past again, this time it was closer and could be seen more clearly.

  (end of this chapter)

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