Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 232: 232. Secret of Yamaya

   Chapter 232 232. The Secret of the Valley

   "Ghost, ghost..." One person yelled in horror, turned around and ran out of the village.

  The other person was so frightened that he knelt down, knocked his forehead to the ground, and cried bitterly: "It's none of my business, it's none of my business..."

  The white shadow flew towards the fleeing man, this time flying past him, so close that the man could feel the cold wind blowing over his forehead.

  The man couldn't stand the stimulation, rolled his eyes and passed out.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the person in front of her, and said speechlessly: "You don't have to be so scared when you do something bad, but it's ironic that a shadow that you don't see clearly is so afraid!"

  Ignoring the fainted person, she walked towards the kneeling and kowtowing man, "Stop kowtowing, I have something to ask you."

   "I don't know anything, I don't know anything..." The man was so frightened that his teeth chattered, and a chill came down his spine. After hearing Chu Qingzhi's voice, his body tensed up, filled with fear.

  Tang Jinghong flew down from the tree, "Be honest, I will give you a happy time!"

   Seeing that there was another accomplice, the man finally couldn't hold on any longer. He closed his eyes and fell into the darkness.

   Two people, "…"

  Tang Jinghong looked around, tore a few vines from a tree, tied the two back to back, and then went to scoop up a ladle of water to wake one of them up.

   Seeing people open their eyes, Tang Jinghong asked directly, "Who are you?"

  The man replied subconsciously, "Wu Er."

  Tang Jinghong looked at Wu Er, just an ordinary young man in his twenties, wearing a gray dress, gray and very thin, "What are you doing in this village?"

  Wu Er looked at Tang Jinghong, with horror still in his eyes, "I was originally a villager in this village, and now I am ordered to come back to patrol."

   "Order?" Tang Jinghong continued to ask, "Order by whom?"

  Wu replied tremblingly during World War II: "Master Zhang Dinghong, who is in charge here, all of us here are under his control."

  Tang Jinghong searched Zhang Dinghong in his mind, but he didn't know him, "Where is he now?"

  Wu Er looked towards the exit on the other side of the village, "Go along this road, and you will see a haystack. Enter through the haystack, and there will be a tunnel entrance, and he is inside."

  Tang Jinghong's eyebrows twitched. Who would have thought that there is a secret in a haystack?

   "How long has it been like this?"

"one Year."

   "Where are the others who blacksmithed?"

   "Walk half a mile along the exit of the village. There are many tents there, and those who blacksmith here are resting there."

  Tang Jinghong asked many questions in succession, and finally asked: "Have you killed the villagers here?"

  Wu Er's eyes were full of fear again, "I didn't do it on purpose. If we don't kill them, we will die. I was forced to do it, and it's none of my business!"

  Tang Jinghong drew out his saber, the cold light flashed twice, then put the sword back into its sheath, "Qingzhi, let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

  The tied two people had a red thread on their necks, with bright red blood flowing out, they struggled a bit, and lost their breath...

  The two of them walked along the road of Wu Erzhi, and they didn't go far and saw a big haystack, which was built with straw, and the outer layer had turned black, which showed that it had been a long time.

  Walking to the edge of the haystack, Tang Jinghong squatted down, stretched out his hand, touched the ground lightly, and searched for a while, "Wheel marks."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Such deep wheel marks mean that the things transported are not light."

  Tang Jinghong said: "Well, when we entered the village, we didn't find any wheel marks, indicating that the things were transported from here."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Not only the knives but also the raw materials were transported away."

   These words reminded Tang Jinghong. He raised his head and looked around in the bright moonlight. There were mountains on all sides, undulating and continuous.

  He took out the map that Ge Lihua gave him, found where they were, and then pointed to a location on the map.

   That is the mountain of Ge Lihua's family, three mountains away from their current location.

  Tang Jinghong said: "Looking at it now, besides Ge Lihua's mountain and Tianxue Mountain, there are other iron mines, and they have been secretly mined for a year."

  Chu Qingzhi observed the topography of the mountain, "When there are usually more than one mine, it is not surprising, but the strange thing is that the court has been kept in the dark, Jing Hong, has the court's intelligence not infiltrated here?"

  Tang Jinghong said: "To tell you the truth, there are spies of the King of Northern Xinjiang at the imperial court. No matter who is sent here, they will die silently in the end. I sent some people here, but they couldn't reach the core."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Tang Jinghong on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, once the villains like the King of Beijiang are dealt with, we won't be afraid of Beijiang becoming a demon."

  Tang Jinghong put away the map, and then hugged Qingzhi, "All this is because of your help, otherwise, if you want to touch the forces of the Northern Border King, even if you have another me, you may not be able to do it."

  Chu Qingzhi jokingly said, "After the matter is completed, I can just share more gold with me."

  Tang Jinghong said seriously: "Don't worry, I won't miss you." Although it is Min Zhi Min Gao, but without Qing Zhi, you can't even try to find any of them, and it's not an exaggeration to give them all to her.

   Then the two pushed aside the haystack and entered the tunnel.

  The tunnel began as a steep downward slope, five feet wide, with smooth steps in the middle of the slope.

  There were torches on the wall, following the light of the fire, the two walked down the steps, and the ground was a wide stone room.

  The stone chamber has two doors, one on the left and one on the right, with wheel marks on both sides.

  The road on the left is scattered with black stones, and the road on the right is clean.

  Chu Qingzhi picked up a stone and looked at it, "This is calcined impurity iron."

  Tang Jinghong looked at the iron in Chu Qingzhi's hand, thought for a while and said, "Qingzhi, let's go to the left."


  The farther you go to the left, the more impurity iron is scattered on the ground. After walking about a thousand meters, there is an upward step.

  Chu Qingzhi grabbed Tang Jinghong, listened carefully to the sound, then took out the jade flute and played a lullaby to make the people outside the exit sleep more deeply.

   "Jing Hong, you can go."

   Along the upward steps, the two came to the exit.

  Tang Jinghong pushed aside a wooden board and saw a sky full of stars. When he walked out from the exit, he saw tents all over his eyes, let alone dozens, which was very spectacular.

  He stretched out his hand and pulled Chu Qingzhi out, "Be careful where you step."

   "Hmm." Seeing this scene, Chu Qingzhi really wanted to give these people a thumbs up. This place is too hidden.

   This is a small valley, surrounded by mountains, full of deep mountains and old forests. There are many poisonous snakes and beasts in the deep mountains and old forests. It is a natural barrier, and those who don’t want to die will not run into it.

  Tang Jinghong opened a tent and took a look. Five or six men were sleeping inside, snoring like thunder.

   Watched a few times in a row, and it was the same.

  Chu Qingzhi walked through the tents and came to the edge of the valley.

  (end of this chapter)

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