Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 233: Open up the meridians

  Chapter 233 233. Get through the meridians

  There are thatched huts on the ground like grass mushrooms, at least hundreds of them. Under the thatched huts are large furnaces, and a lot of iron ore is scattered beside the big furnaces.

  Chu Qingzhi asked: "Are these the furnaces for the preliminary calcination of iron ore?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "Here is the initial calcination, and then the impurity iron after calcination is transported to the village to be repeatedly smelted and forged to be made into ironware."

   "Understood." Chu Qingzhi spread out her consciousness, looked around little by little, and then saw a cave on a mountain on the left.

  She dragged Tang Jinghong to the cave.

   The two stood at the entrance of the cave and looked around. They didn't find any danger, and then walked in.

  Entering the cave, the two saw that there were two passages on the left and right. The one on the left was very messy, the ground was covered with iron ore, and the one on the right was sparsely scattered.

  Chu Qingzhi stretched out her finger and pointed, "Jing Hong, where are you going?"

  Tang Jinghong pulled Chu Qingzhi to the left, "Qingzhi, be careful with your feet, don't sprain your feet."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

  The passage was very dark, with no light at all, and Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong couldn't see each other.

  Tang Jinghong took out the torch, and there happened to be a torch on the wall. He lit the torch and walked forward holding the torch.

  The passage is circular, but uneven and not high, so they can only walk on their waists. After walking for a while, the two walked out of the mountain and came to a large depression.

  In the valley, the ground is full of iron ore, and there are many wheelbarrows, shovels, burdens, and hammers and other tools around it, which is the place where iron ore is being mined.

  Chu Qingzhi looked around for a week and said: "Jinghong, such a large area has been mined for at least half a year."

  If it weren't for the different positions of the two sides, Tang Jinghong would have praised the King of Northern Xinjiang, "I have mined so much ore, I don't know how many swords have been forged..."

  Chu Qingzhi said lightly: "Let's look for it slowly, as long as we find the right person, it's only a matter of one sentence."

  Tang Jinghong squeezed Chu Qingzhi's hand, "Yes."

   The two left the col, came to the cave, and entered the passage on the right.

  He walked along the passage with a short body, and came to a hollowed out mountain...

  Here is a huge oval-shaped space. All the iron ore has been taken away, leaving only the surrounding thin mountains. It is estimated that a small earthquake will collapse here.

  The good ones don't come, the bad ones come.

  Suddenly, there was a slight movement in the air...

  A stone fell from the direction of the top of the head, and a crack opened in the mountain...

  Tang Jinghong's face changed, and his first reaction was to push Chu Qingzhi to the entrance of the passage, "Qingzhi, run, the mountain is about to collapse."

   Following his voice, rocks fell from the top of his head, and the signs of the landslide became more and more obvious.

Suddenly, a large rock fell and landed just one meter away from him. It was extremely dangerous, but he didn't completely dodge it. A rock the size of a washbasin hit his back, probably bleeding. The pain spread all over his body in an instant, and the veins on his forehead were bulging...

  Chu Qingzhi stretched out her hand, grabbed Tang Jinghong's hand, wrapped the two of them with spiritual power, and quickly flew out of the mountain.


  As soon as Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong ran out, the mountain behind them collapsed completely. From a distance, the dust rose violently, as if a disaster had occurred.

  …a mountain disappears.

  Chu Qingzhi felt Tang Jinghong's body tense, and her heart sank, "Jinghong, were you hit by a rock?"

   Tang Jinghong's handsome face was abnormally white, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain, "It doesn't matter, let's get out of here quickly."

Such a big commotion, no matter how deeply they slept, some people woke up and came out of their tents to check the situation. When they saw the landslide, they couldn't help but gasped. , here is their grave.

  Fortunately, it was night and no one was there, luckily!

  Everyone rejoices.

  Chu Qingzhi helped Tang Jinghong up, and flew towards the mountains.

  Chu Qingzhi helped Tang Jinghong fall onto the big rock, "Jinghong, let me see my back."

   Tang Jinghong was so painful that he was slow to react. Before he could react, Chu Qingzhi had already taken off his clothes.

  His back was completely bruised and purple, and the severe part was **** and bloody. In the deepest part, bones could even be seen...

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong's back, feeling distressed, "Are you stupid? If you don't push me, I can escape."

   While speaking, she injected spiritual power into Tang Jinghong's body, concentrated it to the most serious part, and healed the wound.

  Fortunately, she is not a mortal, otherwise Jing Hong’s injury will heal at some point, if not healed, the wound may be infected, fester and inflamed, and even die!

  Tang Jinghong felt that his body was wrapped in a warm breath, which was very comfortable, like soaking in a hot spring, "Qingzhi, I know you don't need my protection, but I want to protect you."

  Chu Qingzhi couldn't help being moved, she suddenly understood a truth, if a person really wants to protect another person, he should be like Tang Jinghong, even if the other person doesn't need it, he will never hesitate.

  She turned around and sat beside Tang Jinghong in the opposite direction, "Lean against me and sleep for a while."

  It takes a while for such a serious injury to heal quickly.

  Tang Jinghong smiled, put his hands around Chu Qingzhi's waist, and leaned his head on her shoulder, "Qingzhi, I always feel very safe with you here."

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, she is a quasi-immortal, so it is the minimum to make people feel safe!

  She kissed Tang Jinghong on the face, "Stop talking, take a rest."

  Tang Jinghong felt a sweetness in his heart, and a throbbing passed through his heart. Qingzhi was obviously much younger than him, but every time we were together, I always felt that he was the one who was taken care of.


  There was a white line in the dark sky, and gradually, the line turned red, dyeing the surrounding clouds red, presenting a magnificent scene of morning glow.

  Chu Qingzhi injected 50% of his body's spiritual power into Tang Jinghong's body, and only then did he recover from his injuries.

  Many meridians in the body of mortals are blocked, and most of the spiritual power entering their bodies will be wasted, and only a small part can be used.

  Tang Jinghong suddenly opened his eyes, he was still leaning on Chu Qingzhi, his clothes had already been put on, "Qingzhi."

   "Does your body still hurt?" Chu Qingzhi's voice was particularly sweet, like an oriole chirping, and it was ethereal and clear in this mountain forest.

   "Thank you Qingzhi, the pain is gone." Tang Jinghong sat up straight, and suddenly said with some surprise: "Qingzhi, I found that many meridians in my body have been opened up."

  Chu Qingzhi secretly thought that spiritual power was flowing through Jing Hong's body, and it happened to help him open up his meridians, but it was unintentional.

   "I'll try to improve my internal strength."

   "En." Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong quietly, her eyes portraying the other's facial features...

  The eyebrows are deep and thick, especially the sword eyebrows, which look like two sharp swords, there is no mess at all, and they look just right.

  The bridge of the nose is high and straight, and the face looks very three-dimensional. No matter which direction you look at it, you are very handsome.

  The lips are very thin, slightly pursed, and glowing crimson. Under this not too bright light, they look extra sexy.

  (end of this chapter)

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