Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 234: 234. Snatching Snow Lotus

  Chapter 234 234. Snatching Snow Lotus

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes stopped on Tang Jinghong's thin lips, and a desire to kiss was born in her heart.

   Kiss me if you want.

  She slowly moved closer and kissed her.

  Tang Jinghong was surprised, opened his eyes, and saw Chu Qingzhi's curved eyebrows, his heart moved, and then he changed from passive to active, hugged Qingzhi, and kissed tenderly and pitifully.

  Beside there is an acacia tree, and the acacia flowers are in full bloom. In the morning light, they cuddle up to each other and sway gently.

after a long time…

  Chu Qingzhi lay on Tang Jinghong's shoulder, calming down her slightly shortness of breath and the little bit of shyness in her heart.

  Tang Jinghong hugged Chu Qingzhi gently, and it took a while for his fast beating heart to return to normal, "Qingzhi, should we go?"

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Aren't you looking for Zhang Dinghong?"

  Tang Jinghong said: "You don't need to look for it, I will write a letter immediately to ask the imperial garrison to take over here, and then the trial will take place."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, generally doing things, the boss only needs to give an order, and the people under him will complete it, "Then let's go."


  The two came to the hill of Ge's house.

  Tang Jinghong looked at the mountain helplessly. He could only see a pile of broken stones, but could not see any traces of iron ore. "Qingzhi, can you see that there is iron ore in this mountain?"

  Chu Qingzhi picked up a stone and crushed it in her hands, and looked at the composition of the ore with the eyes of a refiner, "Jinghong, this mountain does contain rich iron ore resources."

   "Grandpa Ge has a good eye."

   "I have a good vision, but my ability to handle things is too poor, otherwise I wouldn't be able to ruin my family because of a mine."

  Tang Jinghong hurriedly asked: "Qingzhi, if it were you, what would you do?"

  Chu Qingzhi said: "The mine will definitely not be kept, but there will always be someone who can keep it. Sell the mine and get part of the benefits."

  Tang Jinghong took Chu Qingzhi's hand and left, "Not everyone can resist temptation like you."

  Chu Qingzhi was noncommittal.

   Then the two came to Tianxue Mountain.

  After Chu Qingzhi looked at it, she was surprised to find that the iron ore resources in Tianxue Mountain were more abundant than those in Gejia Mountain.

  Tang Jinghong asked: "Qing Zhi, how are you doing?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "That's right."

  Tang Jinghong looked up at the sky, and said with some joy: "Fortunately, we came here this time, otherwise the king of Beijiang and An Huaiguo would mine these mines, and the consequences would be disastrous."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Tang Jinghong on the shoulder, "Jinghong, there is another good thing."

  Tang Jinghong asked with interest: "What good thing?"

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the top, "There are snow lotus on the top of the mountain, do you want to go and see it?"

   "Is there really snow lotus?" Tang Jinghong, a layman, knows how precious snow lotus is.

  Chu Qingzhi was not sure, "Go up and have a look.

   Tang Jinghong said: "Okay."

  The two flew up the mountain.

  Tianxue Mountain should be called a peak to be precise. The top of the mountain is so high that it has already sunk into the clouds. Chu Qingzhi estimates that it is more than 1,000 meters.

   Tang Jinghong's meridians have been opened up a lot, and his internal strength has increased by 30%. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to fly such a high mountain, but it is still easy now.

   After a flight, the two came to the top of the mountain.

  To the surprise of the two, there are already many people on the wide and flat mountaintop like a square. They even set up a tent here and watched it for a while.

   There were about ten people. As soon as they saw the two of them, they immediately surrounded them with hostility in their eyes.

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes swept across. There were old people, middle-aged people, and young people. Everyone's eyes were not very kind, as if they were here to grab something.

  The old man asked coldly: "Who are you? What are you doing on the top of the mountain?"

  If the other party is not polite, then there is no need to be polite, Chu Qingzhi said angrily: "Who we are has nothing to do with you, the top of the mountain is a public place, and what we are here has nothing to do with you!"

  The middle-aged man sullenly said: "Boy, it's fine if it's normal, but now is an extraordinary time, so I invite you to go down."

  Chu Qingzhi met the middle-aged man with angry eyes, "What if we don't go down?"

  The old man said: "Boy, there is no place for you anymore, why do you have to come here to be annoying?"

  The young man was arrogant and threatened, "We have ten people here, and you only have two, and the people who came here are not ordinary people. Are you sure you want to make people angry?"

  Chu Qingzhi sneered coldly, and said with an even more arrogant attitude: "Who do you think you are? So what if you offend the public?"

  The young man reprimanded: "Don't go too far. Letting you go now is out of respect for the morals of the world, otherwise we would have taken action to deal with you!"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, and said provocatively: "You want me to see?"

  The young man was very angry, "You..."

  Chu Qingzhi said slowly: "Let me tell you, I'm going to order the snow lotus, and I won't leave a single leaf for you!"

  Everyone was angry, "You..."

  Chu Qingzhi crossed her arms, "What about me, come and hit me if you don't agree!"

  Beside Tang Jinghong chuckled, he could feel that the other party's anger was about to turn into substance. If they could burn out of thin air, the two of them might have already turned into ashes.

  The people on the other side looked at each other, with killing intent flashing in their eyes, "Kill them!"

  Compared to the emotional agitation of the other party, shouting and killing, Chu Qingzhi was too calm, like an outsider, "For a snow lotus, are you going to lose your life?"

  Someone roared: "We killed you, and paid for your life, not ours."

  Chu Qingzhi pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "That's it, if that's the case, then let's fight!"

   After finishing speaking, she swayed, dodged behind the old man, kicked her foot...


  The old man felt that he was flying down the mountain uncontrollably. It happened so suddenly that he was shocked.

  Everyone felt cold when they saw the old man flying away. Before they saw how the other party made a move, the old man was already out.


   Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man also flew down the mountain. Flying down from such a high place, even if he knows martial arts, he will be afraid!

  Everyone was terrified, that kid was too ruthless, he hit him as soon as he said, and he didn't think about time at all.

   But it's too late to say anything now.


  The third person was kicked down the mountain again. This person was afraid of heights and climbed up from the bottom of the mountain. He didn't dare to look down the mountain at all. If he was kicked down like this, he would probably be scared to death halfway.


  The fourth one was kicked down again.

  Someone is convinced...

   "Brother, if you have something to discuss, don't kick it!"

   "That's right, little brother, it's because we don't know Mount Tai. We won't compete with you for the snow lotus. It's all yours."

   "Brother, we know we made a mistake, let's go down by ourselves, don't kick anymore."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at each coward, disdainful, how stubborn did she think it was? I didn't expect this to be unbearable!


   "Yes, yes, let's go!"

  After thirty breaths, only Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong remained on the top of the mountain.

  (end of this chapter)

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