Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 239: 239. Mysterious Bamboo Forest

   Chapter 239 239. Mysterious Bamboo Forest

  The rippling spiritual light flew out along with the tune and spread to everyone's ears. Some people's eyelids started to fight, and their minds became chaotic...

  At this time, Wan Zhilin suddenly made a gesture.

   Then I saw a row of soldiers taking out the gongs on their backs and hitting them hard.


  Just one click, everyone regained their sobriety, and two more knocks, and everyone's spirit returned.

  Seeing this, Chu Qingzhi stopped playing the flute, with a half-smile on her face, "It's okay, I thought of a countermeasure so soon!"

  Tang Jinghong stared at the people at the foot of the mountain, "In this case, we can only capture the thief first and the king first."

  Gong Wentang stopped the two of them, "Wait, what should I do?"

  Tang Jinghong glanced at Gong Wentang, "You have been implicated, and there will be chaos after a while, so run for your own life."

  Gong Wentang said full of loyalty: "No, I can't do such a thing. I will help you in a while, and we have to go together."

  Chu Qingzhi couldn't help but look at Gong Wentang, this man is quite chivalrous.

  Tang Jinghong reminded: "We are going to catch Wan Zhilin in a while. If you leave now, you will not be involved too much, but after a while, you will be completely included in our camp!"

  Gong Wentang said indifferently: "For the sake of the lotus you gave me, it doesn't matter."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Let's go."

   Tang Jinghong nodded, drew out his saber, circulated his internal energy, and flew down the mountain.

  Chu Qingzhi followed closely behind.

  Gong Wentang covered the top, and drew out the soft sword at his waist. With a move of internal force, the soft sword turned into a hard sword. Holding the sword, he also flew down.

   There were archers below, and seeing them flying down, Wan Zhilin immediately ordered, "Shoot them and leave none behind!"

  The crossbowman listened to the order, and in an instant, thousands of arrows were aimed at the three of them and shot over.

Chu Qingzhi took out the jade flute, and what he played this time was no longer a lullaby, but an attacking tune, circles of aura spread rapidly, with the power of attacking, shattering arrows one after another, and then Hitting the opponent's body, from the inside to the outside, layers of enemies screamed and flew upside down.

  The killers drew their swords and besieged the three of them, but they were also hit by the aura and fell to the ground with serious injuries before they got close.

  The lethality is strong, which means that Chu Qingzhi is not feeling well, the spiritual power in her body is being consumed at a rapid rate, and at most it can only last for a cup of tea...

   Tang Jinghong had a grim expression, looked at Chu Qingzhi distressedly, speeded up and flew over, grabbed Wan Zhilin, put his sword on his neck, and shouted in a cold voice: "Everyone back off!"

   Everyone's attacks stopped immediately.

  Chu Qingzhi stopped playing the flute, 70% of her spiritual power was consumed, and there was 30% left. Fortunately, there was a little left.

  Gong Wentang held the sword and wanted to kill him, but the battle was over before he landed, "..."

  Wan Zhilin didn't expect the other party's target to be him, panicked, and immediately said: "You two young heroes, if you have something to talk about, you have something to talk about..."

  Tang Jinghong sent the sword to Wan Zhilin's neck, and threatened: "Let us go, or you will stay and be buried with him."

  Wan Zhilin felt the cold sword against his neck, as if he saw the call of death, he couldn't help being frightened, and shouted: "Get out of the way, everyone out of the way!"

  The people under him immediately moved out of the way...

   Holding Wan Zhilin hostage, Tang Jinghong and the three slowly walked out of the crowd. When they were completely out, Tang Jinghong knocked Wan Zhilin unconscious with a knife in his hand, and flew to the side with him.

   "Don't follow, or I will kill him immediately!"

  The other party is a murderous brother, no one dared to bet, so he could only stand there, watching the few people fly away, then looked at each other, lost his way for a while, and didn't know what to do.

   Several people flew for a while before stopping, and now they landed in a forest.

  Gong Wentang looked at the two of them in admiration. Thousands of troops can break through the encirclement. No wonder they dared to make trouble in northern Xinjiang so arrogantly.

  Especially this one named Xiaoqing, who is amazing, his voice can be turned into an attack.

  Tang Jinghong casually threw Wan Zhilin to the ground.

  Wan Zhilin woke up from the pain. Seeing the three of them still in front of him, he thought it would be better to pass out, "What the **** are you trying to do?"

  No one answered his words.

  Tang Jinghong pulled Chu Qingzhi aside and asked with concern: "Xiaoqing, this time..."

  Chu Qingzhi knew what Tang Jinghong was going to ask, so she said directly, "This time I have enough strength, and I didn't hurt my body."

   Tang Jinghong felt particularly guilty, "I'm sorry Qing Zhi, I always put you in danger."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Tang Jinghong's arm and said with a smile: "What are you doing with me? If you say that again, I'm going to get angry!"

  Tang Jinghong felt indescribable gratitude and love for Chu Qingzhi in his heart, and said, "Let's continue walking, we'll talk when we're safe."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and nodded, "Okay."

  Tang Jinghong handed Wan Zhilin to Gong Wentang, and the group walked away from Tianxue Mountain.

  Walking and walking, a few people walked into a bamboo forest.

This is a forest of orchids and bamboos. The green bamboos stand straight on the ground, tall and straight, and the ground is covered with thick bamboo leaves. There is not an inch of soil. When the mountain wind blows, the bamboo leaves rustle and the bamboo fragrance wafts. It smells fresh and good, standing in the middle of the bamboo forest, you can't see the end.

  Suddenly, a layer of mist floated outside the bamboo forest, blurring everyone's sight.

  The four immediately became vigilant...

  Chu Qingzhi frowned slightly, as if something was wrong, "Go on!"

  Tang Jinghong took Chu Qingzhi's hand and led her forward, "Be careful."

  Chu Qingzhi responded, "Yes."

  After walking for a while, several people found that they were still in the bamboo forest, as if they were circling in the same place, and did not leave at all.

  Chu Qingzhi waved her hand and cut a mark on the surrounding bamboo, "Try walking again."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, and they chose a direction and walked.

  After a while, Gong Wentang pointed at the bamboo and said in surprise: "We are back again."

  Chu Qingzhi has already seen it, "There should be a master here who has tampered with it."

  She looked around, then closed her eyes, released her consciousness, and extended it in the form of a circle.

  Gong Wentang looked at Chu Qingzhi curiously, is she going to show some special skills again?

  Seeing this, Wan Zhilin slowly backed away. Seeing that several people were not paying attention to him, he immediately ran back.

  Gong Wentang chased after him without hesitation: "I'll go after it."

  Chu Qingzhi closed her eyes and said, "No, he will come back."

  Gong Wentang wanted to see if what Chu Qingzhi said was true, so he stopped.

  The bamboo forest is indeed very large, but it is not endless. Under the interference of the opponent's means, it seems endless.

  Spiritual consciousness came to the edge of the bamboo forest, and she saw a magnificent house.

  There are actually people living here?

   Could it be the so-called hermit family?

  Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in the consciousness...Tong Yujie.

  (end of this chapter)

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