Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 240: 240. The Weird House

   Chapter 240 240. The Weird House

  North Xinjiang Palace.

  The secret guard respectfully presented a secret letter to the King of Beijiang, "My lord."

  The king of Beijiang unfolded the secret letter, browsed it quickly, his face was gloomy, and after reading it, he burned the letter, "Assemble the people and try our best to find Princess Yunhua's dowry, and then find the list inside."

  The dark guard cupped his fists, "Yes, my lord."

  The secret letter received by the king of Northern Xinjiang was the same as the secret letter that Tang Jinghong and the others saw. King Anhuai heard that the princess had escaped from marriage, and the whereabouts of the secret letter was unknown, so he immediately made up a new one.

   It's just that after the princess escaped from marriage, Wan Zhilin arrested Yang Jingwen, and he didn't care about the dowry. In the end, he didn't know who took it away.

  Beijiang King sat behind the desk, staring at a point on the ground...

  Wang Ximing was rescued by someone, and his impersonation may have been leaked, and he has been operating here for several years, so it’s a pity to leave like this!

  Thinking of this, he felt angry in vain, who is going to make things difficult for him?

  He suddenly stared.

  Wait, brothers, Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi.

  Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi could not be found, and the pair of brothers appeared out of nowhere...

  He touched his face, and in an instant, he realized that the pair of senior brothers must be Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi, and there is no other possibility!

   Unexpectedly, the person who has been against him has come to Beijiang and turned Beijiang upside down.

  It's ironic that the person who is trying to find is right under the nose!

  Thinking of this, he took out a pen and paper, wrote a letter, and then called the hidden guards, "Hand this letter into the hands of Tang Jinghong."

   "Yes, my lord."

  Beijiang King sullenly tapped his finger on the table lightly. Very well, the enemy is clear and he can start to act.


  Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi, who were far away in the bamboo forest, did not know that their identities had been guessed by the King of Beijiang.

  Chu Qingzhi concentrated her consciousness in the direction of the courtyard, opened her eyes, and at the same time Wan Zhilin ran back. When he saw a few people, he couldn't help feeling a burst of despair.

  Gong Wentang walked over and grabbed Wan Zhilin roughly, "Didn't you run away? Why did you come back again?"

  Wan Zhilin looked at the masked Gong Wentang, "Who the **** are you?"

  Gong Wentang patted Wan Zhilin's face with his sword, "I cover my face so that you don't want to know, do you think I will tell you?"

  Chu Qingzhi walked over, slapped Wan Zhilin unconscious with one palm, and then knocked Gong Wentang unconscious, "Jing Hong, find a place to hide them, I know how to get out, and I saw an acquaintance."

   "Okay." Tang Jinghong looked around, dragged the two of them over and placed them behind a big rock.

  Chu Qingzhi cast an illusion to cover the two of them, and then led Tang Jinghong to the courtyard.

  On the way.

   "Qing Zhi, you just said you saw an acquaintance, who did you see?" Tang Jinghong asked.

   "Tong Yujie." Chu Qingzhi said.

   Tang Jinghong was amazed: "Why is he here?"

  Chu Qingzhi shook her head, with a puzzled expression on her face, "He was taken away in a daze, and I don't know the reason."

  Tang Jinghong was silent, "Then find someone first, and we'll talk after you find someone."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

  A grand and imposing house is displayed in front of you. The pavilions and pavilions extend out, covering a large area. The green bricks and green tiles are hidden in the mountains and forests, which is very beautiful.

  Tang Jinghong was very surprised when he saw the house, "I didn't expect such a big mansion to exist in this deep mountain and old forest!"

  Chu Qingzhi observed the surroundings, "Let's sneak in and have a look."

  The house looks similar to the houses in the city, with a vermilion gate, magnificent lion sculptures on both sides of the gate, and four thick locust trees. There is also a plaque hanging on the door, "Qin Mansion."

   The two stood on one side and watched, the door suddenly opened, and a butler and two servants came out.

   As soon as the three of them came out, they seemed to be looking for something...

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong hurried out of the way, but they were a step too late. The housekeeper saw them and walked towards them.

  Since they saw them, there was no need to hide, and the two walked out generously.

  The housekeeper walked up to Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong, and said politely, "This is the housekeeper of Qin's residence. The old lady said that today the magpies are chirping on the branches, and there will be distinguished guests coming. There are only two people present today, so I guess they are two."

   Just now I was talking about sneaking in, but now I have become a distinguished guest, um, I am a little uncomfortable.

   Tang Jinghong said politely: "The housekeeper is too polite."

  The housekeeper smiled and said, "Two distinguished guests, please come inside. The old lady has been waiting for a long time."

  Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Qingzhi and said, "It's troublesome."

  Led by the butler, the two came to the living room.

  A dignified old lady was sitting at the main seat. She looked to be in her fifties, with kind eyes and kind eyes, which seemed kind.

  There were some servant girls standing around, their heads slightly lowered, they didn't look around when someone came, they behaved well.

   Overall, it looks very stylish.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong saluted, "I have seen Mrs. Qin."

  Old Madam Qin slightly raised her hand, smiling and friendly, "You two young heroes, please sit down, you are welcome."

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong looked at each other, their behavior seemed to be predicted in advance, so be careful.

  After they sat down, the servant girl brought tea, "Please, honored guests."

  The two nodded to the servant girl, picked up the teacup and took a small sip, which was regarded as respect for the master.

  Old Madam Qin looked at the two of them, and said with a smile, "No one usually comes to my Qin residence, but the two of you came here today, and it has added a lot of vitality to my house."

  Actually, both Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi felt very embarrassed. They were invited in as distinguished guests for no reason, and they didn't know the other party's purpose at all.

  Tang Jinghong remained calm, "Mrs. Qin is too polite. We two brothers strayed into the precious land. Please forgive me."

   "Speaking of this, I would like to express my admiration. That bamboo forest is full of traps. If ordinary people break in, they will not only be unable to get out, but will also die here. It is because of your extraordinary ability, otherwise we would not meet here."

   "The old lady is too much."

   "You two, it's getting dark, I've ordered people to prepare snacks, and the rooms are ready, if you're not in a hurry, why don't you just rest for one night before leaving?"

  Tang Jinghong cupped his hands, "Thank you, old lady."

   Several people moved to the dining room.

  Chu Qingzhi walked beside Tang Jinghong, even though she was well-informed, she couldn't understand the current state, it was so weird.

  Old Madam Qin did not lie, the table in the dining room was filled with sumptuous dishes, and it could be seen that they were carefully prepared.

   "Both please."

   "Mrs. Xie."

  After the three sat down, a young man in purple came in, "Mother."

  Mrs. Qin introduced to the two of them: "You two are laughing at this, this is the old man's son, Qin Fengnian."

  Qin Fengnian was very surprised to see the two, "Qin Fengnian has seen two young heroes."

   "Young Master Qin, it's a pleasure to meet you..." Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong introduced themselves, and they got to know each other.

  (end of this chapter)

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