Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 241: 241. Breaking into the Lair

  Chapter 241 241. Breaking into the Lair

  Qin Fengnian said politely, "Please sit down."

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong sat down, secretly observing the surroundings, as if nothing was wrong, and at the same time, it seemed that something was wrong, extremely awkward.

   But the thoughts in their hearts, the two of them didn't show it at all.

   Eat well, be taken into the wing room by the maid to rest well, and only treat myself as a guest.


  In the secret room.

  Old Madam Qin changed her face and became a girl in her early twenties, dressed in **** red clothes, but her expression was as cold as an iceberg.

   In front of her was a large rectangular table filled with bottles and jars containing various poisons.

  She is dispensing medicine.

  Qin Fengnian walked in from the outside and asked puzzledly, "Sister, why did you invite them in?"

  Qin Yajun said: "They broke into the bamboo forest. They are not idle people. Instead of letting them mess around in the courtyard, it is better to invite you into the urn."

  Qin Fengnian hesitated, "What does sister mean?"

  Qin Yajun paused for a moment, then continued to dispense the medicine, "Do you think I'm such a kind person to invite people to dinner?"

  Qin Fengnian said: "Then what's your plan?"

  Qin Yajun took a spoon and stirred the poison in the bottle, "Find an opportunity to kill them."

  Qin Fengnian hurriedly said: "Sister, don't act rashly. They can break through the bamboo forest and attack rashly. If you don't kill them in one fell swoop, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles."

  Qin Yajun raised his head and looked at Qin Fengnian, "Then what can you do?"

  Qin Fengnian thought for a while, but had no idea, "I didn't think of it for the time being, sister, you should find a way to keep them first, and give me some time."

  Qin Yajun nodded, "Okay, hurry up, they don't seem to follow the rules."

   "Understood, sister." Qin Fengnian changed the topic, "By the way, what did you do to bring Tong Yujie back?"

  Qin Yajun's pretty Bingshan face flashed a trace of anger, "He betrayed big brother, **** it!"

  Qin Fengnian was surprised, "Betrayal?!"

  Qin Yajun was burning with anger, "He has defected to Tang Jinghong's command, and gave Tang Jinghong a lot of information about the Northern Xinjiang Palace, he should be cut to death!"

  Qin Fengnian did not believe that Qin Yajun would kill Tong Yujie, "Sister, are you willing?"

  Qin Yajun glanced at Qin Fengnian, "Anyone who betrays elder brother deserves to die, no matter how much I like him, he will die, and I will kill him with my own hands."

  Qin Fengnian wanted to persuade Qin Yajun, "Sister..."

  Qin Yajun interrupted the other party, "Okay, don't say anything, go down."

  Qin Fengnian sighed, "Yes, sister."

  Qin Fengnian left, Qin Yajun called his subordinates, "There are still two people in the bamboo forest, go and bring them back."

  Holding his hands together, "Yes, Second Miss."


  Chu Qingzhi sneaked into Tang Jinghong's room.

   Coincidentally, Tang Jinghong also wanted to find Chu Qingzhi.

  The two had a tacit understanding, and reached a consensus with just one look. Then they left the wing room together, flew up to the roof, and went to find Tong Yujie.

  Chu Qingzhi can know the situation in the house with a scan of her spiritual sense, so it is the fastest way to find someone.

  However, after looking for it, Tong Yujie was not found.

   "Jing Hong, there should be a secret room in this house!" Chu Qingzhi frowned, and secretly said: Ordinary people have average abilities, but they have too many minds.

   At this moment, the two saw Qin Fengnian coming out of Qin Yajun's room, they looked at each other, flew down, knocked him unconscious and took him into the wing.

  Chu Qingzhi cast a sound-proof spell in the room, Tang Jinghong tied him up and woke him up.

  Qin Fengnian saw the two of them, and saw himself being tied up, and couldn't help but look embarrassed, "What are you arresting me for?"

  Tang Jinghong pulled two stools, he and Qing Zhi sat on one, and said, "It's nothing, I just want to ask you a few questions!"

  Qin Fengnian sullenly said: "As guests, you even **** your master for questioning. Is there anyone like you?"

  Tang Jinghong said helplessly: "We have no other choice."

  Qin Fengnian was angry, "There is no other choice, I don't even talk about being polite."

   Tang Jinghong didn't want to quarrel with Qin Fengnian, so he asked directly, "Where is Tong Yujie?"

  Qin Fengnian struggled in his heart, "In my sister's secret room!"

   Tang Jinghong frowned suspiciously, why did another sister appear?

  Qin Fengnian looked horrified, "What did you do to me?"

  Chu Qingzhi said in a joking tone: "I gave you the truth pill, now we ask you whatever, you just say what."

  Qin Fengnian: "..."

  Tang Jinghong asked, "What did your sister arrest Tong Yujie for?"

  Qin Fengnian said a little excitedly: "He betrayed elder brother, my sister will kill him!"

   Tang Jinghong suddenly felt that he couldn't understand, "Your elder brother? What's the relationship between your elder brother and Tong Yujie?"

  Qin Fengnian couldn't help opening his mouth: "The current king of Beijiang is my eldest brother, Tong Yujie is the number one killer in Beijiang, but he turned to Tang Jinghong instead, he deserves to die!"

  As soon as these words came out, Qin Fengnian's face turned pale. How could he tell this secret?

  Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi looked at each other. This fate is really wonderful. They actually broke into the lair of the fake Northern Xinjiang king.

  Tang Jinghong asked: "Why does your elder brother pretend to be the king of Northern Xinjiang?"

  At this moment, Qin Fengnian's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, "Use northern Xinjiang as a base, recruit troops and march into the capital."

  Tang Jinghong said: "You want to rebel?"

  Qin Fengnian clenched his fists, "What rebellion? The throne belongs to our family."

  Tang Jinghong remembered something, "The Qin family? Are you the former royal family?"

  Qin Fengnian looked at Tang Jinghong with some horror, "Yes, in order to avoid being chased and killed, we hid in this deep mountain and old forest, and we have lived peacefully for many years."

  Tang Jinghong said: "Since you have settled down and the emperor has not chased you down, why do you still come out to do these things?"

  Qin Fengnian said: "Because you are not reconciled, originally the world belongs to our family, but now you see others sitting in your own home, can you be reconciled?"

  Chu Qingzhi couldn't help but said: "I think you are just greedy. The change of dynasties is too normal. If you want to calculate it this way, your ancestors won't be stolen from others? It's as noble as yourself!"

  Qin Fengnian was so blocked that he couldn't speak, and he himself felt that his words made sense.

  Tang Jinghong asked: "Where is the real king of Northern Xinjiang now?"

"He was killed by my elder brother a long time ago." Qin Fengnian said emotionally: "That cheap man, at such an age, actually wanted my sister to be his concubine, but this just gave us an excuse to enter the layout of the northern Xinjiang palace , and then successfully replaced."

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, if the true king of Northern Xinjiang was such a person, then he would die unjustly.

  Actually, Tang Jinghong admired the fake king of Beijiang, who was not found and still held Beijiang firmly in his hands. "Could it be that no one found out that the king of Beijiang had been replaced?"

  (end of this chapter)

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