Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 242: 242. An Embarrassing Thing

  Chapter 242 242. Embarrassing things

  Qin Fengnian said proudly: "My elder brother is so powerful, who can find out?"

  Chu Qingzhi's thoughts went elsewhere, the person next to her pillow is the most difficult to hide, she was a little curious, "How did your elder brother hide it from those women in the back house?"

  The face can change, but the body cannot. The gap between young and old is not so big.

  Qin Fengnian had a weird expression on his face, "At night, find someone to replace him. Anyway, my elder brother is not the only one who can change his face."

   This is a bit disgusting. Women in ancient times valued chastity the most. If you know the truth...

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, she is still innocent!

  Tang Jinghong fell silent. This question challenged his three views, so he didn't want to talk about it.

   After half a sound.

   "What does your elder brother want so much money for?"

  Qin Fengnian broke the jar, anyway, he had already told his deepest secret, and he couldn't control himself at all, "Of course it's recruiting, so there's no need to ask."

  Tang Jinghong already guessed it, but he didn't know how many private soldiers the King of Northern Xinjiang had hidden secretly, "Where is the location where your elder brother trains private soldiers?"

"have no idea."

   "How many private soldiers are there?"

"have no idea."

   "Where is the weapon made by mining iron ore hidden by your elder brother?"

  Qin Fengnian was very surprised, he knew it all! He looked at Tang Jinghong, secretly guessing his background, "I don't know."

   Tang Jinghong thought for a moment, "The last thing, where is the person who made the crossbow?"

"have no idea."

  Tang Jinghong stepped forward and knocked Qin Fengnian unconscious, "Qingzhi, let's go find her sister."



   After preparing the medicine, Qin Yajun sat down on a chair and took a rest, then took the medicine and went to another secret room.

  The secret room is very empty, only a bed, a chair, and a man in blue is tied to the chair.

  The bound person is unconscious and defenseless.

  Qin Yajun stepped forward and mercilessly poured the water in his hand on the other party's face. If she hadn't been affectionate towards him, she would have wanted to pour water on him, "Tong Yujie, we should settle the score."

  Tong Yujie opened his eyes, his eyes slowly focused, and after seeing the scene in front of him clearly, he thought something was wrong, "Yajun, why did you plot against me?"

  Qin Yajun's superficial identity, like Tong Yujie's, is a killer, and the two have known each other for six or seven years.

   The first time Tong Yujie met Qin Yajun was Wan Zhilin who arranged for them to assassinate a person.

  During the assassination, Tong Yujie blocked Qin Yajun's sword, and they became friends ever since.

   "A plot against you?" Qin Yajun didn't expect Tong Yujie's first sentence to be this sentence, "So what about plotting against you?"

  Tong Yujie, "..."

  Looking at the woman in front of him, he is obviously very familiar, but now it makes him feel extremely strange, "Who are you?"

  Qin Yajun didn't answer Tong Yujie's words, she looked at Tong Yujie's face obsessively, she couldn't bear it, but for the sake of her elder brother and the great cause, she could only let go of this love.

  She reached out and clasped Tong Yujie's chin, forcefully pouring the medicine into him.

  Tong Yujie struggled to spit out the concoction, but still swallowed a lot.

  As soon as he took the medicine, his lower abdomen seemed to be on fire, "What did you give me?"

   "Guess what!" A trace of madness appeared on Qin Yajun's face, the madness of risking everything.

   "Give me the antidote, Yajun, give me the antidote!"

   "The antidote is me, do you want it?" Qin Yajun reached out to touch Tong Yujie's face with fascination.

   "Yajun, you can't do this..."

   "Yujie, just obey!"

  The fire in Tong Yujie's body grew bigger and bigger, and then swept away his reason, leaving only primitive desires.

  Qin Yajun loves Tong Yujie terribly, but Tong Yujie is like a stone that cannot be warmed, no matter what she does, the other party will not be tempted.

   "Yujie, you can't refuse me now, can you?"

  Qin Yajun untied Tong Yujie's rope, helped him onto the bed, and then untied Tong Yujie's clothes...

   "Yajun, after you do this, there is no turning back..." Tong Yujie grabbed Qin Yajun's wrist, and wave after wave of desire hit him in his heart, his face was blushing, and his body was covered in sweat...

   "I don't want any turning back, Yujie, I just want you..." Qin Yajun was very satisfied with her masterpiece, looking at Tong Yujie who was hit by the fire, she leaned over and kissed Tong Yujie like a moth to the flame.

  The last string in Tong Yujie's mind broke. He pulled Qin Yajun onto the bed and instinctively pushed her down.


  Here, Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong had already guessed that Mrs. Qin was the sister Qin Fengnian was talking about, so they went directly to Qin Yajun's residence.

  Looking at the empty room, neither of them had any accidents, and began to look for the mechanism.

   It's not that difficult to find the organ, after you find it, open it.

  The door of the secret room is behind the bed, and the two slowly approach.

   As a result, as soon as he walked to the door of the secret room, he heard a suppressed panting sound. Isn't that the kind of sound?

  Tang Jinghong quickly covered Chu Qingzhi's ears, and led her outside.

  Chu Qingzhi was also not good at showing a well-informed look on this kind of matter, so she put on an awkward and shy look, and walked out obediently.

   Tang Jinghong's ears turned red, isn't he a sworn enemy? how…

  Chu Qingzhi stood in the shadows with her head down.

  What happened now makes her feel that something is wrong, but if the man does not take the initiative to do such a thing, it will be difficult to proceed, and listening to the voice, the two have already...


  Chu Qingzhi couldn't help but sighed, why did this happen to her!

  Tang Jinghong took Chu Qingzhi and left here. Since the girl was willing to do such a thing with him, she probably wouldn't kill him.

   The two went to the kitchen to get some food and came to the bamboo forest.

  Chu Qingzhi snapped her fingers next to Gong Wentang's ear, "Wake up..."

  Gong Wentang opened his eyes in the next second, rubbed his temples, his mind was dazed, "You guys, why did I fall asleep?"

  Chu Qingzhi said calmly: "You are too tired." Then she handed him the food box in her hand, "Eat."

  Gong Wentang took the food box and asked with concern, "Have you eaten?"

  Chu Qingzhi said: "We ate it, and it was specially stolen for you."

  Gong Wentang was moved, "Thank you for not forgetting me." He opened the food box and found half a roast chicken, a braised pig's trotter, a plate of pastries, and a bowl of jujube soup, "It's so rich."

  Chu Qingzhi felt that Gong Wentang was pitiful, "Hurry up and eat."

   "Okay." Gong Wentang was so hungry that his chest stuck to his back, he just wanted to eat, and didn't want to care about anything else.

  Tang Jinghong slipped Wan Zhilin out and kicked him awake, "The King of Northern Xinjiang is here."

  Wan Zhilin suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. When he saw that it was Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong, the light in his eyes was extinguished like a fire, and his eyes were dark.

   "Why didn't you kill me?"

  Chu Qingzhi folded her arms and leaned against a bamboo tree, looking leisurely, "I'll kill you if I ask you a few questions, don't worry."

  Wan Zhilin, "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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