Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 244: Get there first

  Chapter 244 244. Preemptive

  Chu Qingzhi said in a calm manner: "The matter in northern Xinjiang is almost over, let's talk about personal grievances."

  Wan Zhilin raised his head and asked irritably, "Who are you?"

  Chu Qingzhi sneered at him, "We are the ones you want to kill but can't kill, are you surprised?"

  Wan Zhilin thought for a while, then showed a suddenly realized expression, "You are, you are..."

   Before he could speak, a bamboo leaf passed across his neck, leaving a thin red line. Wan Zhilin's movements froze, his eyes remained fixed, and he slowly fell to the ground and died.

  Tang Jinghong looked away lightly, Wan Zhilin's pursuit put them in danger for a while, **** it!

  Gong Wentang gnawed on the pig's trotter, with a confused expression on his face, "Is this the end?"

  Tang Jinghong looked over, "What else do you want?"

  Gong Wentang said very pragmatically: "At least you have to ask him, where is his money?"

  Chu Qingzhi suddenly praised, "You are very promising."

   Gong Wentang raised the corners of his lips, "You have discerning eyes."

   It was the first time seeing someone who could climb a pole like this, Chu Qingzhi couldn't help but smile.

  The atmosphere suddenly became lively, Gong Wentang looked at the two of them and asked, "Where shall we go next?"

   "Are you still following us?"

  Gong Wentang said as it should: "Otherwise? We came together, so naturally we have to go together."

  Chu Qingzhi went to sit on the big rock, "We will wait for someone here and not leave for the time being."

  Gong Wentang curiously asked: "Who are you waiting for?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Yan Gong Wentang, gossiping, "Hurry up and eat, you'll know when the time comes."

   "Okay." Gong Wentang tactfully stopped asking, and continued to gnaw on the pig's trotters.


  The king of Beijiang led a group of soldiers and horses to the northeast, and soon joined up with Wan Zhilin's people.

  Wan Zhilin's right-hand man Yue Xujun cupped his fists and saluted, "I have seen the prince."

  Beijiang King got off his horse, "What's going on now?"

  Yue Xujun replied respectfully, "Master Wan was hijacked into that direction. Our people went to search, but encountered ghosts hitting the wall and couldn't get in."

  Beijiang King's eyes flashed, staring straight at the northeast...

   It would be good if Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi died inside, but if they didn't die, then the secret inside might not be kept. Now...

   "How long have they been in there?"

   "If you go back to the prince, it will be almost four hours."

  Four hours...

   At this moment, a figure flew over and presented a letter, "My lord."

  The king of Beijiang immediately read the letter, "Brother, two people broke into the Qin mansion today. I invited them into the mansion in the name of entertaining distinguished guests, and they are now living in the Qin mansion."

  The more he read the letter, the more ugly the king of Beijiang's face became.

  You thought you were inviting the gentleman into the urn, but instead it was fueling the flames. Once he entered the Qin Mansion, his secret would definitely be revealed. In addition to Wang Ximing, Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi might come to settle accounts with him as soon as they come out.

   "All retreat!" With a wave of his hand, the letter was shattered into scum, and the king of Beijiang got on his horse and left with all the soldiers and horses.

  The woods, which were still a little noisy just now, became quiet in an instant. In this dark night, only the leaves rustled, and the silence was terrifying.


  In the secret room.

  Tong Yujie finished venting his inner flames, and lay flat on the bed with some difficulty facing the reality. He never imagined that things would turn into what they are today.

  He asked hoarsely: "Qin Yajun, is this what you want?"

  Qin Yajun reached out to grab Tong Yujie's hand, but was thrown away, "You hate me so much?"

   "I didn't hate it before, but now I hate it." Tong Yujie was very painful in his heart, "I didn't compromise on the poison in my body, and I didn't compromise on my sister's whereabouts. You..."

  Qin Yajun's heart trembled, and his thoughts turned, "Do you have someone you like?"

   What is this all about? Tong Yujie was speechless, and said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you have it or not!" He turned over, picked up his clothes and put them on.

   Seeing that Tong Yujie was about to leave, Qin Yajun seemed to have touched her inverse scales. She took out a dagger from under the pillow, and stabbed fiercely at Tong Yujie's back, "If you want to leave, then go to hell!"

  Tong Yujie avoided it easily, and then slapped Qin Yajun's chest with his palm, sending her flying upside down, "Do you think I'm not on guard against you now?"

  Qin Yajun spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face quickly turned pale, "So are we enemies now? We were clearly on the bed just now..."

   "Shut up!!" Tong Yujie snapped angrily, "That's my shame!"

  Qin Yajun's face was pale, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar Tong Yujie, "We..."

  Tong Yujie went straight out, not wanting to hear another word from Qin Yajun, "See you next time, we are enemies!"

  Qin Yajun burst into tears, in great pain, "I want to be your closest person, but you want to be my enemy, Tong Yujie, you are really ruthless!"

  Tong Yujie left the Qin Mansion and headed straight for the bamboo forest.

   Soon, he saw a few people waiting in the bamboo forest, all acquaintances, "Why are you all here?"

   Gong Wentang was surprised when he saw Tong Yujie, "Brother Tong, why are you here?"

  Tong Yujie avoided the important and ignored the trivial, "It's a long story, let's talk about it later."

  He staggered his body, walked towards Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong, cupped his fists, and there were outsiders present, so he didn't say much, just said: "I'll take you to a place."

  The two nodded to him.

  Gong Wentang looked at the three of them, confused, what's going on now?

  Tang Jinghong said to Gong Wentang: "We will go our separate ways after a while, and the next thing is not suitable for you to follow."

  Gong Wentang was also savvy, glanced at Wan Zhilin's body, he didn't want to become like this, "I see."

  Following Tong Yujie, several people walked out of the bamboo forest along the fake bamboo in the bamboo forest, passed through a forest, and came to an official road.

  Gong Wentang left alone.

  Tang Jinghong asked, "Yujie, where are you going?"

   Tong Yujie frowned and said: "I found the princess's dowry, but several groups of people are looking for it. I don't know if it's too late or not."

  Tang Jinghong said: "Let's talk about it in the past."

   Tong Yujie nodded, "Yes."


  The princess's dowry was placed in a thatched cottage in the mountains.

   This is a temporary residence for hunters to go hunting in the mountains. It has been abandoned. The crumbling thatched cottage outside, no one would have thought that there would be priceless treasures inside.

  Tong Yujie pushed the door and went in, his face changed, "No more."

  Tang Jinghong looked at the traces made by the boxes on the ground, "Someone got there first!"

  Tong Yujie thought about what happened before, if Qin Yajun hadn't plotted against it, it wouldn't be like this, "I'm sorry, General, I delayed things."

  Tang Jinghong glanced at Tong Yujie, "Don't have a second time."

  Inexplicably, Tong Yujie felt that Tang Jinghong seemed to know everything. For a moment, he felt ashamed, "Yes, General."

  (end of this chapter)

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