Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 245: 245. Surge

  Chapter 245 245. Surge

  North Xinjiang Palace.

   Li Yuanan came to Li Yuanshao's yard angrily, pushed open the door of Li Yuanshao's room, and said angrily, "What did you do to me?"

   Li Yuanshao was standing in front of the window, worrying about Cong Chusheng. Cong Chusheng was still locked in the prison, when he suddenly heard Li Yuanan's irritable voice, he was startled and turned around, "Brother!"

   Li Yuanan strode towards Li Yuanshao, "Who is your elder brother, tell me quickly what you did to me?"

  In the past few days, whenever he wanted to do something, he would faint, and when he wanted to do something, he would faint. He was fine before, but after contacting Li Yuanshao that day, this situation began to appear. Li Yuanshao must have done something wrong!

  Li Yuanshao was soft and weak, with a dazed expression on his face, "Brother, I don't know what you are talking about."

  Seeing Li Yuanshao's innocent face, Li Yuanan didn't even get angry. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Li Yuanshao's neck, gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't say it, let's see how I kill you!"

   Li Yuanshao really didn't know what he could say, his neck was pinched, his face was flushed, and he said with difficulty: "Brother, I really don't know!"

   Li Yuanan was completely enraged, he grabbed Li Yuanshao's neck even more forcefully, and said threateningly: "Okay, if you don't tell me, then don't blame me for being rude!"

  He violently punched Li Yuanshao, "I will make you tough today!"

Cong Chusheng was there to protect Li Yuanshao before, but now that Cong Chusheng is not around, the maids and servants did not dare to provoke Li Yuanan, so they all hid aside. !"

   Li Yuanan slapped Li Yuanshao on the face, and there was a slap mark on Li Yuanshao's white and jade-like face, "Do you want to say it?!"

  Blood overflowed from the corner of Li Yuanshao's mouth, curled up, and said weakly: "Brother, I really don't know anything!"

   Li Yuanan's face was ferocious, and he slapped Li Yuanshao's face again, "If you don't say anything, I will strip you naked and go parade in the street!"

  Li Yuanshao did not doubt Li Yuanan's words at all, "Brother, I am your younger brother, you can't do this!"

   Li Yuanan taunted mercilessly: "Brother? Li Yuanshao, your mother is a shameless lowly maid who climbed into my father's bed and gave birth to a lowly you. You want to be my younger brother!"

Li Yuanshao stared at Li Yuan'an in a daze. It was obvious that the king of Beijiang had forced his mother, but he didn't expect it to be distorted like this in the eyes of outsiders. For a moment, hatred filled his heart. If he could, he would definitely destroy the entire Beijiang palace. .

  A servant girl that Li Yuanshao had protected once rushed over, raised the vase and smashed it on Li Yuanan's head, knocking Li Yuanan unconscious, "Seventh Prince, hurry up."

  Li Yuanshao didn't want to harm innocent people, "What should you do?"

  The servant girl said optimistically, "I'll run for my life right away."

   "Then you go quickly."


   Li Yuanshao pushed Li Yuanan away, hurriedly got up and was about to leave the room, when suddenly he saw the jade pendant on Li Yuanan's body.

   With a move in his heart, he took off the jade pendant and took it to the prison.

  With Li Yuanan's jade pendant, Li Yuanshao successfully rescued Cong Chusheng, and then left the northern Xinjiang palace.

   Li Yuanshao looked at the palace that was drifting away, his fingernails dug into his palm, his eyes were full of hatred, he secretly swore that he would definitely destroy the palace of Beijiang!


  Near Tiantai Mountain.

  The secret guard fell in front of Tang Jinghong, and delivered a letter, "General."

  Tang Jinghong took the letter over, "Tang Jinghong, Chu Qingzhi, brothers and sisters, you guys can play tricks, I admire you!"

  Tang Jinghong gave the letter to Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at it, and slightly raised the corners of her lips, "The king of Beijiang doesn't look stupid, he guessed it."

   Tang Jinghong's expression calmed down, and he was a little worried, "Qingzhi, the fake Northern Xinjiang king guessed our identity, and it is estimated that we are no longer in the Northern Xinjiang palace."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Where can he hide?"

   After a while, the two said in unison, "The private soldier's place."

  Tang Jinghong's complexion became more severe, and he immediately ordered the hidden guard, "Get a pen and paper."

   "Yes, General."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong's unhappy expression, and asked tentatively, "Will there be a fight?"

  Tang Jinghong clasped his hands behind his back, looked into the distance, and said in a very deep voice, "This is the fake Northern Xinjiang King's last card. If he is cornered, he will definitely give it a go."

   Things actually developed to the point where the two armies were at war, "Where do you plan to transfer troops from?"

  Tang Jinghong said: "Border!"

  Chu Qingzhi said with a bit of worry: "If the troops on the border change, will the An Huai Congress take the opportunity to sneak attack?"

  Tang Jinghong's fists slowly tightened, and his heart slowly sank, but he had a trump card, "Princess Yunhua of Anhuai Kingdom is in our hands."

  Chu Qingzhi quickly realized, "You mean that Wu Yaqing is Princess Yunhua?"

   "Yes, she changed her clothes, but the jewelry sold her out immediately. Those jewelry are all items of the royal family of Anhuai Kingdom, and ordinary people can't afford them, and they are not in compliance with the rules."

   "So, the first time you saw Wu Yaqing, you knew she was a princess?"

   "Not really. Later, Yang Jingwen said that she would marry her instead, so I'm sure."

   "Yes, Jinghong, Princess Yunhua is the jewel in the palm of Anhuai's empress. As long as she is in control, the empress will definitely not let the monarch send troops. We basically have no future troubles."

   "Yes, now concentrate on dealing with the fake northern Xinjiang king."

   "I will fully cooperate with you."

  Tang Jinghong hugged Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, we will fight more and more fiercely with the fake king of Northern Xinjiang, you have to be careful."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled slightly, "I will take care of myself."

  The dark guard quickly brought over the pen and paper, along with a few more letters.

  Tang Jinghong opened the letters first, and after reading them, he replied one by one, and then sent some letters, so that the secret guards could quickly deliver them to all parties.

  The entire northern Xinjiang began to surge...

  After the dark guard left, Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong continued to fly to Tiantai Mountain. Wan Zhilin said that there was a silver mine in Tiantai Mountain, and they needed to see it for themselves.

  Tiantai Mountain looks like a mushroom growing from the ground from a distance, and it looks a little cute.

   "Hey, it's convenient for us to go, you go back first."

   "Okay, hurry up, or if the manager finds out, you will definitely be punished."

"I know, I know."

  The two men put down the hammers in their hands and walked towards the nearby dense forest.


   After a brief sound, the two fell to the ground.

  Chu Qingzhi snapped her fingers twice in a row, and she and Tang Jinghong turned into two big men, holding a hammer and sneaking in.

  Entering the cave is a passageway. Walking along the passageway, the two of them came to a huge cave.

  Bang Bang   "Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

  There is the sound of stones being knocked everywhere, accompanied by people pushing carts to and fro, the atmosphere is very lively.

  (end of this chapter)

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