Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 246: 246. The Princess Writes a Letter

  Chapter 246 246. The princess writes a letter

  Mixed in the crowd, Chu Qingzhi tapped the stone with a hammer, not only the silver ore, but the silver content of this silver ore is not low.

   "Jinghong, this is a silver mine with a high silver content. According to the current level of mining, I conservatively estimate that at least 20,000 catties of silver have been mined."

  Conservative estimates, 50 catties a day, 1,500 catties a month, 18,000 catties a year.

  Tang Jinghong was silent for a moment after hearing this, "Qingzhi, let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

  The two quickly left the silver mine, and then took away the two who were stunned by them.

  Tang Jinghong summoned three hidden guards, and Chu Qingzhi transformed two of them into the appearance of two men, and asked them to enter the silver mine as undercover agents to find out about the silver mine, especially the whereabouts of the silver.

  Leave a dark guard to deal with the two men.

   The two left.


  Beijiang City.

  Whether it is the 100,000 elite soldiers of the King of Northern Xinjiang or private soldiers are outside the city, far away from the crowd, so their mobilization layout has not affected the city, and the city is still lively.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong walked on the wide street, watching the people coming and going, and even felt a little relaxed.

  A five or six-year-old girl tugged on her mother's sleeve, "Mother, I want to eat candied haws."

  Niangqin smiled and said: "Okay, mother will buy it for you."

  A mother and daughter passed by, with happy smiles on their faces.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at them, couldn't help but also smiled, and watched the mother and daughter go away, she suddenly asked: "Jing Hong, can we sneak into the barracks and kill the fake Northern Border King?"

  Tang Jinghong understood what Chu Qingzhi meant, he stretched out his hand to hold Chu Qingzhi's hand, and said softly, "It's too late."

  When the fake northern king guessed their identities, he must have already started to lay out the plan and killed the fake northern king, but there was no way to take back his order.

  In northern Xinjiang, the soldiers of the army camp listen to the king of northern Xinjiang.

  As a general, he knew very well in his heart that even if the general died, the soldiers under him would follow the general's orders. This is the first duty of a soldier.

  What's more, if the soldiers know that the king of Beijiang was assassinated and died, it will arouse the soldiers' emotions and avenge the king of Beijiang.

   As for uncovering the mask of the fake Northern Border King, unless they can find the real Northern Border King to provide evidence, it will only be self-defeating.

   And the real king of Northern Xinjiang may have been turned into ashes long ago, where can I find it?

  Chu Qingzhi didn't say anything more, "Let's go find Wu Yaqing."

   Tang Jinghong nodded, "Yes."

  In the inn, Wu Yaqing, who was crazy about playing, was sleeping. She has been living in **** since she was a child, and she has never been so free as she is now. These few days are her happiest.

  Tang Jinghong stood in the corridor, Chu Qingzhi pushed the door in, "Ya Qing, Ya Qing..."

  Wu Yaqing fell asleep and did not respond.

  Chu Qingzhi walked to the bed, looked at Wu Yaqing who was sleeping like a piglet, and couldn't help sighing, this girl's heart is really big, "Yaqing, wake up."

  Wu Yaqing turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

  Chu Qingzhi laughed, she leaned slightly closer, "Yaqing, the hero Xiaoqing is back."

  Wu Yaqing immediately opened her eyes and sat up. When she saw Chu Qingzhi, she rushed over excitedly, "Hero Xiao Qing..."

  Chu Qingzhi was hugged, "Yaqing, you're going to strangle me to death."

  Wu Yaqing quickly let go of her embrace, and said thoughtfully: "Hero Xiaoqing, you are finally back, I miss you so much."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Wu Yaqing on the back, "We'll come back to you as soon as we're done."

  Wu Yaqing let go of Chu Qingzhi, looked up at her, "I thought you guys abandoned me and left."

  Chu Qingzhi sat on the edge of the bed, squeezed Wu Yaqing's face, and spoke like she was talking to her sister, "I said I would come back to you, why did I abandon you, don't you think we are back?"

  Wu Yaqing was in a high mood, "Hero Xiaoqing, you came back to find me, are you going to fight for justice elsewhere?"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Wu Yaqing, pondered for a while and said: "Yaqing, I really want to go to fight for justice, but this time I need your help. As long as you write a letter, you can save tens of thousands of lives."

   "Me?" Wu Yaqing pointed to her nose with disbelief on her face, "Where do I have such great ability?"

   "You have." Chu Qingzhi took the coat and put it on Wu Yaqing, pulled her off the bed, then called Tang Jinghong in, and the three of them sat at the table together.

  Wu Yaqing looked at the serious expressions of the two, and was a little scared, "Don't scare me, I'm timid."

  Tang Jinghong poured Wu Yaqing a cup of tea, and said slowly, "Princess Yunhua, please drink tea."

  Wu Yaqing's expression froze. Didn't they lie to her? She is well disguised, where did she show her secrets?

  Chu Qingzhi said softly, "You are Princess Yunhua, right?"

  After a while, Wu Yaqing took a deep breath, and reluctantly accepted the cruel reality, "How do you know?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "A lot of things have happened during this time, I just happened to know about it."

  Wu Yaqing's expression was not as joyful as before, and she looked at Yan Xixi, "Are you going to send me back to Anhuai country?" The queen mother must have offered a huge reward, there is no reason not to reward silver.

  Chu Qingzhi quickly said: "No, we won't interfere with the princess's going to live. We just want the princess to write a letter."

  Wu Yaqing recovered a bit, "You really don't interfere?"

  Chu Qingzhi said affirmatively: "No interference."

  Wu Yaqing relaxed, "Okay, what letter do you want me to write? Say it first, I won't write any letter that would harm An Huaiguo, even if you kill me, I won't write."

  Tang Jinghong's expression was solemn and serious: "Princess Yunhua, the letter we asked you to write is not to hurt Anhuai country, but to save Anhuai country!"

  When Wu Yaqing heard this, his expression suddenly turned serious, "What do you mean?"

  Tang Jinghong told her about the King of Beijiang, and also said that the King of Beijiang would probably join forces with An Huaiguo to fight Daling...

  After hearing this, Wu Yaqing became nervous and breathless, "The king of Northern Xinjiang is actually a fake! Then he didn't use my father?"

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong nodded to her together.

  Wu Yaqing loves the people of her own country very much, so she immediately decided to write a letter to the king and empress of Anhuai, telling them not to listen to the king of Beijiang.

   After writing the letter, Wu Yaqing looked up at the two of them, "Can you tell me who you are?"

  Knowing their true identities, I don’t know how the princess will react, so I don’t want to take that risk.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Princess, we will tell you after this matter is resolved, is that okay?"

  Seeing that both of them are people who serve the country and the people, Wu Yaqing thought for a moment and agreed, "I can't go back on my word."

  Chu Qingzhi said seriously, "I will definitely not regret it."

  Tang Jinghong took two letters, left the inn, called the secret guards, and delivered the letter and the princess' token.

  (end of this chapter)

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